The most bullcrap boss/es.

Stingy Fellow

New member
Aug 24, 2011
What/who is the most infuriating boss type enemy you have ever faced down in a video game?
Barring any really hard fights, what was the biggest lemon of a showdown you can remember?

I'll go first.

I just had to reload for the Nth time and break my rule of not going into any difficulty lower than normal to get past this incredibly obnoxious archer draugr boss in Skyrim who Fus-Ro-Dah'd me all over the cave and turned my svelte mage body into a Breton pincushion, and it got me wondering what some other people might consider a hard or just plain annoying boss.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
3rd Deus Ex Boss, without augmentations or any upgraded weapons (I was doing a no kill run and just sold all my upgrade kits)... I died in pretty much 1 hit and had to slowly crawl through the battle saving once every minute... Took me about 2 hours.

Star ocean TLH last boss, I tried fighting him twice, losing both times after 1.5 hours, had to level grind for 3 hours before I could finally beat him (the fight still took an hour)

Uhh, there was a part in Tales of Vesperia where you have to fight a mini boss fight directly after an incredibly hard boss with no chance to buy items (or go back to a save point where you could buy items) That was pretty much the only time in any game I've turned down the difficulty (temporarily)

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
Fus Ro Dah him back...really. Throw fire at him afterwards and summon shit (regardless of whether your conjuration, just to distract him. :D
My most irritating boss was probably ____ <--- spoiler Mages guild boss.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
How about the one that's literally unbeatable unless you get bullet-time, and there isn't a bullet-time button so the boss gives you bullet-time just before attacking, and even then you probably still won't dodge it?
I'll leave you to check all your gaming codices to figure out who this is (you probably won't find it anywhere) and move onto someboss else: Sho Minamimoto, from The World Ends With You. Both times. Mostly because 90% of the time, just before you hit him, he teleports. Right behind you so he can hit you harder. And most fights in that game are pretty short - this one usually takes about 7 minutes. And you have to bring your best health pin, because you will take a lot of damage. And that's on normal.

(Protip: you're not meant to win round two, and he only teleports when you touch him directly with the stylus. And I beat both forms on hard before working that out.)


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
blank_64 said:
3rd Deus Ex Boss, without augmentations or any upgraded weapons (I was doing a no kill run and just sold all my upgrade kits)... I died in pretty much 1 hit and had to slowly crawl through the battle saving once every minute... Took me about 2 hours.
Ummm...then this might make you mad.

Actually, no way that can make you mad. That still makes me crack up.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Grave lord Nito from Dark souls. Christ I was a mage and that boss fight was hard as fuck. I only used 3/4ths of the total area because if you went into another part it agroed 3 huge undead, and granted I had my divine club but it wasn't nearly as strong as my main sword. Also the fact that to get there you had to go through so many creatures just to get there made me rage. Man once I beat him I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

Rule Britannia said:
Fus Ro Dah him back...really. Throw fire at him afterwards and summon shit (regardless of whether your conjuration, just to distract him. :D
My most irritating boss was probably ____ <--- spoiler Mages guild boss.
Really he was hard for you? See I had more trouble with the guy right before him. I was a lower level so i am sure that didn't help. Yet after that guy, when I went to do the final boss I already had the mask, so it was pretty easy.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
My most bullcrap boss would have to be the final boss of Dirge of Cerberus. I beat him in less than 2 minutes by walking in a wide circle and shooting. That is all. After the awesome challenge that was Weiss, the final boss was like a slap in the face. Way to go out on a low note, guys.


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
DustyDrB said:
blank_64 said:
3rd Deus Ex Boss, without augmentations or any upgraded weapons (I was doing a no kill run and just sold all my upgrade kits)... I died in pretty much 1 hit and had to slowly crawl through the battle saving once every minute... Took me about 2 hours.
Ummm...then this might make you mad.

Actually, no way that can make you mad. That still makes me crack up.
I used that stupidlly over powered grenade launcher on him five times, took about seven seconds, didn't even move from the spawn zone...

