The longest game you've beaten start-to-finish in one sitting.

Sep 14, 2009
SimuLord said:
About to fire up New Vegas in an effort to go from Doc Mitchell's house in Goodsprings to sending Lanius packing with a speech check at Hoover Dam/Legate's Camp in one long, glorious end-of-winter-break run. Previous playthroughs have averaged about 40-50 hours each, but since I know the game like the back of my hand now (after nearly 200 hours of total play) and no longer have to go on long exploratory trips to know where I'm going and what I plan to do, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think I can cut it down to 30-35. If the latter, I would break my previous record, standing since 1998, of 33 straight hours (a Final Fantasy VII run from the Midgar train station to Sephiroth's inglorious demise at the hands of the Knights of the Round, and yes, I managed to shoehorn the Chocobo sidequest into that fast a playthrough---it was probably by then my 14th or 15th time through the game---this New Vegas run is, if I'm keeping score at home, my fourth.)

For Discussion: All there in the topic title. Something short like Portal? Something absurd like getting a World of Warcraft character to max level from level 1?
all i can say is wow to that final fantasy speed run. your 14th time? i mean dont get me wrong i like the game but thats just too much cloud and sephy for me.

OT: off the top of my head i know of, i have beaten both kotor's (seperately of course) in one sitting, which for the first one probably was 30 hours and the second one (due to some glitches) took me 36 hours (that one pissed me off majorly when i had to work around it.)


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Resident Evil 5 playing co-op
Halo 3 playing co-op
Serious Sam: The First Encounter playing 6 together
Borderlands 4 of us
Half Life 2 and both episodes with the synergy mod co-op (that was about 40 hours straight)

Yeah I don't have the attention span to play alone for long enough to complete a game. It's so much more fun with friends, although I did plow through Mass Effect 1 and 2 alone in a few days recently.

Edit: I realize now that the topic was about the longest game and not all the games you've finished in one sitting, well then that would be the Half Life 2 marathon I listed.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Probably none. I don't rush it with games and beating a game in one sitting is something I wouldn't usually try or even want to do.

Also I've smoked for quite a long time so there's a good chance I'll go for a 5 minute break outside in every hour or so, therefore not making it a one sitting.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Super mario land on the original Game boy.

Completing it in one sitting was the only way to beat it. Didn't have none of those fancy save points.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I'm sure when I was a kid I used to complete games in one sitting all the time. Like I'd buy a game, complete it that night and then trade it in the next day. That could just be my memory being weird though.

If it's true then I must've completed at least one of the ratchet and clank games in one sitting, I completed those like 4 times.

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
I did CoD W@W in one sitting (so that's around 5 hours), and then played 6 or so hours of Nazi Zombies after I finished (it was right around when it came out, so it was only the Nacht Der Untoten map).


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
I completed HL2 in 2 days my first playthrough. 'Twas nice.

I also finished MGS4 in a bit over a day (started 8 at night, finished 6 PM the next day.)

I don't usually speed through games though.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
MW2 is the only one I can really remember, but there were probably some crappy snes games back in the day. I think I did Blood Omen 2 in one sitting, but I can't be sure.

Slick Samurai

New member
Jul 3, 2009
Metal Gear Solid 4. One Sitting. No cutscenes skipped. Normal (I can't remember the specific name of the difficulty).

Needless to say, I had to pee afterwards.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
SimuLord said:
For Discussion: All there in the topic title. Something short like Portal? Something absurd like getting a World of Warcraft character to max level from level 1?
Only ones I can think of are getting through the campaign of MW2 in one night. Didn't feel too long though because of that.

I think the one that qualifies best is a tie between going through Ace Combat Zero 3 times in a row, nonstop, on the third to last, second to last, and hardest difficulty, respectively. It would be tied with probably an Armenian campaign in RTW that I finished in one day (nearly the full 24 hours). I had breaks here and there but I never quit the game so I consider that one sitting.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Before I got Black Ops, I did speed-runs of MW1 and MW2 (even though they're completely unrelated). I'm pretty sure I beat both of them in one sitting (each). The first time I play games though, I try to drag them out as long as possible. I hate it when games end...


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Army of Two. Co-op with my friend of course. I'm not really sure about the time, but I'm guessing that it took about 10 hours.


New member
May 27, 2009
DA:O, Did it for a charaty, 100% compleat.
Took me the best part of 3 days


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Super metroid, LOZ- a link to the past, castlevania- aria of sorrow.
Not very long games, beatable in one sitting.