The hairstyle thread! (Men and women)


New member
Dec 9, 2010
My hair length fluctuates a bit, but it tends to be: short on the sides, a little bit of length on the top. I like to keep it somewhat short because if I let it grow too long my friends start teasing me by saying it looks like Robert Patterson hair. Or worse, someone from One Direction.

In terms of maintenance: I just shampoo/condition it 3 times a week, as well as use some clay to style it.

These pictures are all kinda huge, so erg...warning.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
You're lucky you have dry hair. I take one shower and that's fucking it.

Just kidding, but at the same time not.

Proper response:

Like a ponytail and half a fringe. Or,

Hey, just the half fringe. (I know that's on a girl, latest one I could remember and reliably search for).

Rattails. They disgust me.

It may seem like I'm just promoting MGR concept art but really, bottom left is me about now, only light brown and a little shorter.

What I do: Wash it occasionally, and do not let scissors near it.

How long I take setting it up: I run my hands through it a few times. Brush it occasionally. Often people will tell me to brush my hair when I've already brushed it, so you can see how much of an effect it has.

How important: It's like an 8 or something. Not particularly how it looks, but as it's gotten longer I've put more time and effort into just having it attached to my head that I'm now pretty loathe to cut it, ever.

Useless observation: For anyone who has short hair, if you see someone brush hair out of their eyes, flick the underside of their hair outwards, move their head to move hair, run their hands through their hair, etc. they are likely not just being dramatic, and sometimes aren't even doing it consciously. As my hair has gotten longer I've just developed these little tics, they're almost waypoints. There was the point where my hair was long enough that flicking my head became one of the better ways of getting it out of my eyes. There was the point where it was more efficient to wring it like a towel that just squeeze it in preparation for attempting to dry it. Most recently, I've started to flick my hair out from around my neck whenever I put on a shirt or a backpack, because you have to or you lose your ability to nod or look down. Especially though, coming up face-first from water. I thought they just did that in movies to look sensual. They probably do. But fuck does it simplify swimming. I almost drowned once when I swam again for the first time since having decently long hair. Flicking it all back over your head though by throwing your head back, don't believe a fucking bar of it. That shit is edited.

EDIT: Oh and eyebrows like caterpillars in case anyone's building a mental picture.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
My current hair style: very very short.

My most loathed: my hair forms large, thick curls when it gets to a certain length. When it gets way too long, it becomes impossible to control and I get permanent bedhead. I hate that.

My favourite hair style: between really short and unruly. I like it when the back begins to curl and the hair in front of my ears begins curling.

How do I keep it how I like it: I don't. I wait until it gets unbearable, then get it cut really short and let the process begin anew.

Time spent on hair: Very little. Less than a minute. Its just a matter of making sure its not pointing in too many crazy directions.

Importance of hair on scale of 0 - 10: 2. I care only when it gets completely uncontrollable.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
-What is your favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?

Men: Either short and spiky or long and straight. Dunno really why. Probably because it looks neat. And because I can at least attempt to pull it off, I suppose.

Women: Long, straight or wavy and down, not tied up or anything. Colour doesn't matter. Although I appreciate it can be a ***** to manage. And I like it because it looks sexy. Not much else to say, I guess.

-Your least favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?

Dreadlocks, has to be dreadlocks. On men or women. I'd prefer they be bald. Looks dirty and messy, like the person hasn't bathed in a month.

-What hairstyle do you currently have (pics encouraged, they can be googled or you can upload an image of your hair)?

Short and spiky. Usually get it cut every 5 weeks or so. This is about it's average length.

-What do you do (if anything) to keep the hairstyle you have? This isn't just about gels used to keep its shape, but also what you do/use to keep your hair's texture and level of moisture.

Uh, well I wash it every day. That's about it. If I'm going out then I'll put mousse or wax in it to stick it up, but that's about it. Maybe I'll hairdry it if it's getting long.

-How long do you spend setting your hair up (styling it, if you do)?

No more than five minutes, even if I'm going out.

-How important is your hair on a scale of 0 to 10 (zero being "I don't give a damn how my hair looks" and 10 being "My world falls apart if it isn't exactly the way I want it")?

Probably a 5. I dunno. I wash it when I get up in the morning to get rid of bed hair. It's not very long so there aren't many ways for it to go reeeally wrong. I do like it looking nice though.


Christ, I realise I just spent 20 minutes on a necro.


New member
Jun 9, 2013
-What is your favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
On females I like long hair, but it has to have some sort of model. Not just long hair at one length. For men I prefer half-long hair, from ears to chin. I don't like shoulderlength hair.

-Your least favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
Lots of older women here cut their hair really short, but not in a pretty way, just so they don't have to put a lot of work into it. Short hair on females often looks badass, and it's your right to do with it what you want, but there is nothing wrong with trying to look good. Long hair can look great on males, but not everyone can pull it off, and you should take care of it properly. Nobody likes greasy hair.

-What hairstyle do you currently have (pics encouraged)?
I'm the kind of person that can look good with either long hair and short hair. I had really long hair, but cut it for charity. I had hair like Arya from Game of Thrones then, but now I am letting it grow again and it's past my shoulders.

-What do you do (if anything) to keep the hairstyle you have? This isn't just about gels used to keep its shape, but also what you do/use to keep your hair's texture and level of moisture.
I wash my hair every day (I know that's being discouraged but it works best for me), I also use conditioner every day. I don't blow dry hair because it's bad for your hair.

-How long do you spend setting your hair up (styling it, if you do)?
I usually wear my hair in a ponytail or a bun, but my fringe isn't long enough and always falls around my face. I try to make it look as good as possible, but it never takes me long to get ready.