OT: the bosses in the No more Heroes (PS3) were controller throwing anoying, cause it relied on the six axis with some bosses, for the QTEs and we all know how unreliable the six axis is. But don't get me wrong I love the game.
On refection, mayve throwing the controller around wasn't so productive?


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
ZOE2 there was one boss that you had to grab to hurt, because if you didn't it'd kill some chick it captured.

To this day I still can't beat it w/o cheating...even on easy mode.

Rest of the game? Fine, hard on hard mode, but I can still beat the rest of it.


Stingy Fellow

New member
Aug 24, 2011
Rule Britannia said:
Fus Ro Dah him back.
Actually, I've restarted my file about 3 times now to play different builds or races (Mostly due to unfixable house bugs that make the dagger racks or weapon cases eat my pretty, 1-of-a-kind daedric artifacts) and this time around I just wanted to be a kick ass mage who teleported all over Skyrim (My way of explaining fast travel.) and was just generally pretty cool, so I didn't go to Whiterun at all, and this no Dragons spawned, and I have no shouts; (Well I have about 10 but I have no souls to unlock them with.) and I had to take his abuse over, and over, and over.

Mobius Evalon

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Inherent to the term "boss" is an arbitrary NPC that is important to the plot somehow, who is thusly magically able to take a tactical nuclear missile to the face and only lose a sliver of health.

The entire concept of a boss fight is BS, and I've run into so few games where a boss character can die as easily as anyone else that I can't even recall which games they were. I simply cannot stand any boss that is a damage sponge, even more so when only a specific type of attack can damage it.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Most difficult/epicly hated effing boss: The end boss in Dead or Alive 4, that turqoise goddamn dishwasher liquid-***** had me screaming, yelling, throwing controllers until I eventually just broke the game disc. Going for a 1000 in gamerscore on that? Yeah, fuck it.

Most bullcrap one: Deathwing in World of Warcraft. Come on, the damn dragon changed Azeroth and bloody ripped it asunder. And how long did it take for a averagely geared group of 10 people to kill him and his following? A few hours.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
I vaguely remember having quite a bit of trouble with Barthandelus (1st battle) in Final Fantasy XIII. Mainly just his incredibly overpowered "Destrudo" attack. It took a while for me to figure out how to beat him.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
This isn't a boss fight but on batman arkham asylum the fight with all the generic henchmen right before the fight with the joker. The one where more jump down from the balcony with the big dudes. On the hard difficulty, omg that area took me like 637585 tries to finish -_-
Am I the only one that found that fight hard?


New member
Apr 16, 2010

Haha, oh wow, thats awesome... I'd dig up my old save file and try it out, but from comments on the video it looks like you can't do it with messed up Augs.

Stingy Fellow

New member
Aug 24, 2011
White_Lama said:
Most difficult/epicly hated effing boss: The end boss in Dead or Alive 4.
Oh me and my friends had some fun with Drain-o *****, that's for sure.
I had to fight her every time they wanted a new char to play with, and eventually I just used the merc who has those stupid grapples that can kill you in a long series of barrel rolls.

We broke the disk too, I think. It's hard to remember. Those were dark days.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Mobius Evalon said:
Inherent to the term "boss" is an arbitrary NPC that is important to the plot somehow, who is thusly magically able to take a tactical nuclear missile to the face and only lose a sliver of health.

The entire concept of a boss fight is BS, and I've run into so few games where a boss character can die as easily as anyone else that I can't even recall which games they were. I simply cannot stand any boss that is a damage sponge, even more so when only a specific type of attack can damage it.
This is why I like Zelda bosses so much. They are really just giant puzzles that can kill you.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
The last boss in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. I freakin love the series with all my heart, but FUCK that was a bullshittedly difficult boss fight.

Kurt Horsting

New member
Jul 3, 2008
Flamelurker. He will rape your soul.

Here is some lucky son-of-a-***** who beat him. This boss is so fucking dumb.