Look, plenty of games get reviews higher/lower than I think they deserve, critic reviews *and* user reviews.I mean if the big sites genuinely like these games but the audience doesnt, shouldnt there be some questions? I feel like that is a big part of why people are more likely to trust independent youtube reviewers than big companies. The same for movies. Are you more likely to see a movie recommended by Jsremy Johnns and Chris Stuckman, or The New York Times?
Now is it possible these gamespot and ign people genuinely liked these games? Yeah, but there is too much shadiness for me. Trust whatever review you want.
That doesn't make them shady. Plenty of "normal" people liked this game to. The distribution of reviews match up, it's not like it's lopsided. What's the conspiracy here?
For the record, The New York Times (the gestalt entity you're using them as an analogy for, not necessarily the specific organization) has literally never sold me on a movie.