The Last of Us Movie "Won't Come Out For Years"


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
The Last of Us Movie "Won't Come Out For Years"

The Last of Us's creative director Neil Druckmann hopes the film adaptation will be more than a "poor imitation of the game."

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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Neil Druckmann hopes the film adaptation will be more than a "poor imitation of the game."
The simple fact that it's being made at all means it's going to be. Taking the interactivity out of the game means it'll poorer as a result. Like every other game-to-movie adaptation.

Also kind of a slap in the face to Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson who owned those roles.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
"Oh please great hollywood, show us stupid game developers how to make our shit story good!"
-Naughty Dog

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
"Let's turn this cinematic experience into...a cinematic experience."

But you could do worse than get Maisie Williams, if you're intent on doing this.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Seems kind or redundant to me.

I mean, a movie set in the same world or from different perspective, sure, worth a shot, but why bother making the same thing agin in live action?


New member
Apr 7, 2014
Casual Shinji said:
Neil Druckmann hopes the film adaptation will be more than a "poor imitation of the game."
The simple fact that it's being made at all means it's going to be. Taking the interactivity out of the game means it'll poorer as a result. Like every other game-to-movie adaptation.

Also kind of a slap in the face to Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson who owned those roles.
It's interesting to note that Troy Baker himself has the following to say about actors "owning" roles.

Troy Baker on actors "owning" a role[/youtube]

(relevant bit comes 21 minutes and 8 seconds in)

Small tidbit:

You can never "own" a role. You're merely a custodian of it for a while.

So yeah, Troy Baker himself doesn't seem to mind.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Kinda disappointed honestly, I was hoping for a new story in the same world, but well, it may end up being good. I will hold out hope that.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Why the flying fuck are we still giving blowjobs to the industry that made daredevil, cat in the hat live action, the lorax CGI, Garbage pail kids, The Room, Junior, Gerry, Trash Humpers, and Sweet Movie? Hell, they're making a CGI dumbo. Right now.

We've been making bad tie in games for years, every game based movie also sucked, and now this.

We're not hollywood. I don't care how many game based movies they make. That's a good thing. Wing Commander Privateer was great. GTA games I find to be pretty great. Saints Row games too. Skyrim, I love that game. Most nintendo games. The Dark Souls games. All of them were pretty good.

I don't see why we keep sucking off hollywood. Games are not movies. They were never designed to be movies. And most movies based on them have been shit! Except for wreck it ralph, which I heard was okay.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Racecarlock said:
Why the flying fuck are we still giving blowjobs to the industry that made daredevil, cat in the hat live action, the lorax CGI, Garbage pail kids, The Room, Junior, Gerry, Trash Humpers, and Sweet Movie? Hell, they're making a CGI dumbo. Right now.

We've been making bad tie in games for years, every game based movie also sucked, and now this.

We're not hollywood. I don't care how many game based movies they make. That's a good thing. Wing Commander Privateer was great. GTA games I find to be pretty great. Saints Row games too. Skyrim, I love that game. Most nintendo games. The Dark Souls games. All of them were pretty good.

I don't see why we keep sucking off hollywood. Games are not movies. They were never designed to be movies. And most movies based on them have been shit! Except for wreck it ralph, which I heard was okay.
I find it funny that I finished TLoU a day before seeing World War Z. The difference in quality was staggering. Video games are a young vibrant industry in their prime. Hollywood is a drunk old man reminiscing about the good old days while stroking his ego. As saruman would say, the time of Hollywood is over. The time of interactive story telling has begun.

We don't have to suck movies dick anymore. Games are already superior, people just haven't all caught on yet. Let them make their movie, I'll laugh when the game makes 10x as much money.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I have never understood the point of turning games into movies. Comics and books I can understand. With comics you have to buy issues just to get to the end of a story and not everyone likes to read. With a game though you already have everything. Some people could argue that they don't have time to play the game or that it was hard. In that case just go watch a let's play on YouTube.

Turning the last of us into a movie is just a bad move all around. I loved what Sqare-Enix did though and how they created Advent Children. It should be the developer that makes the movie.