The main character from the last game you played, fights the character in the above post...


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Kitsuna10060 said:
willofbob said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
ZeroMachine said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
Ramziez said:
natster43 said:
Decoy Octopus VS Sima Zhao from Dynasty Warriors 7 (I don't know who would count as the main character in the Dynasty Warriors 7, so I am going with the last Leader of Jin). Hmm, wait, how is Decoy Octopus the main character? Either way I think Sima Zhao would win on the count of Musou powers.
Hmmm Sima Zhao vs the Saints Leader from Saints Row 2... I think the Saints Leader has it... since he has a freaking armory on his back and enough ammo to wipe through a city in a day... Yeah Saints Leader wins.
>.> i feel bad for you saints row 2 character, he/she gets to fight my Energy Melee/Invulnerability Brute from City of Heroes. (hint: most mobs use guns, it just pisses her off)

that is unless you want her/him to fight the character i was using before hand, my Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma Master Mind, yeah >.> good luck with your gang banger taking on 6 demons at once
Yeah? Well good luck facing off against this ************:

If I need to explain to you why (seriously hoping I don't) go play Chrono Trigger.
i can see both taking him actually, the brute might have an easyer time, but that relative, and depending on weather its the 'story' version of her, or in game, just going with in game, could go ether way even with the rainbow and all his skills, he'll have a hard time hurting her (kinda the whole point of the invulnerability set) since she'll be protected or have reducers for all the damage types he'll dish out, then there's the fact, she's a 'brute' so if it dose turn into a drawn out battle his odds tank in a hurry (brutes have a class ability called Rage, which takes the form of a bar, is filled by incoming and out going damage, and the more it fills the higher the base damage climbs) and lastly, Energy Melee has the chance for stunning targets :p

his best chance would be TRY and take her out at range, since she's pure melee with no ranged attacks, but Chrono's spells more or less suck till Luminar, he's more a power house in close though
me again. 6. that is all.
o.o ... 6 ? care to expand a bit ... cause I've no idea what your talking about

from New Vegas.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
purple magicka mage
this could work..
if in doubt time warp!
or explode in fire 'shrug'


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Conan vs. C'thulu. Yea, the world is screwed. No wait, he's trying to be a hero. I'm... not quite sure what state the world is going to be in :p

Electric Alpaca

What's on the menu?
May 2, 2011
leet_x1337 said:
King Conan vs. Chell?

Um...I don't know Conan.
You don't know Conan? You definitely need to amend this - a couple of the scenes are some of the most impressive, more so today than when they were first released.

There's a remake coming - but it will undoubtedly pale in comparison to the original. Jason Momoa is a decent contender for the new Schwarzenegger though.

On target: Cthulhu versus Nathan Drake. I fancy Drakey boys chances. Its not a far cry to expect a similar battle in Uncharted 3 anyway.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Electric Alpaca said:
leet_x1337 said:
King Conan vs. Chell?

Um...I don't know Conan.
You don't know Conan? You definitely need to amend this - a couple of the scenes are some of the most impressive, more so today than when they were first released.

There's a remake coming - but it will undoubtedly pale in comparison to the original. Jason Momoa is a decent contender for the new Schwarzenegger though.

On target: Cthulhu versus Nathan Drake. I fancy Drakey boys chances. Its not a far cry to expect a similar battle in Uncharted 3 anyway.
Nathan Drake versus Mike Thorton. I hate to say this, but I fear that no amount of smooth talking, quick wit and crazy, insane platforming will be able to save poor Drake once Mikey decides he wants to plug Drake six times in the face in the time frame of a picosecond.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Gethsemani said:
Electric Alpaca said:
leet_x1337 said:
King Conan vs. Chell?

Um...I don't know Conan.
You don't know Conan? You definitely need to amend this - a couple of the scenes are some of the most impressive, more so today than when they were first released.

There's a remake coming - but it will undoubtedly pale in comparison to the original. Jason Momoa is a decent contender for the new Schwarzenegger though.

