"The Know" app is what Peeple has nightmares of


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
FPLOON post="18.883052.22266853" said:
Well, that's it... Fuck it! I'm finally changing my identity phone number! Sorry, very important people in my life and Barbrah, it's looks like I can't trust anyone anymore... Time to finally close up shop...
Other than that, if anyone ask, I am a PAD and everything else that they say about me involving orgies and BJs are bullshit rumors!
008Zulu said:
Rooster Teeth entertainment has a show called "The Know". I wonder if this app qualifies as copyright infringement.
I thought so too... which would have made this news more funny than it needs to be for me... :p


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Fieldy409 said:
So people who are paranoid about who they date are going to get to hear biased opinions with possible lies and half truths from disgruntled ex'es.... Great.

and thats before you consider the possibility of murderers and rapists using it to gather information on a targets routine...
To be fair, sounds like you could also just fill in your own details to get put into anonymous conversations with people about yourself. Counteract that negative bias with positive bias :p


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Great...another potentially harmful and malicious app that I have to align my sights on.

Welp, gotta grab the crew and shoot this annoying goose down.


New member
May 16, 2014
I'm pretty sure that you're able to insist on getting your stuff permanently deleted if you happen to get a review in that app. If you can write a letter to Facebook it will work the same in a small app like that.
When I think about it... probably this app will be banned anyway. At least here in the EU.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
The Rogue Wolf said:
Anyone who's even tangentally worked in customer service of any kind knows that people are about ten times as likely to complain as they are to praise. Add to that the fact that we feel justified in wronging people who we think have wronged us first, and you end up with the only people really being interested in using something like Peeple or The Know seeking to denigrate others.

The only people who could be in favor of this are either utterly clueless or seeking to profit from that situation.
This is going to be a titanic disaster when it inevitably gets hacked. And it *will* get hacked. Mobile apps with personal information and/or naked pictures get hacked all the time, and this thing sounds like it'd be a treasure trove of personal information and (potentially) chat logs if those are saved server-side.