The last Game you Over Hyped about ?


New member
Nov 11, 2008
We all know the time when after waiting for so long
and so much anticaption you finally get your hands on the game and that shock
from it is one the greatest feelings in the Gaming culture.

When was your Over Joyed moment when you got a game ?


This game had been a part of my life, it made me who i am today
it was the one thing i looked forward to, it kept me motivated to attend the hell (School)


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots


For Four years i waited, i waited four years for this game, it is the only game that i pre ordered, after so long watching each day as Royal mail would run past my street and realsing it wasn't for me, after every grand trailer, after every promise i spent 4 years of my life waiting for this Game. this game was the reason i bought a PS3 at launch.

in the last few weeks of the game release i would scavange through all the mail look in every nook and cranny just in case my parents hid it from me.

but it was never there. soon i had to mentally block my excitement making the days go faster
Then one day i came home and saw it still wasn't there i aksed my mom because it should have been released yesterday.
she gave that type of answer that tries to hide a obvious truth.

It was HERE,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but out of sight

i couldn't let my excitement get the best of me so i let my patience take over i went to get a towel to hit the shower.....
my mom said to go to my brothers room
I ran their and there he was just on his computer like nothing was going to happen

After some Small talk he reached up his cupboard and took out a huge envelope

he said "It came on wednesday" ,,,,,,, thats was the launch day !
he threw it on the bed i grabbed and opened it with so much care

and there it was in bubble wrap in a shiny new case

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots !

I digged it out
Then time stopped for 1 min i was in shock looking at the case
i finally picked my jaw off the floor and said in a relived voice "I'm Holding Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots ! "

i just kept repeating that phrase to my brother for a good 30 seconds

I had a HUGE oppifany (When you Realise something) and it was one of the greatest moments for me
After waiting for something for so long i finally had it in the palms of my hands and DAM it felt good the rush of energy the floatiness you feel the huge amount of dopimine running around your body !

after that i spent 10 mins bowing down thanking God.

So what was your last great game opening moment ?


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
For me this HAS to be Halo 3, I remember the hype around it, it built up so much in those painful last few weeks. You know those AWFUL last few weeks before release, I'd just be sitting around in my house not doing anything because I was WAITING for the game to come out. I would have dreams about playing Halo 3, then wake up to discover it wasn't real. My friends and I all got together and made a rule, everyone wait until eight o'clock so we are all playing the game at the same time. I remember the day it came to me, it was there in my house and the wait until eight nearly killed me. Fingers shaking as eight o'clock approached I placed the divine disk into my humble 360 and started playing. I listened to the great Halo theme with my eyes closed in utter bliss before creating the elite player avatar you see on my profile picture.
When the game finally started and I heard the opening music I just was in danger of passing out in excitement. Halo 3, I was actually playing Halo 3.

It was the most happy I've ever been with a game console ever. My friends and I took the release of Halo 3 and made it into an event that I think I'll remember the rest of my life.

If this makes me a fanboy here this:

"If playing video games you love makes me a fanboy, then I'd rather be a fanboy who plays something he actually likes then someone who only plays the games everyone else plays."


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Kingdom Hearts 2

I was waiting for 5 damned years...and when it was finally released in the UK, I ran out to the shops and bought it.

I put the game into the console...and almost lulled myself to sleep with the opening song.

Then I got to play the game...not as great as I expected, but still pretty awesome.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Hmm, I think it was TF2, I was downloading it at a friends house ( his internet is better than mine) and he would taunt me while it was downloading by playing it on his shiny monitor. 5 Hours and a dozen bag of Walkers later I was backstabbing him as a Spy. Quite a good day.


Swarm Agent
Sep 12, 2008
Fable 2, which was also my biggest disappointment, but in great moments like that is awarded to halo 3, i remember getting the legendary box and i could feel the excitement building up in me, i didnt feel tired despite the midnight release and opening the box to reveal the helmet is listed as my greatest gaming moment ever. Next game that comes close to fable on my hype meter is prototype, which is high, but halo 3 was like comparing an ant to elephant. (and i was one of the people who was not disappointed)


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Fallout 3. Actually went out to get this game, instead of picking it up while browsing. It was fun for a but, but didn't hold my attention in the same way as, say, Morrowind (I still play
Morrowind, despite having it for at least three years, while I don't touch Fallout.)
May 17, 2007
I thought this thread was going to be about games you over-hyped so much they ended up disappointing you (Fallout 3, for me).