On target: Cthulhu versus Nathan Drake. I fancy Drakey boys chances. Its not a far cry to expect a similar battle in Uncharted 3 anyway.
Nathan Drake versus Mike Thorton. I hate to say this, but I fear that no amount of smooth talking, quick wit and crazy, insane platforming will be able to save poor Drake once Mikey decides he wants to plug Drake six times in the face in the time frame of a picosecond.
Team Fortress 2 Sniper VS Mike

Boom Headshot.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
saber152 said:
Team Fortress 2 Sniper VS Mike

Boom Headshot.
TF2 Sniper vs. The Marked One from STALKER: SoC?

Huh. I... I don't actually know who'd win this... Depends on how well the STALKER lives up to his name I guess.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Minecraft Steve VS The Sniper

Yeah the sniper has the edge, but think about it, if Steve here has the home-field advantage, he could literally hide indefinitely and wall hack anyone?

On the the other hand headshots would be rather easy...

EDIT: don't forget that with some prep time, a few dozen porkchops make steve pretty tough especially if hes wailing on you with a diamond sword :)


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Koeryn said:
saber152 said:
Team Fortress 2 Sniper VS Mike

Boom Headshot.
TF2 Sniper vs. The Marked One from STALKER: SoC?

Huh. I... I don't actually know who'd win this... Depends on how well the STALKER lives up to his name I guess.
Marked one vs Maxed out hero from fable TLC. I think this fight is obvious

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
willofbob said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
willofbob said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
ZeroMachine said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
Ramziez said:
natster43 said:
Decoy Octopus VS Sima Zhao from Dynasty Warriors 7 (I don't know who would count as the main character in the Dynasty Warriors 7, so I am going with the last Leader of Jin). Hmm, wait, how is Decoy Octopus the main character? Either way I think Sima Zhao would win on the count of Musou powers.
Hmmm Sima Zhao vs the Saints Leader from Saints Row 2... I think the Saints Leader has it... since he has a freaking armory on his back and enough ammo to wipe through a city in a day... Yeah Saints Leader wins.
>.> i feel bad for you saints row 2 character, he/she gets to fight my Energy Melee/Invulnerability Brute from City of Heroes. (hint: most mobs use guns, it just pisses her off)

that is unless you want her/him to fight the character i was using before hand, my Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma Master Mind, yeah >.> good luck with your gang banger taking on 6 demons at once
Yeah? Well good luck facing off against this ************:

If I need to explain to you why (seriously hoping I don't) go play Chrono Trigger.
i can see both taking him actually, the brute might have an easyer time, but that relative, and depending on weather its the 'story' version of her, or in game, just going with in game, could go ether way even with the rainbow and all his skills, he'll have a hard time hurting her (kinda the whole point of the invulnerability set) since she'll be protected or have reducers for all the damage types he'll dish out, then there's the fact, she's a 'brute' so if it dose turn into a drawn out battle his odds tank in a hurry (brutes have a class ability called Rage, which takes the form of a bar, is filled by incoming and out going damage, and the more it fills the higher the base damage climbs) and lastly, Energy Melee has the chance for stunning targets :p

his best chance would be TRY and take her out at range, since she's pure melee with no ranged attacks, but Chrono's spells more or less suck till Luminar, he's more a power house in close though
me again. 6. that is all.
o.o ... 6 ? care to expand a bit ... cause I've no idea what your talking about

from New Vegas.
ah .... :/ don't think anyone from fall out would be much of a threat to any one from City of Heroes/Villains, anything Fallout has, CoH has, and bigger, better and in greater numbers


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
Minecraft Steve vs Kurt Angle. (just played SDvsRaw 2006)

In a wrestling match, Kurt would win no doubt.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Kurt Angle vs. Alice Liddel....

Outside Alice's mind, Kurt would win. There would definitely be a lot of 'wrestling'.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Kevlar Eater said:
Kurt Angle vs. Alice Liddel....

Outside Alice's mind, Kurt would win. There would definitely be a lot of 'wrestling'.
This thread could use a revival.

I've been playing my Level 35 Sith Warrior character lately, I don't know who Alice Liddel is, but there's no way she can beat someone that can rip someone's skeleton out of their bodies with but a thought (at least I wish the game would let you do that).