The haters of Halo


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Sylocat said:
Hate to repeat myself here, but my point is being ignored: All the critics and fanboys are insisting that Halo is much better than other FPS's out there (as evidenced by the 10/10 scores beign tossed at it), but nobody can give any coherent explanation as to what exactly makes it so much better.


Yes, I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but nobody has answered the question.
Maybe no one here is answering you because no one here is asserting that it's so much better? I can only answer for myself, but, I never said that Halo is an objectively better game than Half-Life or Quake; I only said that someone who prefers Halo to other FPSes doesn't necessarily lack taste.

As for came critics giving it a 10/ what? That doesn't mean they think it was *better* than any other FPS. That just means they think no FPS is better than it--I mean, this isn't women's gymnasitcs at the Olympics or something, that no one else has ever gotten a 10/10. A quick check on Metacritic shows that the original Halo only scored a point higher than either Half-Life, and both Half-Life games scored two points higher than Halo 3.

I mean, I totally agree with you that anyone who says 'Halo might as well be the only FPS out there it's so good' is a moron. The reason your question keeps going unanswered--no one disagrees with you. The problem is you're mistaking someone preferring Halo to every other FPS to someone thinking *everyone* with any taste *must* prefer Halo to every other FPS.

Maybe you're starting to sound like a broken record because your question is "why does anyone who likes Halo think it's the Nadia Comaneci of FPSes" and well, no one here does. Your question is for fanboys and no one here is one of them. Your problem with 10/10 scores is that you're acting like it's the only FPS to ever get so many 10/10 scores, and well, it isn't.
My rant was directed at NickCaligo42, actually. You I don't have quite as big a grievance with. :)

I just take issue with people like the thread-starter, who go on these circular attacks on people who don't like the game, and accuse us of hating it "just because it's more popular than blah blah." I don't hate it, but I simply cannot enjoy playing it because of the bad taste left in my mouth from all the hype. It was held up so high and it wound up being completely lackluster. Everyone was saying it was fantastic but nobody was saying why.

In answer to your question "Why isn't it impressive to you?", which I realize wasn't directed at me but I'll answer it anyway, it isn't impressive because it's all been done before. It's not bad at all, in fact in some ways it's quite good, but it stands out from the crowd in no way whatsoever.

Oh, and BTW, you've made some valid points, but this sentence: "As for came critics giving it a 10/ what? That doesn't mean they think it was *better* than any other FPS. That just means they think no FPS is better than it", I simply cannot make heads or tails of. In addition to the fact that it makes no grammatical sense, it's simply not true.

(P.S. When was the last time I said anything good about Half-Life?)