The Most Horrific Pain of Your Life


New member
May 23, 2010
Trapped nerve in my neck down the right hand side.

I've it for about 10 years now. Usually its an incredibly intense shoot of pain that lasts for less than a second. Only bareable because of its brevity. BUT it has on about 3 occasions lasted quite a lot longer than that. Absolutely blinding pain for the best part of a minute...Thought it wasn't gonna go away and I almost called an ambulance before it stopped.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Ruptured ear drum (akin to ear sodomy in terms of physical discomfort), being electrocuted (twice), and breaking my cheek bone.

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
I think the winner has to be having one of my teeth growing through my gum. I had to wait a year on a dentist waiting list before they removed it. Was agony and prevented me from eating on the left side of my mouth.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Sovereignty said:
Burning the roof of my mouth with my first cup of coffee.

Personally it hurt more then when I fell off a roof, landed on my elbow, and it...

So yeah. Damn coffee.
I burnt my tounge with some hot tea, couldnt taste for about 2 months!
LightspeedJack said:
Having 3 teeth pulled out.
Im going to guess no anestetic right?

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Nail through my toe
Had a bit of my leg chipped out through a scooter accident
Had someone stomp on my chest
middle finger nail was ripped off
fish hook through my thumb
rolled in glass on my left arm
and you know the little wood stumps you get at playgrounds, well I tripped and landed on one. Face first giving me a scar on my top lip and a horrible memory for my childhood

So yeah


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I was in hospital for an operation to lance an abscess. Originally I was meant to have the operation on the day I went in (the blood poisoning was severe by this stage thanks to a misdiagnosis by my GP) but there was a car pile-up on the local motorway which meant my operation was pushed back three days. During these three days I was not allowed to eat - as they weren't sure when they could fit me in and you can't eat 24 hours before a general anaesthetic.

Finally, a nurse came along and told me I was going to be operated on soon, and asked if I would like another shot of morphine. I said yes because I was quite OW by then. Shortly thereafter, another nurse came along and did something to my IV line (I assumed she was checking it). Shortly after that, my stomach suddenly felt like it was being tied into a very tight knot. My mum called the first nurse, who discovered that the second nurse had mistaken her instructions, which were that she had already given me a shot of morphine, and had given me a second one.

Two shots of morphine on an empty stomach. :D

...I wouldn't recommend it. :|


Pacifist Percussionist
Apr 19, 2010
Halfway through a foot surgery, the local anesthetic kicked out and the doctor refused to give me more. He told me that the surgery was "taking a lot longer than expected" so he didn't prepare enough anesthetic to begin with. It was a laser surgery and the pain felt alien, but incredibly real and incredibly intense. Ironically, it left a heart-shaped scar to remember it by.

EOD Tech

New member
Dec 30, 2010
Finger cut off. Close second: nerve block in a very, ah, sensitive area.

Can't believe people are saying spinal tap...that was actually pretty painless for me. I wonder if there are different types.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
During treatment for A.L.L. (leukemia), I was on a steroid (prednisone) for two months. I was taken off the steroid without tapering off, and for the next week my arms and legs hurt so badly that I hardly move. If you know what it feels like to be in a juji gatame, kneebar, and figure-four toe hold done right, imagine that but they won't stop. That's what it felt like. Because I couldn't move with all the pain, it led to:

getting a catheter jammed down my dick

getting a feeding tube (that was incidentally a size too large) jammed down my throat

having to shit in a bucket (not painful, just extremely humiliating

It was like this for a while too. Worst experience I've ever had, hands down.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Worst flu of my life. I could barely move and when i did, i had this tingling feeling that just made the pain worse. If i wanted to do something i just lay for half an hour with that in my mind until i eventually mustered up the energy to do it.

Another thing that was extremely painful was feacal impaction. I had to stay off school for about 2 months (4 months total, it came back with a vengeance a second year)taking caolin and morphine to ease the pain. Damn stomach felt like it was gonna explode. Embarrasing to tell people why i was off too. Nice thing, though was that my whole class made a card for me, on both occasions. That seemed to work better than medicine.

I also split my head twice when i was younger and had to get stitched without anaesthetic. I don't remember it, but i expect it was pretty damn sore.

I edit as memories flood back to me...: Sunburn was hella sore. I had to endure 2 weeks of it, avoiding the sun as much as possible. And i have really pale skin which became red, and a crusty back. That was the same holiday in which my nose got badly burnt and became extremely sensitive to cold and heat thereafter. Back then it turned into a festering pile of mucus, pus, crusty scars and boils. It'll do it again, however less extreme this summer! And this winter! If you actually look closely at my nose you can actually see there is an area of it which is a bit paler than the rest.

Blazing Steel

New member
Sep 22, 2008
I broke my leg and then the broken length of bone went straight threw my ankle joint and got all tangled up in the tendens. So I had broken leg pain, ankle pain, any movement from my calf down pain and my school thought I was faking as I wasn't a complete mess. So they proceeded force me to walk off. When I collapsed from pain they kinda realised maybe something was wrong. By FAR the worst pain I have even had. Only plus side is I have a huge pain tollerace as I aparently did well to collapsed from the pain imidiately.

Also in all fairness to the school and the paramedics because the broken bit had moved, there was very little swelling and my balls of steel kinda messed up there assumption. The paramedic still owes me a tenner because it was broken...


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Chemical Alia said:
I somehow cut off the tip of my little finger in the hinge of the bathroom door when I was a kid, it was one of those moments when I didn't feel any of the pain until after I pulled my hand back and saw the blood dripping everywhere. Then it was very bad, but at least they were able to fix it. Though, I'm in lesser, but constant pain for the past many years due to a carpal instability in my wrist, and over time that has really worn me down and might actually be worse despite having adjusted to it being normal.
The finger thing happened to my little cousin, his baby sister closed the door on his finger by accident and cut a bit off the edge, thankfully it's growing back.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Being hoist upon my own petard. Seriously though, by the sounds of it I'm lucky to have only had severe pain in my temple due to pressure change in a landing aircraft.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Broke a tooth in half vertically and had the nerve exposed for roughly a week. Random painspikes had me on the floor then 1 minute later everything was just mild pain again, could only have lukewarm soup as it was incisor that broke, so no biting. I drink a lot though, even more in that state, and so it was only really early-day/afternoon painspikes that got me.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
worst injury? Hmm.. tough one.. Oh no it isn't lets see... One day, brothers gets drink, consults me and you know what happens? I end up getting strangled, thrown into 2 doors and a tv screen, a guitar over my head and almost drowned in the sink. Fun times.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Souplex said:
I'd have to say, it would probably be dealing with all the repeat threads.
Indeed this is a repeat thread! That thread you linked wasn't made June 7 2009 or anything!

OT: I was bouncing on a trampoline with a friend, and I jumped up and intended to land on my knees. I did, but my back wasn't straight enough, it was more bent back, so when I land, I feel a pain I can imagine people feel when they brake their backs.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I had ingrown toenails on both big toes. I was conscious for the surgery and my toes were just numbed. While waiting for it to really kick in, the doctor had to do an emergency surgery. When he got back it had started to wear off. I felt him cauterizing both of my big toes.