The little things that make you happy.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Tank full of gas.

and I like how miso soup gets all cloudy in the middle if you leave it alone for a while.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Little Woodsman said:
I love original BGC, including the music. One of my very first anime, waaaay back when.
And I *will* keep pointing out that there was a tribute to it in the Avengers movie until
I am heard!
It's been so long when i first remember watching it. It probably was one of the first anime i watched or was close to being the first. When i was living in a flat ages, i used to play the vcr with hurricane live during breakfast. I was lucky to get the complete vocal collection on CD back in the day when the internet wasn't as big back then. Nowadays it should be easy to find with Amazon and ebay.

I still love the soundtrack till this day.


Shark Rodeo Champion
Mar 18, 2010
A ton of things. My most recent of which is climbing into bed with blankets/sheets that just came out of the dryer. Oh, man...winter couldn't have been further from my mind.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
Harley Q said:
Rose and Thorn said:
When I am sick, nothing makes me feel better during those times than curling up in a blanket and playing a video game.

I don't have enough things in my life that make me happy, I wish I had more.
How about a virtual hug and some vintage photography?
I really like vintage photography! Actually photography in general I like, although I have never taking up photography myself, I am more of a writer/drawer. Why, do you know any good vintage photography?

A virtual hug is nice, but it doesn't beat a real one!


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Pomeranians, getting shiny current-year coins as change from ticket machines, my pockets being settled and aligned with the rest of my pants, eating things that I have cooked, finding 5 cents on the ground (the smallest coin we have) in a busy area, doing an efficient roll out of my bed and landing on my feet ready to do whatever, imagining some terrible accident that could occur from an everyday activity and realising that considering the amount of people who have lived, it's pretty much a certainty that it happened to someone, doing things like a ninja in general, ripping up Christian pamphlets in front of their horrified octogenarian distributors (well...I think about it).

EDIT: Oh and rain while I sleep.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
"You smell that son? New book. I love the smell of new book in the morning."
A new book is always nice. Also, taking out a book I haven't read in a while and thinking "I love this part!" is fun.
When a game I've wanted goes on sale on Steam is always great too.
Cooking with my girlfriend (my now ex but I plan to do it again when I have a girlfriend) always gave me the biggest grin.

MeChaNiZ3D said:
EDIT: Oh and rain while I sleep.
This made me think of a Calvin and Hobbes that I can't find online.

On that note, that comic brings back a lot of memories.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
When I wake up and don't feel depressed.

When I wake up to a blowjob. (not likely to happen again if the way my life is going is any indication, was nice though.)

Finding a bottle of beer I missed in the fridge when I feel like having a beer, and look in the fridge even though I think I have none.

When really nice people are nice to me, even though I know they're nice to everyone, sometimes it just takes that one person's kindness to remind me that even though most of life is crappy and dim, there are still bright spots out there.




Cooking for friends.





Getting paid.

Towels fresh out of the dryer after a shower.

Generally, a lot of things, unfortunately they tend to rarely happen... at least to me, like, it's been probably 4 months since I've been hugged, kittens well, I don't see a lot of them, and well explosions aren't exactly a regular occurrance here, vodka costs money, tacos cost money, bacon costs money, weed costs money, I'm deeply in debt, so even my pay days aren't that satisfying, haven't had a beer in the fridge for a month, haven't had a blowjob at all since febuary let alone woken up to one, that was like in may of 2011... Also, being single, and living a generally solitary existance, means that unless I'm showering next to the dryer or something the towel thing is pretty hard to achieve without dripping water all over the place, and cleaning that up takes all the fun outa the hot towel experience.

So lately I've just been trying to look happy so I'm not as much of a downer to those around me.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Getting a quote on the Escapist.
Bonus points if it is someone picking a fight with me.
...On reflection, that's pretty sad.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Great thread! I always maintain that it was little things here and there that made me smile that got me through bad times. Big, epic things are fine but they need to be supported by the little things too.

* A text / email / IM from a friend - Just knowing people are thinking about me and are taking a moment to stay in touch and/or ask me how I'm doing really warms me up.

* Going out for a drink - Having a beer and a chat with a mate / mates / partner / collegue / other and chewing the fat, shutting out the world outside for a few hours!

* Anything that makes me laugh - I pity those with no sense of humour...

* Tea - I'm English, enough said!

* Positive feedback on my artwork.

* Peroni.

I'm sure there's more but those are the ones that first sprang to mind.


Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Hanging out with / playing games online games with friends usually does the trick for me. It is just much more fun to kill a friend in a game compared to killing a stranger because your friend usually reacts in a funny way.


New member
Jan 13, 2010

This. Every time I see this it makes my laugh.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
The fact that I'm not currently being eaten alive by sharks is typically enough to get me into a good mood.

Also, I love getting notifications, be they on Facebook or The Escapist. The fact that somebody somewhere decided I was worth their time makes me happy. :D

Rickolas Walrus

New member
Mar 2, 2012
My girlfriend rubbing my stomach

Getting a new game

Someone making me scallops

Going to one of my favorite restaurants

Managing to find my favorite energy drink in a store (seriously NOWHERE sells the orange Venom drinks anymore)

My cat doing something cute/stupid

Those are the main ones


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Little things that make ma happy? Let's see, there are:

Making a pot of tea.
Getting to sleep in.
When I am walking down the street and some random cat runs up to say hi (I like cats, okay?).
Finishing an essay, so that I simply don't have to think about it anymore.
Hot chocolate on a cold day.
The first snowfall of the winter.
Re-reading LOTR.
Watching stand up comedy... obviously not ANY comedian.
The smell of a new book.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Hearing from friends, calls & texts & all that or just bumping into one of them when I'm out.

The song Wake Up by Coheed & Cambria always makes me smile, it reminds me of someone I really care about.

Cheesecake. I love it!

I love when I take that one picture that turns out just right.

Playing around with my bass even though I can't play for shit.

Warm apple cider on a cold night.

Sipping on a bottle of whiskey with a friend while listening to good tunes.

The sound of rain drumming on the metal roof of my house, puts me to sleep every time.

A nice hot bath, damn that sounds good right about now.

I could go on & on, I really do enjoy the little things in life.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Thunder storms.

I just love the sound of heavy rain. It makes me feel at ease.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why I find Persona 4 so appealing.
Oct 2, 2012
Sleep. Honestly nothing is better for me and nothing makes me happier than curling up in the fetal position and feel sleep slowly but surely envelope me. Best. Feeling. IN THE WORLD!

Cheering other people up online (only online, inreal life I have no positive or negative feelings when I cheer someone up) and making their day slightly better.

Thats about it really. :( Now I'm sad because I don't have many little or big things that make me happy :(


New member
Aug 19, 2009
When I'm hungry and don't find anything to eat in the fridge, but then actually do find something to eat the second or third time I scavenge it. That barely ever happens, but those rare moments makes me ecstatic.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Coming home to find my room mate has finnally stopped playing C.O.D so I can play ME for once.