
New member
Feb 27, 2009
An creaky old voice cleared it's throat, and the crowd parted to allow an even older looking woman to slowly move forwards. She moved slowly, but with a hint of grace, and her black dress swirled in her passing as if she was moving faster than she seemed. As she reached the front, she stood up straight and bowed formally, once to Arcturus and once to the other High Masters.

"I, too, am bound by duty to aid this quest," she said, her voice at once cracked with age and echoing with power, "And I will travel with it, as is my right as a Master here among the Guardians."

Removing her black pointy hat, she said clearly, "So say I, Nana BlueSky, as I accept this quest"

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Damien steepled his fingers over his staff, sighing. The World Tree had related all this to him, but he was still in shock. "Vlad the Impaler." Damien shuddered. He had visions of the Lords of each creature every now and then, but Vlad was the only one who truly frightened him. The house of Crellyx at least had self-control, but that man was a demon.

Damien sat next to the High Masters, considering the volunteers. He recalled each one, thinking about what they would contribute to the mission. They still lacked a healer, but possibly they could destroy anything that so much as blinked at them before it could hurt them. Damien looked at each one, noting their powers. A Chronomancer would be extremely helpful, if he knew the right spells. The Auramancer would help in case they needed to sneak past the Dragon's Nest in the Far Veil. Then he saw Ivan.

Damien's left eye twitched slightly as he saw Ivan. If anyone who knew Damien was watching him, they would haul Ivan to a place of safety, preferably on another continent. "Now you come back, after six fucking years!?! You are so screwed when the Council lets out!" Damien raged inside his head. Damien's rages were still as feared as in his youth. Still, he had learned to bottle it until he released it on the unfortunate victim. Damien calmed himself and reviewed the others.

An Imperiomancer, good for interrogation and scouting, a vampiric pyromancer, able to infiltrate and to attack, Nana BlueSky, who had conflicting magic signs but was apparently quite good, and finally, Silas Grey, a master Geomancer. Damien saw the signs of magic surrounding each Guardian, the vision granted by virtue of his connection to the root of all magic. Damien hearkened back to the times of High Master Eliza Grey, and only by the greatest force of will stopped himself from laughing at the memories of the old Sanctuary. Damien whispered quietly to Sabrina. "Worry not, I shall not let him die." Damien stood back to attention, looking to see if any more were brave enough to come forward.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Nana stood still, but her eyes were still sharp, and she saw the high Priest whisper to his neighbour, the werewolf, and as his lips moved, she knew the reassurances he offered.

Watching Damien carefully, she saw his attention focus on the other Geomancer, Castelle. There was tension there, and angered, buried deep. She wondered, briefly, how close the priest would be able to guard Silas with his emotions pushing his control.

She tried to catch his eye, hoping to communicate by a moment's eye contact


When in doubt, read the manuel
Apr 16, 2009
Seeing no one from his brethren step forward, Laurence sighed.
Are they all a bunch off cowards?
Giving this whole situation some thought Laurence decided to step forward.
This will bring great honour to my clan and to the cult. Plus those bastards of clan Mallan while be show that the Tennants aren't afraid of anything and can relied on to honour there word.
"I may be a mere Apprentice, but I won't let it be said that the Cult of the Moon doesn't honour there alliance. I Laurence of the Tennant clan will do what I can to help."

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Damien nodded. "Good, a Lycanthrope. While his presence might kill us all if we meet a vampire, the help of the Cult of the Moon is invaluable." He looked over the group once more, noticing Nana watching him closely. He returned the stare, wondering what she wanted.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Deios looked at nana bluesky suspiciously, watching the way she stared at damien, he said nothing but began to walk towards damien round the side so as not to be seen, he crept right up behind him, standing about a foot from his back and watched him closely.

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Damien noticed Deios creeping up behind him. He started to exude a barrier of pure magic behind him, forcing Deios to back up. It was unseeable, but the barrier was definitely palpable. "I like people to keep their space, thank you. If you have a question or a problem, please address it after the meeting, not coming up a foot behind me and staring over my shoulder like a stalker, thank you." Damien hissed to Deios, low enough so that no-one else might hear him.

Damien shook his head. He had a direct connection to the World Tree- even if he couldn't see people, he knew they were there by the presence of their magic. Only one untouched by magic could suprise him. He was nearly 70 for God's sake, he knew every trick in the book. Damien slammed his staff on the ground to gain attention. "Is there no-one else willing to go on this journey to the Veil? No-one shall blame you, but if you wish to go, speak now or forever fall silent." Damien's voice boomed, commanding even without magic.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
Habiev stood up, rolling his scimitar across his back and walking silently to the front of the room. "I've never had a problem walking into the fire before," he said, a flame dancing on his open palm. "I will represent my people, and walk to the veil."
Nice use of bolding. Are you the secondary for this one Xero?


