The most annoying kind of gamer?


New member
Jul 30, 2008
90% of them with headsets.
All hail the mute button -__-
To tell the truth the 18-16 year olds have a tendency to be the most annoying. Loud. Egotistical. Homophobic. Rude and generally all-around childish
Not that there aren't any older ones just as bad if not worse...

It also tends to be worse in competitive FPS games for some reason...


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Feb 16, 2010
the ones who can shoot through my riot shield >8(, I also dislike the girl gamers who act like they've just realised they have a vagina.


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Nov 30, 2009
The ones who spew random insults, with as much swear words in them as possible. Most of the time they don't even make sense! It's ridiculous!


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Apr 4, 2010
Warvamp said:
The ones who spew random insults, with as much swear words in them as possible. Most of the time they don't even make sense! It's ridiculous!
Yea and they constantly call you a "jew rat." Fucking South Park.


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Mar 2, 2010
Aside from the much loathed- "You haven't played X" gamers, one of whom I'm friends with, I despise the ones who make a big fuss about playing games that aren't "true to the company".
You get given Final Fantasy XIII, say it's not that bad, and next thing you know you're scum of the earth.
Worst part is, person who said it to me has done it twice before. And lo and behold, they play the game and it's all "Wow! This is awesome! Have you gotten to such and such?!"
Needed to vent. Go back to your drinks.


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Mar 20, 2010
The ones who ignore game certificates just to end up annoying people on their team, swearing whenever they die, kill, or suicide because they think it's cool and ofcourse, that means every two seconds.

Here's a lesson: You can only ignore the certificate for an online game IF YOU DONT SUCK


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Apr 10, 2010
Stop Having Fun Guys. The ones who are all in it for the competition, criticize you if you don't play the exact way that they do (that they doubtlessly got off of their over-obsessed yes-man forums and peers.) The ones who can't understand that some people like to play solo, or without high levels of competition.

I also can't stand gamers who bash genres or countries of origin across the board.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
darron13 said:
90% of them with headsets.
All hail the mute button -__-
To tell the truth the 18-16 year olds have a tendency to be the most annoying. Loud. Egotistical. Homophobic. Rude and generally all-around childish
Not that there aren't any older ones just as bad if not worse...

It also tends to be worse in competitive FPS games for some reason...
It's in FPS gmes because these people are the type to hate storylines or cutscenes, anything that sacrifices playing time for a explanation of what the hell is going on. Plus, it's easier to be good on FPS, easier to pick up, tons of other games have specific rules.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
Palademon said:
darron13 said:
90% of them with headsets.
All hail the mute button -__-
To tell the truth the 18-16 year olds have a tendency to be the most annoying. Loud. Egotistical. Homophobic. Rude and generally all-around childish
Not that there aren't any older ones just as bad if not worse...

It also tends to be worse in competitive FPS games for some reason...
It's in FPS gmes because these people are the type to hate storylines or cutscenes, anything that sacrifices playing time for a explanation of what the hell is going on. Plus, it's easier to be good on FPS, easier to pick up, tons of other games have specific rules.
Agreed, I've noticed my cousins (who only play FPS games) tend to hammer the start button whenever a cutscene in any game appears -___-
It pisses me off for some reason


New member
Apr 2, 2010
The most annoying types of gamers,

are as listed:
-and Noobs

I can not stress this enough, games are meant for fun not serious rage. Than noobs come along and this is what causes serious gamers.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Entropyutd said:
Pointing and clicking is still a skill, just because it doesn't meet your definition of how the game should be played does not make it wrong.
The real issue is people like you who spend so much time telling other people how to play their game.

I don't play MW anymore, but If I did basically anything that will kill the opposition as quickly as possible is a perfectly acceptable thing to use.
A 5 year old can play like that, there is no skill in seeing a person and pushing a button to make them go away. You don't even need decent reaction times, you could take a few hits before even pressing fire.

I am not the greatest player, my total online gaming time is about a week, which basically means in COD I am lucky to get a kill streak of 3 or 4 so when I get noob tubed by someone 'cos there too lazy too improve themselves, I get a little wound up.

Like I said before, you can't even counter it. I never said it was wrong, I am implying it takes no skill and lack of trying.

Quick scoping even takes a little skill and if they miss they die, so I am not bothered by it 'cos there is room for faliure.

The only time a noob tuber dies is if he gets flanked, they miss you die, if your too close for the explosive to go off, you still get killed from "deep impact", add one man army or even scavenger for unlimited grenades, danger close to kill people with blast shield or incase your REALLY bad at aiming and either steady aim for better hip fire or commando for even more glitchy goodness and more effective at short to mid range and you have one hell of an over powered class.

Why bother with machine guns, sniper rifles, hand guns, shot guns or LMG's? Just get out the M203 and the thumper 'cos it would be boring as hell, as is getting blown away for millionth time.

We might aswell agree to disagree 'cos this is just going to be going back and forth for hours, till one of us gets so heated the mods have to be called in, ending up in one of us with a probation.

You think it's perfectly fine, I think it's ridiculous. End of.


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Jul 20, 2009
The sort of people who brag about accomplishments on a kiddy-game they have for the GameCube.


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May 16, 2009
The so-called elitists who class certain gaming weapons/tactics being used online as "nooby" and truly believe they should be banned.

Either that or the "PC gaming is dying/too expensive" morons.


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Aug 12, 2009
The one's who just get drunk and play "for a laugh" then start a fight cause well for no other reaosn than they are drunk.....wait a second....that might be me


New member
Dec 1, 2009
the guy who runs around call of duty with with marathon, lightweight, commando, and the god damn intervention. oh and he's got the tags for the 2500 kills and 500 headshots with that gun. Just that basic mentality of a gamer that brings him to this loadout. It bridges many games....


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Nov 18, 2009
Magic Hobo said:
The kind that have squeaky voices and ***** about everything, then use the things they're bitching about, and go around making sure everyone can't enjoy themselves.

And then you mute them, and fun times are had by all.
Like ten year olds. Screeching and bitching ten year olds. What I hate more than that are people with obnoxious nicknames like xXMLGHaXorSniPer123Xx or the like. Those people are usually dicks.

Mr. In-between

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Apr 7, 2010
EBHughsThe1st said:
"Casual gaming will kill the industry."
For real. They're usually 19-21 and don't realize that the people who enjoy the "lame, e-rated casual bullshit kiddie games" were playing long before they even knew what a video game was.

Also, people who get online and make posts like "Kids should play violent games because it's a rough world and they need to be exposed to blahbiddy blah!" ought to sterilize themselves for the benefit of mankind.


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Oct 28, 2008
people who are better than me -.-......which is actually quite a few when it comes down to it *sigh*


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Mar 7, 2009
theincurabletragedy said:
What's the most annoying 'type' you see around multiplayer games/the internet/maybe even real life?

Personally I think it's a tie between the 'OMG LOL hackkkz XD meow XD' type people... or those people who think they're 1337 gamers because they listen to DotA by Basshunter all day... have to say those guys. or the hooting dickwanks / 12 y/o's on xbox live in Halo/CoD and so forth.


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Aug 1, 2009
PC elitists for sure. I don't mean all PC gamers, so don't get offended. The kind I'm talking about are like this one friend I have. Here's a conversation from yesterday:

Friend: "Did you see the new Medal of Honor trailer? The graphics are terrible!"
Me: *makes a face*
Friend: "Well, it's a big deal."
Me: "I don't really care about the graphics as much as the gameplay."
Friend: "Oh yes you do."

It's not just the graphics thing either. I'm told that I'm "wrong" for preferring a controller to a K&M.