The most awesome games that will likely never happen.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Basically, what ideas for games do you have that can never happen because reality sucks?

The obvious answer is cross overs. If only licenses weren't such a big issue, Smash bros with characters from every console would be a possibility.. Problem is, recreating said famous characters without fucking over all sense of balance is a *****.

Unless you make them all mere pawns in a massive, destructive war. A strategy game featuring things from all kinds of media. Being able to head an invasion force with Vaas from Far Cry 3, with the enemy's defence led by Ned Stark. Installing the Master as governor of one of your settlements. Transporting colonial marines in a steampunk Airship escorted by Jehuty.

It'd be awesome, amazing chaos, and it wouldn't just be characters and vehicles, it'd be weapons. Imagine being able to sneak a spy into an enemy city and unleashing the T-virus, and having to deal with the clean up, too. Being able to research martian tripods to fight against the enemy's dalek batallion.

It'd be complex, but the spectacle alone would be worth it.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I want a game where you play the concept of the hero across various historical events and from several mythologies. Every incarnation introduces a new power or mechanic and it basically ends with some Warhammer 40K type shit where you command armies with units that have special abilities while also having a main character with various forms of magic and fighting styles depending on what you upgraded. Then, you restart time and decide to make humanity less dependent on your help. The same scenarios/enemies happen, but it's more city-building/RTS and developments in one age effect the rest of the future.

So, yeah, it's every genre of game I like in one package that would be just about impossible to make. As for some easier alternatives that nobody would make for lack of cojones:

Danger Dirk: Death Driver. A 4-part series where doing sick tricks is necessary to progress. In the first, you're a detective who can only think clearly during an adrenaline rush. You collect evidence scattered across tracks and have to pull off enough tricks to put the pieces together. The puzzle solving happens in slo-mo with a voice-over during the tricks.

By the second game, your adrenaline junky ways have caused a rift in your wedding and you have to do the tricks to resolve your personal issues. You only get one lap per issue and no save points. All continuous like Heavy Rain. Succeed in getting your shit together and you survive the last jump across 18 cars in a canyon. Pass most levels and you survive, but end up crippled and a broken man. Fail and you die.

Third game and the canonical ending to the second was death. Except you don't know you're dead and now it's a horror/racing game to escape the demons and hellfire chasing you. When you get to the end, you outrun Death itself and get sent to Earth to earn redemption.

Danger Dirk: Death Driver 4 sees you using a mechanic reminiscent of the Soul Reaver series. Do enough tricks to fill up your energy bar, so you can materialize in the physical world. Take enough damage and you go back to spirit form. Open world crime fighting is your new calling. Each mission has a perfect way of completing it in a single materialization. Find that and you get a sweet cinematic where your car materializes through hellfire and always leaves behind a giant skull-shaped explosion. Final race is against an evil death driver whose tricks you have to match in order to keep him from assassinating some global representative of peace.

Lastly, I give you "Diva Dress Disaster" in which aliens have overrun the Earth, but are willing to give us the chance to survive if we can show them the greatness of fashion. They end up uninspired at the worlds final fashion show. That's when the Rogue Fashionistas, former spec-ops who decided to become fashion designers and are shunned by the fashion community overall, burst through the wall. You play as the Rogue Fashionistas in side-scrolling beat-em-up style where every article of clothing you hit off an enemy gets added to your pool for that level. After beating the boss comes the dress-up mode where the person with the best outfit gets bonus points.

In order to get the good ending, you need to collect the unique article of clothing from every boss and keep those (your outfit you put together carries over to the next level) to make the ultimately hideous outfit. This gets you the "Galactic Supermodel" ending with pixelated graphics where a single tear runs down your face alongside the caption "but you still feel emtpy inside." Also, the supermodels you beat up are robots.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Far Cry 4: Jurassic Park.

Spirit of chaos. If GTA IV had the shift ability from driver san francisco.

"Isn't that GTA V?" Nah, GTA V only gives you 3 guys to choose from. Spirit of chaos would let you pick anyone. Again, think the driver shift ability.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The pokemon MMO:

Behold the godliness of this game if it existed:

Yeah the images aren't consistent but the idea is

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Half-Life 3?

Also, a Pokemon MMORPG would probably be the best game of whatever year it got released.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
The Cleansing: Wrath of Gazuga.

Savvy individuals know what I'm talking about.


New member
May 26, 2006
A DragonLance MMO that focuses more on social, role-playing and character interaction with a world domination / strategy meta-game for the War of the Lance, and less so on the themepark MMO style we see in current MMOs. Basically more EVE like, not WoW.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I still want to see an underwater survival horror game with the player in a scuba suit or old-timey diving suit.

Also, an XCOM: Enemy Unknown style squad-level TBS in the Mass Effect universe with actual characters instead of interchangeable squad members.