I love my DS and I really liked GTAIV, so when I heard GTA was coming to the DS and was going to be good my hands just about started to shake. I bought it on launch day, but I haven't dared play it yet - I'm in the middle of an intense year of university, so I'm waiting for a holiday. But it's up there on the shelf, still in its plastic, calling to me...

I am really trying not to over-hype it, because I know hype kills thrills, but people keep making comments about how good it is. Damn them! :p

Sebenko said:
I still play Morrowind, despite having it for at least three years, while I don't touch Fallout.
Morrowind was the first game I tried to play when I finally got a graphics card for my PC a few months ago. I didn't get into it. Maybe it takes a little while... but I just wasn't having fun for the first hour, so I haven't gone back to it. I'd heard a lot of people sing its praises, so I think hype is partly to blame on that one.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Inconsistancies Arise said:
Fable 2, which was also my biggest disappointment, but in great moments like that is awarded to halo 3, i remember getting the legendary box and i could feel the excitement building up in me, i didnt feel tired despite the midnight release and opening the box to reveal the helmet is listed as my greatest gaming moment ever. Next game that comes close to fable on my hype meter is prototype, which is high, but halo 3 was like comparing an ant to elephant. (and i was one of the people who was not disappointed)
Yeah I'm one of those people too, I wasn't dissapointed either. Believe it or not there are actually many people who weren't dissapointed by Halo 3.
And yeah after the endearing release that was Fable 1, I had been hoping for something great with Fable 2 and while certainly not bad I am convinced it wasn't anywhere NEAR as good as the original.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
F.E.A.R. 2
I liked the game it wasn't shit your pants scary but it had a nice freaky feeling and an ending to make the whole game more disturbing.
but it was over way too soon the game should be twice as long and I hated the stupid loading times within the game totally disrupting the flow of gameplay.
I am kinda sorry I bought it at full price while it is certainly worth a budget price it's not a game I haoped it would be.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
I thought, from the thread title, that we were gonna post about games we over-hyped then got hugely let down by. I was all gearing up to post "Twilight Princess".

To be honest, most of the games I've absolutely loved have been ones that've surprised me. Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4, Mass Effect, Skies of Arcadia all spring to mind, and they were games I just tried out for the Hell of it and ended up loving.

All the games I've hyped up (Halo 2, Twilight Princess, Fable II...) have been disappointing (although I still like Fable II a lot).


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Fable 2 left me feeling very very silly for getting so excited about it, since then i have learned to only hype in a quiet, caustious manner.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Vrex360 said:
Inconsistancies Arise said:
Fable 2, which was also my biggest disappointment, but in great moments like that is awarded to halo 3, i remember getting the legendary box and i could feel the excitement building up in me, i didnt feel tired despite the midnight release and opening the box to reveal the helmet is listed as my greatest gaming moment ever. Next game that comes close to fable on my hype meter is prototype, which is high, but halo 3 was like comparing an ant to elephant. (and i was one of the people who was not disappointed)
Yeah I'm one of those people too, I wasn't dissapointed either. Believe it or not there are actually many people who weren't dissapointed by Halo 3.
And yeah after the endearing release that was Fable 1, I had been hoping for something great with Fable 2 and while certainly not bad I am convinced it wasn't anywhere NEAR as good as the original.
I also fell prey to the hype of Fable II. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it and have seen it through to the end more than once, but all these features they made sound so amazing just weren't there. The dog did next to fuck all, online co-op was shite, and where was the free roaming?


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
Falien said:
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - pure bliss.
Me too, I worked for a company that distributed games so I was allowed to take a game from the warehouse one or two days ealier than release for "marketing research" purposes, so clearly I did it with Metroid, and Resident Evil 4.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
barbie super sports.

I remember thinking to myself... Whoa this will be a great game! I CAN BE BARBIE AND HAN GOUT WITH HER FRIENDS! no. Dont let that little fact make you wanna cry on the inside when you start the game and you cannot be ken as well. Games were mediocre. and never has ken been available so i could be him for a bit! really, Barbie team, Get your acted together and deliver a game the fans want! wait...

oh, and spore :)

Curiosity's Cat

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Spore. I had access to a friend's demo character creator and I made about 15 different characters before the game came out. I was all pumped, I'd pre-ordered the special edition... what a waste of fricken money.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
gotta be prototype when I sa w the gameplay of him in armour form runnig down the street knocking cars away like they are nothing i said to myself "richard, u must buy this game even if it means ur gf gets another gilmour girls boxset"

before that i would say fallout 3