- Feb 7, 2011
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- 3 children in a trench coat
I sat through the whole thing. A 0/10 is harsh, it's basically a 4/10 show.Terminator Zero
My honest assessment is that this is dull anime terminator fanfic. I gave it about 5 episodes mostly because I was recovering from surgery and needed something to space out to. I say that because I don't think I could sit through that many episodes if I wasn't a little high.
In this a engineer in Japan had explicit dreams of the Terminator future and builds an Anti-skynet AI called Kokuru to try and stop skynet. A lady soldier goes back in time to help him..or stop him...I'm 5 episodes in and its not really clear.
The show is divided into two plotlines. The seemingly primary one is the engineer, who is a dick to his kids and unlikable, sitting in an AI room trying to convince Kokuru to save humanity as the clock ticks down hours til judgement day. The AI just goes on and on about how he sucks and humanity sucks and why should it help them?
The secondary one is a Terminator whos gone back in time to ..idk..stop the engineer? Maybe? but for whatever reason is hunting his annoying kids, one of whom is clearly a sociopath, who are sort of being protected by the future soldier lady.
The whole thing is, imho, dull and uninteresting. I don't like any character in this show and it takes great pains to be opaque in explaining why the audience should be invested. Theres literally a scene in the beginning where the soldier lady asks the elder why shes going back in time and what does it all mean and the Elder is like "CAUSE REASONS".
There's also a subplot where the kids nanny, not soldier lady, is also a robot and no one knows why.
The trickiest part of making Terminator good is giving enough information for the audience to get them in the car, but also keep it simple enough that they can enjoy the ride without asking questions. This show does the LOST JJ Abrams thing where every moment is just "MYSTERY BOX" and you're expected to be curious enough to stick with it until the end. I can't, this show is literally boring. 0/10
Most of the mystery is revealed in the last 2 episodes and...it's not particularly interesting.
The engineer is from the future, so he knows about Skynet and the exact time and date that the attack will happen.
Kokuru is an AI that he built in the future, and it was originally housed in the robot body of the maid. The humans are racist...roboist...? to Kokuru in the future and try to destroy her, so the engineer and Kokuru escape together to the past where the engineer puts together a plan to defeat Skynet by using Kokuru's advanced AI to counter it. When he takes the AI out of the maid robot's body and puts it into the network it has to be completely rebooted and loses its memory of the future which is why he spends the entire show trying to convince it of humanity's goodness so that it will do the thing that it was designed to do.
The soldier lady from the future goes back in time to stop Kokuru because in her future timeline the engineer failed and Kokuru was just as bad as Skynet and also killed the humans.
Also soldier lady is engineer man's mom in another timeline. This is important because reasons. No wait, it really isn't and gets shoehorned in at the last minute just for the sake of time travel shenanigans.
Kokuru is an AI that he built in the future, and it was originally housed in the robot body of the maid. The humans are racist...roboist...? to Kokuru in the future and try to destroy her, so the engineer and Kokuru escape together to the past where the engineer puts together a plan to defeat Skynet by using Kokuru's advanced AI to counter it. When he takes the AI out of the maid robot's body and puts it into the network it has to be completely rebooted and loses its memory of the future which is why he spends the entire show trying to convince it of humanity's goodness so that it will do the thing that it was designed to do.
The soldier lady from the future goes back in time to stop Kokuru because in her future timeline the engineer failed and Kokuru was just as bad as Skynet and also killed the humans.
Also soldier lady is engineer man's mom in another timeline. This is important because reasons. No wait, it really isn't and gets shoehorned in at the last minute just for the sake of time travel shenanigans.
Honestly I kind of liked the first episode of the show. The first fight against the terminator is cool and sold me enough on the show to keep watching. Unfortunately the rest of the show is really not good.
The time travel plotline doesn't make a lot of sense, and the entire Kokuru idea just really sucks, and it's half the show.
A large part of the fun of the terminator movies is how the characters have to bullshit their way through defeating a terminator using sub-optimal weapons. This completely goes away when there's someone in the show building future tech in the 90s.
It says a lot about the show that by the end the character I empathized with most was the terminator itself.
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