-How important is your hair on a scale of 0 to 10 (zero being "I don't give a damn how my hair looks" and 10 being "My world falls apart if it isn't exactly the way I want it")?
My hair is my favourite part of my face. I put a lot of effort of thought into making it look good but not putting in too much time. I am really glad that I can pull off a lot of hairstyles, and often try to experiment with it. I would say a seven.

I had lots of fun seeing how everyone wears their hair different here, because at high school all the girls seem to be having the same. Most girls are really self-conscious at this age and scared to look different. I do hope this will change however.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well, im generally not picky about other peoples' hair as long as it's not dirty or very unwashed. I'm ok with almost anything. Though i have to say that on women at least i find this new, partially shaved thing very hot. I'm not even sure why, but the very first time i saw that on a girl i was in love with it. I don't like it on men though, again, not sure why.

For myself, i always liked having long hair. But my hair has been falling out for about 8-9 years and now i'm almost bald. OHHHHH GOOOOODDDDSSSS WHYYYYYYY????!!?!!?!? I JUST WANT MY HAIR BACK, MY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL HAIR BACK!!!! I WOULD GIVE ALMOST ANYTHING TO HAVE IT BACK, A YEAR OF MY LIFE, TWO, FIVE WHATEVER! :(((( I tried so many things but nothing worked. nothing.


New member
May 19, 2013
I actually just got my hair braided on Monday. Normally I get it done longer but I felt like a change. You can't really see it in these pics but the braids are dark purple.

I can't really say that I have a favorite hairstyle, my hair's been all over the place. So long as it's neat I'm fine with anything.

Scolar Visari

New member
Jan 8, 2008
Qwurty2.0 said:
-What is your favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
On men, I couldn't care less. Whatever works for them and doesn't look like hammered ass.

On women, I like the shorter close to the scalp styles. I guess you'd probably call them Pixie cuts.
-Your least favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
None really. As long as it's semi-presentable I couldn't care less.
-What hairstyle do you currently have (pics encouraged, they can be googled or you can upload an image of your hair)?
I wear a Hitler Youth of varying lengths depending upon my work schedule and a variety of other things.

I also rarely switch over to the warhawk for special occasion. No pictures because they're bad juju.
-What do you do (if anything) to keep the hairstyle you have? This isn't just about gels used to keep its shape, but also what you do/use to keep your hair's texture and level of moisture.
I wash my hair frequently and try to moisturize it as well. I only use the smallest bit of gel to help control it if I need to look particularly presentable.
-How long do you spend setting your hair up (styling it, if you do)?
All of two minutes to comb it.
-How important is your hair on a scale of 0 to 10 (zero being "I don't give a damn how my hair looks" and 10 being "My world falls apart if it isn't exactly the way I want it")?
4. I'd rather it look nice when I have the chance, but I'm not afraid to shave it all off in a moments notice if need be. It'll all grow back eventually.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
-What is your favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
Boys: Short, mostly.
Girls: Both long and short (the type that does not reach the shoulder)

-Your least favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
Bowl-cut. Good-earth-mother, it drives me insane. Just want to drag the person to a barbrer and get their hair fixed. Also, while it works for the girls, I can´t stand bangs that "rests on the forehead", in other words, where is seems like the people did not dried their hair after washing it and just left it...ugh, uggly-buggly.

-What hairstyle do you currently have (pics encouraged, they can be googled or you can upload an image of your hair)?
I have shoulder long, thick hair, but almost no matter what I do, I always end up with M-bangs. Sort of fits.

-What do you do (if anything) to keep the hairstyle you have? This isn't just about gels used to keep its shape, but also what you do/use to keep your hair's texture and level of moisture.
Wash it. I only use hair gel if I am going to parties or something like that

-How long do you spend setting your hair up (styling it, if you do)?
2 mins. 5 if I style it. Know what I want and the job is done quick.

-How important is your hair on a scale of 0 to 10 (zero being "I don't give a damn how my hair looks" and 10 being "My world falls apart if it isn't exactly the way I want it")?
Hmmm....would say...5/10. I don´t really care much, but I have my limits to what´s acceptable by my standards.


Oct 28, 2013
Short hair and a short boxed beard for maximum functionality. Suitable for anything from fishing or mowing the lawn to impersonating a Taliban warlord or being the 27th man in the Iranian Embassy siege. Hair means little to me as long as it doesn't fall out and leave me looking like the shit Max Payne. It's hair, that's it.

Having said that, I can't actually stand near people with Bieber-style hair without wanting to kick them.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
-What is your favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
For women, it depends on the woman. A crew cut is too short, and I dislike artificial color. I can dig pretty much anything else as long as it suits the wearer. I don't really notice hairstyles on guys unless it's something extreme, like a mohawk, or extremely stupid, like a mullet.

-Your least favorite hairstyle and why (pics encouraged)?
Dreadlocks. They look dirty, unkempt, and nasty. There is simply no excuse.

-What hairstyle do you currently have (pics encouraged, they can be googled or you can upload an image of your hair)?
Essentially it's just stubble. I do it myself with a beard trimmer every month or two, just take the guard off and go for blood. My hair is disgustingly greasy (before anyone comments, I wash every day, sometimes twice) and infuriatingly immune to product of any kind. Keeping it short is the only thing I can really do.

-How important is your hair on a scale of 0 to 10 (zero being "I don't give a damn how my hair looks" and 10 being "My world falls apart if it isn't exactly the way I want it")?
0. My hair has nothing but contempt for me, so I don't bother with it except to wash it and hack it down regularly.

The stubble is done out of necessity, but it shows my pragmatic, practical nature, and indifference to fashion. Of course, it also makes me look like a white supremacist, but that's another discussion.