New member
Jan 14, 2008
Silas stepped back, he knew who was about to present himself. A shadow flickered and moved an an Athame stood in all its toady height, orange flesh bulging under its garments. Holding a long spear tipped cruelly with a hooked tip. Growling a little, breaking from Athame speech to English he said "I am Cadre Leader Alaitoc, I serve the Witchknives and London Below. We shall care for the the artifact, as my kind are immune to such mental intrusions. You all who stand with us must know, the Void has no up or down, left or right. We shall go unto a place where no mortal must go and where we shall be threatened on every step. I have for a long time awaited the day I would lay eyes on the Guardians again. The Conclave of High Masters and the human Parliament has my loyalty and respect."

The High Masters scanned the crowd, and Sabrina stepped down at eye level with those who had chosen to go. "May the Great Guardians bless all of you, for your will is strong. Alaitoc is a good and honest Athame, guard him for he alone knows of what lays on the other side." she paused and put a hand on her son's shoulder "Go with honor and blessing of the Great Guardians, my son." he bowed his head and said "I will mother, I swear I will return."

Gabriel shouted over the murmuring crowd. "This meeting is adjourned, return to the Sanctuary."

The crowd moved back down the halls to the tall bronze gates emblazoned with the marks of the Guardians and their motto. Within, they went to their rooms except for two. Silas and Nicholas stood together for a moment, Silas began walking away but motioned for Nicholas to follow.
"Silas?" he asked.
"There is something here you might want to return to your masters back home in Europe." said Silas.

The Sanctuary was a long oval structure with two tiers of balcony and rooms above. At the center of the marble stone floor was a granite statue of an angel holding up the Sword of Libra, tarnished from its years in a dusty vault during London's reconstruction. There was a tall staircase carpeted in red velvet as the halls above were carpeted. On the first of two landings they turned left, towards the Archives. Books lined the shelves and the Masters who maintained the books and volumes skittered hither and yon. "Tarsus?" called Silas. A short and old man walked over and said "Mister Grey?"
"Is it still here?"
"I only just finished dusting its case."
"It is going home now, Tarsus. I'm sorry we can't keep it."
Tarsus bowed his head and sighed "It is for the best" he said, taking them deep in the Archives.

It was a book bound in golden filigree and brass, with an eye emanating light emblazoned on the cover. "The Illuminomicon, 800 pages and 35 cantos. Your people said they lost this ages ago, when we waited at the docks as they left for their new shores. They said it was special, the basis of a few of their tenants. I've read a copy, it is a wonderful book. I feel it must return home, to your people. The Rhyle gave us the Staff of the Preceptor an old Avalonian staff that once belonged to an ancient of the Grey family. It is fitting to reciprocate."


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Kin looked at Silas and nodded.
"Much appreciated. Ill make sure it gets home."
He cradled the book with a firm but gentle grasp. He had read parts of it, but had never been able to obtain a complete copy. So receiving the original was a true honor.

He could feel hundreds of years of history in the book as his hands ran across its surface. "This is absolutely beautiful." He said, a tone of admiration.From previous studies, he was familiar with most of the names that had been credited with writing it. His imperiomancy allowed him to read the pages without opening it.

After a moment had passed, he turned his attention to Silas.
"So, what will I be doing, specifically in this ordeal? I know my superiors sent me because the Guardians had an interest in my abilities. But they didnt disclose the nature of the job at hand."

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
deios surveyed the transaction from across the room, his eyes focused on the book, he paused for a moment then sat on a nearby bench, folding his arms and lowering his chin.
He was both excited and apprehensive about the journey into the veil, he scratched his chin, then settled down and waited, watching the people in the chamber silently.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
so this is kinda what Kins armor would look like if you used your imagination a bit.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
"The issue is deeper than you know, Kin."
Silas sighed and turned "It has been a long time sicne Ignacio died, but the evil he worked so hard to exorcise is still out there. The Dark Guardians, though I fail to see how they are like us, still exist and still possess many artifacts and powerful magicians. The Great Lords of the Dark are just the tip of the iceberg, theres many things in the Far Veil that could destroy everything. It is our job to be sure they never get that chance. Every evil thing trying to create a third betrayer is bad, it means these things that are more evil than the Fallen Ones would find ways into our world. Things beyond the powers of Gods, we'd be doomed and chaos would reign. The Soul Scourges, beings of pure malice and cruelty, they were damned to the furthest reaches of the Far Veil along with worse things. Unnameable, unknowable things. That sword is just one of many things that are fractions of that evil made manifest. Come with me tomorrow morning, I'll tell you a story about the Grey Family Demon."
Silas, done with his long speech, patted Nicholas on the shoulder "You are a rare warrior for this fight, you've fought some of these things from the furthest, evilest, darkest corners of the Far Veil. We both know if anyone knows evil, it is the Rhyle."

