Keava said:
I mean innovantion in actual artistic form of a movie, not technological innovation, which for me barely matters when i watch the end-product. Did it revolutionize the industry? Honestly, i am not sure. I hear about such changes every now and then, and if i would be to sum them up we would end up in the future already.
Massiveness is odd sort of value, technology moves forward each year and so does implementation of special effects and more advanced filming methods is made easier. You can't really compare them to what was available when Star Wars was first made, or even what was possible 15 years ago, just look at videogames from 1995 and 2000, you will see the difference.
As for the whole filming from the get go, keep in mind it was not original scenario but adaptation of a book written over 50 years before, well established 'brand' that had millions of fans all over the world. Hard to really compare such luxury to Star Wars that was a new idea, still being planned and fleshed out.
Actually, there aren't many changes. It looks like there is, but there isn't. Between Star Wars and LotR, the only significant jump was Jurassic Park. There was plenty of other attempts(like Tron) but none sticked. Even in terms of sets, there was nothing like this since the days of the grand epics like Lawrence of the Arabia or Cleopatra. It was massive.
It was a big jump. One much bigger than most people seem to realize. Avatar? That's nothing compared to what LotR did almost 10 years before. They already did Avatar with Gollum. Actually that was what Weta did on Avatar. Same shit, but with the fancy pants camera of James Cameron.
Also I'm not sure you know how movie industry actually works. Having an already established fanbase doesn't really matter, if what the producer is selling is not that good movie wise.
This was what Peter Jackson was selling in the 90's:
A 3 movie deal. It will cost seas of dollars. It's considered unfimmable. Directed by a B-Movie director. Special effects by the Hercules and Xena crew.
It's Fantasy.
Can you name a fantasy movie based on a book, that actually made lots of success before Lord of the Rings? The only one was made 70 years before LotR, and people saw it cause it was the first in colour. Since Wizard of Oz there was no fantasy film that made big bucks.
Massive big bucks. They tried. Like Conan. That went okay, not great and Conan has a big fanbase, and the only good thing it did was launching Schwarzenegger career.
Most of them hurt companies. There was much more affluence in science fiction, than fantasy in what comes to cinema. It has been the norm since Star Wars. Science Fiction does better on cinema. Period.
LotR wasn't a good sell to no studio. No matter how much fanbase it had. Star Wars compared to LotR project, is a safe project. Most important Star Wars was made by an independent studio, something that LotR could not be.
From a commercial point of view of a studio, financing this project was like burning cash. Lucky for Peter Jackson, there was a studio that had the amounts of crazy to say "Here have 400 million dollars go nuts with it.". Keep in mind that this was in the late 90's not late 00's. And that Peter Jackson had no real career at that point. "From director of Braindead" isn't a good sell to a major audience.
So that was what Lord of the Rings project was in 1996. Too expensive and no way to be sure that it would be a major success. That's 3 movies. Imagine if the fellowship of the ring was absolute crap, that it would even scare the fans of the book. What then? The studio had two more films done, that would be box office failures. No one wanted to take that risk back then.
By the twist of fate one did, the movies were a major success and a whole new window of movie opportunities was open.
Studios are now taking more risks. Some times it works, others not. Stuff like A Song of Ice and Fire now can be filmed, without LotR, that would never happen. Even the comeback of Super Heroes movies can be attributed to LotR, as studios had more courage to take on these adaptations that would not come cheap.
Lot of things changed cause of LotR.