the most fun you had in video games


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
T0ad 0f Truth said:
tippy2k2 said:
For whatever reason I like to imagine you do the same to real life kids playing football in the park. The visual amuses me XD
I may or may not run around the park hitting people with a giant purple dildo bat.

Wait...oh shit, I mixed up my answers. Never mind, I don't do that >.>

Actually, I kind of do that (play sports with kids that is). I'm a youth soccer coach and one of the few perks is schooling little kids at soccer. I can't beat people my own age in soccer so I'll smoke the little kids who don't realize I'm not very good! Take that kids!


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Playing Telltales games for the first time is always fantastic. The best thing ever is not knowing what will happen next, what you just said will do, or what your actions may effect.

Mount and Blade: Warband is of course always fun. When I first discovered the modding scene, I did nothing but play that game for a week. Total blast.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Stadium. I spent more hours into those games than I dare count.

Also, Super Mario Galaxy 2. At some point I just realized I had been smiling like an idiot for the better part of an hour.


New member
Jul 22, 2014
Purely in terms of fun I would say the music levels in Rayman Legends. They were awesome, in fact the one in the demo is what convinced me to buy the game. I even enjoyed the trolly nature of the very final one with the ever-dividing screens.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Banjo-Kazooie on the N64 immediately spring to mind. The christmas I acquired it was one of the most memorable and best christmases I have ever had. To this day I will happily play Banjo-Kazooie if I want a nostalgia trip, and I don't want to play on another perennial favourite, Pokemon (but I never seem to tire of playing Pokemon Blue).

Out of the more recent games it is usually a toss up between Deadly premonition and Sleeping dogs. I can happily sink a lot of time into those two games and not realise it.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
I'd say competitive Team Fortress Classic 10 years ago. The game's a ghost town now minus a few dedicated players. TFC offered the fast competitive skill base gameplay that is almost unseen today. There were no weapon mods, level ups, or any RPG elements you might find in a modern shooter. Everyone was equipped the same and only skill mattered. It also had more verticality than any other game I can compare it to, with the exception being maybe Titanfall. The learning curve was so high that most people would give up. I almost gave up, but seeing a player at expert level do all these amazing jumps really motivated me to keep playing. TFC was always challenging me to do better every time I played the game. The game is complete chaos in a public server, but in a proper league style play, it was a gem.

Also, WoW in burning crusade.

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
Monday after school with a mate, Gamecube, Metal of Honor Rising Sun, Baseball stadium, 4v4 with 2 us 4 star cpu vs. 4 Oommo (4 star Japanese cpu), first to 255 kills, pistol/M1 Garand/Sniper Rifle loadout. Let's go.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Probably the original Super Smash Bros. I played that game inside and out, hell, I even set up computer vs computer battles just to watch when I got tired of playing.

There was nothing sweeter than setting up all Pokeballs, Pikachu and Jigglypuff only, Saffron City battles.


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
Red Faction: Guerrilla. Super hammer cheat. Play golf with EVERYTHING! Smashing a guy so hard that he snaps his friend in half and ploughs through a foot-thick concrete wall never gets old. In fact I think I might go do that now.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
The first time I played San Andreas at my brother's house, just after it came out. It was the first game to get my ADHD mind to actually sit still for hours. Minecraft is also way up there, after setting up a multiplayer server. Too much fun.

Edit: Somehow forgot Prototype! That game is simply cathartic to play. The first one just has incredibly satisfying combat, and the pace is perfect. I still have fun with the second one, but the watered-down gameplay definitely hurt that one.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
The Kingdom Hearts series, basically...

I've played all of the games that were released in the US, at least, more times than I could remember... Some more than others as well as some on higher difficulty that others for "some" reason or another... However, the one thing I never thought I would enjoy playing from this series is this particular minigame:

Let me play to the tune of "Hand in Hand" again... and again... and again... AND AGAIN!

Other than that, any rhythm-based game in general... especially those times I was playing Just Dance in the Nintendo Lounge at Comic-Con...