New member
May 31, 2011
Id love to see a judge dread game but with the whole voice activated gun thing happening. Like HOTSHOT and armor piercing rounds. A really good fps/rpg with this like ME2 would be freaking awesome.


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Stargate SG-1 MMO would of been badass if the project had not been canceled. I would of killed to be a Tok'ra or a Wraith (atlantis, I know but it would of been a expansion)


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Zhukov said:
I still want to see an underwater survival horror game with the player in a scuba suit or old-timey diving suit.

Also, an XCOM: Enemy Unknown style squad-level TBS in the Mass Effect universe with actual characters instead of interchangeable squad members.
That reminds me of something else. A game exactly like XCOM enemy unknown, but with SHEILD instead of XCOM. Recruiting agents and superheroes, fighting villains, researching Asgardian tech, it'd be awesome.

Plus, popular characters that you know and love could die, at any moment, permanently, and it'd be all your fault. Whoops, looks like you kept Captain America out of cover for too long. You've killed America.

Great Job, hero.


New member
May 25, 2010
Honestly what I want to see is a nuanced, in-depth take on fps's. There need to be actual consequences for violence, and dare I say it people in the crossfire who aren't soulless Nazis, terrorists, or Russian/North Korean invaders. War is ugly,traumatic, and is often justified with lies. Rather than turn the player into a sociopathic maniac such a game (fps or otherwise) might give pause those issues.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
That game would be unbalanced as fuck. Also awesome. Yep, definitely radical.

I'd have liked to see Psychonauts 2, dammit Schaefer stop toying with my heart!!!

I'd also like to see a Warhammer 40k RPG where you get to play as an Inquisitor, form a retinue, make allies and enemies, become a bastion of puritanical light or a soulless pit of radicalism, press x to declare heresy, press e to condemn a billion souls to oblivion.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
All of you seem to be thinking of realistic games. i dont think that was the intention of the thread (i may be wrong, even if that would be logical impossibility, because im never wrong).

The game i wished to see ever since i was 7 (am 24 now, so take that 17 years of dreams).....
The game is sort of a simulator of real life. While i would accept (and is more realistic) to have this in a limited (not too limited though) location, a global one would be much much better. The point of the game is that you have a runing model of the world/city with its NPCs being kinda realistic, and you can enter the body of any of the NPCs and take direct control. in this world with realistic physics and AI reacting to what you do in a long term way (like for example imagine if you killed all the cops in liberty city and there none left and it took time till new got recruited ect). This coupled with full time runing simulation would cause our ability to create a second world and shape it (multipalyer and singlepalyer versions are ok, and i would try both really) as we want. Of course some NPCs would be locked (liek you cant enter a billionaire) and stuff like that. also a virtual reality would be needed for this because pre-programmed actions only (like GTA for example) woudl limit this too severely.
And yeah, this is far from anything we ever created and it wont happen in my lifetime, but a man can dream....


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Zantos said:
That game would be unbalanced as fuck. Also awesome. Yep, definitely radical.

I'd have liked to see Psychonauts 2, dammit Schaefer stop toying with my heart!!!

I'd also like to see a Warhammer 40k RPG where you get to play as an Inquisitor, form a retinue, make allies and enemies, become a bastion of puritanical light or a soulless pit of radicalism, press x to declare heresy, press e to condemn a billion souls to oblivion.
There would be no point of greater mixed frustration and pure fanboy joy than building your dark army of horrors for an assault on a largely civilian city and having it all fucked up by a certain madman in a flying blue box.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
A 3DS remake/revival of Teleroboxer. Teleroboxer is a 1st-person boxing game exclusive to the Virtual Boy and the only game absolutely worth playing from that console. It was like Punch-Out only instead of fighting against semi-racist caricatures of fighters from around the world: Teleroboxer has you square off against various robots. The fighting system was deep in that each control-cross and, set of buttons corresponded directly with the arms on that side of your robot. You could block with one arm while attacking simultaneously with the other which was a new and, awesome game feature for 1995. Obviously things would have to be tweaked somewhat (like the brutally unforgiving difficulty) but I think the 3DS would be the perfect home for a revived Teleroboxer.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
The perfect Ghost In The Shell game I have in my mind. It would pretty much a 'best of' of Oni meets Deus Ex/DX: Human Revolution meets LA Noire, with something REZ-like as a representation of Ghost Diving. Oh, and Tachikoma.

Zhukov said:
Also, an XCOM: Enemy Unknown style squad-level TBS in the Mass Effect universe with actual characters instead of interchangeable squad members.
You know, that is pretty much exactly what I had in mind for a ME spin-off starring Garrus during his time as Archangel, cleaning Omega along with his team.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
This beautiful thing. []

I can only wish I had come up with that idea... and also that it was a game.