Silas left Nicholas there, leaving for his room to await the coming of the morning.
(That means time has passed)

The morning dawned early, the sunlight slanting through the skylight. The group was waiting on the High Priest's arrival, he supposedly was conversing with the Athame who was to protect the sword. "So, how do you think We'll get there?" Silas asked the group as they waited.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Kin stood in a ray of sun shining through. He basked in its warmth, standing still as a stone. His head was tilted up, eyes shut, almost as if he were asleep. He was in a pensive mood, turning the question over in his mind. He shuttered with warmth, the heat giving him goosebumps.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
The High Priest stepped forward "We travel with haste, for there is little time to loose. There is a motorcade awaiting us."

Outside, they were ushered into several shiny black motorcars and whisked off towards Southampton Docks, a ferry was waiting to take them to Avalon.

In the car with Silas was Deios, Silas took a small bit of metal and hovered it above his hand with a magnetic field. Silas was thinking about the Far Veil, he'd seen some drawing of Jahi and Kokyi, two small parasitic creatures from the Veil. He'd always heard rumors of the worse stuff that lived there, stuff that hadn't been discovered yet by mortals.

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
@Lord_Ascendant: I have very few rules, but one of them is No character control. I don't mind if you spam my message box with what you want me do do, after all, I like this RP as much as you do. Hell, I might come up with something you would love, but didn't think of. But when you control characters, then that defeats the whole purpose of an RP, as I can't enjoy it since I can't play the bloody character that I created. Thank you. I just had to get that off my chest, since I've had a shitload of people controlling my characters for a while now. You're the smallest infractor, and it's most definitely not all aimed towards you. But please, refrain from it except in the most dire of straits. Thank you, very much.

@Zetsubou: I have no idea. It's up to Lord_Ascendant. I'm still pretty sure the only reason Damien's important is because the old bastard's still alive after 50 years. The Avalon thing helps too.

In the car with Damien was Nana BlueSky and Ivan Castele. Damien snapped his fingers, causing a barrier to be inbetween them and the driver of the limo. He then snapped. He bunched up his hard hand into a fist and backhanded Ivan. He then grabbed the man by the collar with both hands and brought him up close and personal. "Six years." Damien growled. "six fuckin' years you disappear for, you goddamn little piece of shit, without so much as a single fuckin' warning!" Damien's swearing was legendary. Sailors approached him for hints and help how to curse. "Where the fuck were you, damn it! Answer me, you goddamn needledick! Do you know how fuckin' worried we were about you?"

If Ivan were to look into Damien's eyes, he would see genuine worry there, and even happiness that Ivan came back safely. Although he had a strange way of showing it, Damien truly cared about the well being of each and every one of the Guardians of Light, whether Initiate, Student, Apprentice, Guardian, Master, or even High Master. Damien felt responsible for each and every one of them, and was always anxious that they might not come back from a mission, earning him the nickname 'Grandfather Damien'.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Kin sat in the back of the car, he had on a light suit of armor under his robes. He had his mask out and was examining the round, polished gold surface. It was in his nature as a person and his nurture as a Rhyle to take excellent care of his gear. The mask had two leather straps; one to clip around the upper half of his skull, and another for the chin. The back piece that held it all together had his personal emblem, the Stewards Mark, on it. Each Rhyle had a Stewards Mark, and each one looked different from any others. They all however were combination's of circles, triangles and lines unique to that Rhyle. The back piece could easily clip into another metal component (which he did not have on him at this moment) which would make it a piece of full head gear, protecting almost all of his skull and the front of his neck.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
I understand Xero, won't happen again

Silas let the magic die and held the little piece of metal in his hand. An old nervous habit, it helped him concentrate, just letting a small piece of metal float in the air for a bit.

The ride in the motorcar was fast and the dock where the ferry was waiting approached rapidly. Silas rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and yawned.

The ferry itself did not take long to trundle its way out towards the Isle of Avalon, a green bump out between Ireland and mainland Britain. It took a while to grow on the horizon, as the ferry approached. "Why Avalon exactly as a leaving spot exactly, Damien? Better to keep the dark, yucky portals away from the mortals? Heh, that rhymed..." asked Silas of Damien, laughing a little at his funny.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
"worried? is that what they'd say? don't insult my intelligence, you, perhaps, might worry, but i already know where the high masters and other guardians stand, i'm the son of a traitor and so they judged me before i was even a gaurdian, my service and success mean nothing to the blind eyes of others, so why should i bother to tell you or anyone else where i have been?" Ivan was starting to get annoyed, he shouldn't need to explain himself, his hand was on the hilt of his sword.

have to leave, will edit in the rest when i get access


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Kin stood on deck, near the bow of the ship. He was sharing a pipe with one of the deckhands who was on break. His faint chuckle could be heard in the background.
"Is that right? hehe...." he said before taking a breath from the old wooden pipe. Then the deck hand took it explaining, "Times up, got` make ready our landin`."
Kin replied "Alright, have a good one"

He walked over to Silas,
"So when do I get to hear more about the Grey family? Ive read as much as I could get my hands on about you folks, but Id much rather hear it from you."
He looked out and saw Avalon in the distance. They still had some time.