The Most Horrific Pain of Your Life

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
loc978 said:
...spinal tap when I was fifteen. Worse than being shot (and that's from experience).
God that sucks. Sorry you had to go through both of those.

For me, it was when I slipped on some black ice walking home from work and dislocated my elbow.

I was screaming before I really knew why.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
My uterus has decided to conquer the rest of my abdomen and its cells are marching out daily. The invading force has been choked out by depriving it of its provisions, estrogen, for a year, but in the long diagnostic period I would be bedridden by every muscle in my abdomen cramping up in an attempt to kill my disobedient womb. Some of these were worse than the time I broke my arm and the sharp bone ends filleted most of the surrounding muscle.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
My worst pain that I've ever felt was when I had a bladder infection... I'm pretty certain that was what it is... it was a horrible gut-wrenching pain that made it impossible to sit, or stand or anything. I still had to go to work, so I had to drive in that condition, do my job for 9 hours, and go back home to be in more unimaginable pain. DX It persisted for a week before I went to the doctor and it was all fixed up with some heavy duty antibiotics. It didn't help that I'm a guy and in my early twenties which certainly made the doctors stare at me like I was crazy.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Wart on my heel made it impossible for me to walk without feeling agonizing pain. After three attempts to freeze it off I had to have an injection to kill part of my foot so it would die.

That injection felt like glass dipped in acid on fire x 5

Not an exaggeration. I have felt acid (Idiots in science) and glass (At the same time, see Acid) and have had second degree burns after having my wrist put into an industrial oven designed to melt plastic on the metal rim. Twice. in the same spot.

That injection was more painful than all of that together by at least five.


New member
Dec 18, 2010
Udyrfrykte said:
KingTwelveSixteen said:
I slept with my head in the wrong position one night, and when I woke up I literally could not move my neck from the horrible angle all the way to the left without the hideous pain getting even worse.

And then my neck started to ache from holding my head like that constantly. Luckily it went away on its own in like an hour.
Doesn't sound too good. If you've had headaches more frequently after, get it checked. You might have caused some long term damage to your neck. (I have/had that as a result of a similar neck injury)

Reminded me of when I fell asleep with my feet straight up against the wall. I woke up with very little blood in them. Moving them and having the blood rush to them (i think?) was pretty painful.

No spinal tap material though.
Nah, the pain actually just finished going away as me and my mom were walking into the docter's office. No increase in headaches or anything either.

Sitting in the car with my head permanantly tilted to the left was very annoying and painful though. At least the worst of it had passed by then.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Acute Appendicitis. The recovery wasn't too bad, just spent a week feeling kinda crappy but the 8 hours in the emergency room was no fun at all.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Athletes foot. For the first 2-3 days, I felt nothing. I mean, it was gross and noticeable (I was camping with friends and we were barefoot pretty much the whole time, all of us wee tykes at the time) but really, it didn't pain me. Then one day, it hurt so uncontrollably that I actually fell onto the ground and started to flail around. My whole foot kinda clenched up and I swear it felt like the damn thing was burning. We drove right back to the city and I got it checked out. ><


New member
Jan 23, 2010
They only thing i can remember is when i cut my thumb in half on a deli slicer. It really did not hurt, or the removal of my six wisdom teeth, so i don't know, man I wish, I had a good one.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
dakorok said:
I got an ear infection in my right ear once. It felt like someone was driving a knife directly into my ear. Not fun at all.
Same here, all through my child hood I had ear aches, it really was torture and it got in the way of my school work and social life often.

Then there was one time at the dentist when he found a chip in one of my back teeth and used that scary sounding drill. He accidentally hit my nerve and I almost leaped out of the chair from that quick sharp pain.

I also was sun burnt all over really bad once and it hurt to do anything, even just standing or lying down, I was literally going insane!

The worst out of all was when I was really depressed but that's to personal to share with you lot. All I have to say is that I can really understand that pain that causes people to suicide.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
it's a tie between getting stabbed in the leg with a pencil, and watching Transformers: revenge of the fallen.

Lem0nade Inlay

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Waking up from a surgery to fix my arm when the bone snapped in two.

One of the pins they put inside there was pushing down against my nerve.

Not. Nice


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Stasisesque said:
binnsyboy said:
Mine would be when I once had a jaw problem, and it randomly had these phases where it would hurt horribly, (one of the most painful things of my life) unfortunately a lot of these fits of unbelievable pain would last hours, and would start when I was asleep, waking me into that sort of sleep paralysis that lasted quite a while with that horrible pain.

Anyway, over the counter pain medication did absolutely nothing. In the end, I took one of my mother's prescription pills that was essentially OMFG pain killer, which took the edge off. Slightly disappointing as it was still far from gone, and then it knocked me out for four hours and I woke up feeling fine.
Sounds like a dental abscess, it's one of the most painful afflictions of the mouth there is (second to dry socket). Even if not, any jaw pain and your first stop should be a dentist - whether tooth related or not, dentists know the mouth/jaw better than doctors and even if the pain was something like TMJ or trigeminal neuralgia, they can help.
Hmm...I learned something new today. Thank you. :)
For me it would probably be the time my friend accidentally stabbed me in the arm with a chisel in shop class...


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Edwardian house, steep stairs with a brick wall 2 foot away from the bottom, I fell, got minor fractures on a few bones and completely obliterated my right arm on the wall


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Two answers.
One: Not too long ago, I was in a bike wreck, and ended up with a cuncussion. The pain was mild, but the worst was the disorientation. I remember vividly the feeling of spiraling confusion. The world seemed to be constantly spinning even though I was looking straight. On a funny side note though, after a few days in the hospital, I went back to school to find many of the kids thought I was in a coma.
Two: It happened a while ago, and I may seem like a wuss but; I had to get all four of my baby canine teeth removed by surgery. The painkillers may work, but having eight shots on either side of the gums hurts like hell.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
When I had to get a spinal tap in high school. For a week after I couldn't lift my head without it feeling like my head was going to explode.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Losing a dog in Grade 6.

After spending your life not liking dogs, then getting one and loving it. Then it gets killed by a train.

I loved trains as a kid.

Also seeing my parents crying is too much for me to bear.

Azreal Sandman

New member
Jul 23, 2009
worst pain would have to be... extremely bad cough with a horrendously inflamed throat. I imagine that is what swallowing chainsaws is like. but worst injury would be my head went through a glass door when i fainted. 15 centimetres (6 inches) to the right and i wouldn't be here.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I was getting an MRI for my hip and they needed to inject a fluid into my hip joint to see it better.

They stuck a HUGE LONG needle in, not too far, hurts as usual, did a CT scan to make sure it was going along.

Stuck it in farther. AHHHH! it hurts like a *****! did another CT scan that took an agonizing two minutes.

Stuck it into the joint. FFFFUUUUU... The worst pain ever. I swear out loud in the doctor's office. took them another five minutes to do a CT scan, which seemed like forever, and then finally inject the fluid. It hurt the next three days.