The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
"Fair enough Tostundir. My name is Evangeline. And you can know the rest once we make it through this."
Tostundir returned Evangeline's smile. "Very well then, Evangeline".
"I need to go rejoin my people, but what about you? Do you have any plans?"
He considered this question for a moment. "... Survive?" He felt that that summed up his plans pretty well. At least I'm better equipped than most other people in the city, he thought to himself as they began heading into the streets. "As far as I can tell, the best thing would be to head to the airdocks. The... er... pillagers, for lack of a better word, will probably also be heading there as the most valuable property is going to be there. Also, it'll cut off the escape from the city for most people, unless they have access to private docks", he remarked as he stared studiously at the ground in front of him.
"Either way, it would be best to head there as that is where we will be able to make the largest impact of the enemy's forces." He slammed his fist into his hand for effect. "And of course, if there are any difficulties, then we can make good on our escape from there more easily than anywhere else." He continued, "And another thing: like minded individuals are likely to converge there for those selfsame reasons." At this, he looked up and grinned, moving his left arm to flex the strength assistor he'd mounted. It gave out a satisfying burst of steam as he did this.

He abruptly turned back to the street in front. "So what about you? Do you have any idea where your ... 'people' ... will be at this stage? I should think that they will be heading for the airdocks as well. That is, if they have any sense of self-preservation." He added the last part as he had heard of pirates that didn't. Furthermore, he was under the impression that those who did were in the minority. That said, the emergence of this Evangeline lady did alter his preconceptions. It seemed that today was a good day to learn something new. He hoped that the knowledge would not be wasted in his death, as the sounds of conflict drew nearer and nearer.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Evangeline raised a questioning eyebrow when Tostundir mentioned 'like minded individuals', it made her wonder if he could really be that idealistic. Evangeline figured most of the response would be from the military and guards, while most normal folk would just do what they could to keep their heads down.

When he talked about self-preservation she couldn't help but give an exasperated snort and roll her eyes. She should be so lucky. "Unfortunately I do. Saw them in your spyglass." She motioned in the direction of the balcony. "They're right in the thick of it as I guessed." She considered for a moment, she did feel like she owed this Tostundir something. "But if you want me to take you to the airdocks first, I'll do that. Try not to take too long in deciding though." She clearly was speaking of the approaching noise though she could tell it was still a ways off.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Zavier heard the sounds of fighting outside. They were getting progressively louder. He didn't like that. Time was ticking down slowly, and he was increasingly certain that the pirates weren't returning, or would return too late to do anything. He had hoped they would come back to the ship, they would certainly make escaping easier, however, he also knew that they weren't strictly necessary, just convenient. With the sounds of battle slowly creeping toward them, convenience was being rapidly outweighed by necessity.

"We can't wait much longer." He said to Tara. "We need to leave soon. Scorchers or no. This is getting too risky." He quietly began creeping around the hold, slowly making his way to the door. He could reasonably steer the ship, he considered, hopefully Tara would be all the crew he'd need to get airborne and away from the capital. The airways would be watched, but he'd take his chances steering the ship in the air than waiting in a box on the ground any day.


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
Tara was snug as a bug into a rug, except the sounds of fighting was getting louder and time was ticking on. The Scorchers looked to the too busy enjoying the chaos. Sky Pirates were always short on thoughts of self-preservation, in contrast to Tara, who had crept on the line between life and death, only saved by the services she gave to the Republic, and didn't want to be in that place ever again. The city was being torn apart, it was time to get out of here, bugger the pirates. They could always rape and pillage their way to another airship, an option Tara wouldn't even think of. Getting to her homeland and getting Uleth free of Republican occupation was the priority, not the lives of pirate scum.

"We can't wait much longer." He said to Tara. "We need to leave soon. Scorchers or no. This is getting too risky."

Tara was glad that he shared the same sentiment. She almost too eagerly replied with, "Well, you never got to say your questions."

She pounced out of the den, with all the chaos she wondered why Zavier crept slowly to the door in an attempt at stealth. Assassins' habits, she concluded as she followed him out of the hold.

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
"Ha!" Tostundir was surprised by the way Evangeline had phrased her words. The way she'd said "if you want me to take you to the airdocks first, I'll do that" made him sound like a child. Of course, his sudden outburst was not meant as an insult to her combat abilities: in fact, as a Sky Pirate, hers were probably quite effective, and her reactions had already been proven - it was just that, here he was, kitted out with personally designed weaponry, and she was talking about taking him to the airdocks, like a boy to his friend's birthday party.

"No, no, it won't be necessary for you to take me there, Gods no, it's just that... well, I thought you might have some personal effects - weaponry, exra armour, perhaps some ammunition - stored there that you might want to retrieve before you enter the fray. And besides, some of your... ahem, companions, may already be there who could, sort of, fill you in, as it were, on the situation. In summary, I think it would make an excellent first port of call, if you'll forgive the pun". Of course, there was the whole safety in numbers thing, but he didn't want to let on about that. She'd probably be just as glad of the company as he was.

In the not-too-far distance, he thought he heard someone calling out...


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Zavier almost winced as Tara bounded after him, landing with a loud thud followed by several more noise-inducing steps. He noted the look she gave him as he crept out of the hold and into the airship proper. He preferred doing things quietly, carefully, and precisely; habits that were not at all in line with the current situation. Tara's lack of tact would probably be quite useful here, he thought, as he straightened up.

"Well, you never got to say your questions." Tara replied.

"First things first, we need to get to the helm of the ship. Then we need to cut it loose and get the engines working." Zavier said. He scanned the small hallway for the next door they would need. At the far end he saw what seemed to be their only way out. "Let's go." He said and began his dash toward the door.