Santa Monica literally did what I way back when personally thought was only a pipe dream: They took a character who’d devolved into a bad joke; a maniacal, laughable caricature of destruction-incarnate, and turned him into a character worthy of empathy. Even during development people were writing him off, saying they should’ve just used a new protagonist or started a new IP. But that would’ve felt like a cop out to me here. It’s much more interesting to try and bring a once-thought irredeemable character back from the brink, and they fucking nailed it here.It also takes place, like, a hundred and fifty years after the third game, so it would make sense that he's changed atleast somewhat. Even if it was just him faffing about in the woods by himself for a century.
And you'd think that if they wanted to ignore what the previous games were about they wouldn't have almost everything Kratos says and does be so heavily infused with the shadow of his past self. A large aspect of his character in the new game is that he's clearly not that man anymore, but that he still carries the sins of what he did.
I really hope the next game delves more into Kratos’s personality shift and bridges the gap a bit in how he ended up there. Little things like the urn he finds hint at the Norse realm being well-aware of him, so it’ll be cool to hear what Thor, Odin, etc. think. God knows they consider him a threat since he dismantled the Greek pantheon almost single handily, but really in his mind he just wants to be left the fuck alone now. Of course they’ll ultimately reawaken his dormant worse half based on the ending events, but how he handles this with having a kid now will hopefully be a crucial contrast.