The Last Guardian Team is "Re-Engineering," Says Yoshida


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I can't believe how much Duke Nukem Forever is being thrown around. Just because a game has been in development for many years, even an excessive amount, doesn't mean that you end up with a cobbled-together mess. I have faith in this game. Ueda is meticulous as a designer, even Colossus was supposed to be an MMO-type multiplayer thing before it became legendary for its loneliness and barren landscapes.

Basically, DNF was a game that went through multiple companies, each of different size and capital, engines, and piggy-backing of FPS games that came in the interim, all with an adherence to a protagonist who's shtick was ironically dated before DNF even began.

From what I understand, TLG has gone through the director's departure and eventual return. He probably scrapped things that were created during his absence, and now Sony would rather they beef up the assets and things for a PS4 release due to the time that's passed. Same developer, same publisher, same director.

I don't think Sony is stupid, their willingness to let auteurs off the leash has given us Journey, Flower, God of War, Heavy Rain (your appreciation may vary), Katamari, and of course Ico/SotC. If this "re-engineering" is to make it a PS4 game, then they obviously think the game is capable of selling systems.

One other point since I'm wasting my life here, the way Ico/Sotc were and how Ueda makes games, it would be really difficult for TLG to end up "dated" on release the way DNF was. It will probably not make pop culture references spanning a decade's time, poke fun at other games that have released in the meantime, or rely on tons of mechanics that have been refined and done better in the last 7 years. Or maybe my optimism is fueling some wishful thinking. I'm just glad the game isn't dead, the presence of news at all is good news to me.