The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Link to it here[email protected]&name=&lists=sysxpc_alert&Postal_Code_=&ListCode=WB

Well supposedly this thing will run Crysis Warhead on "Gamer Setting", what ever that means, and only costs 700$. Looking at the components, I would say its a pretty decent buy. What do you guys think? Honestly I was thinking of buying one to replace my Laptop.

Ill post the stats that matter
Nvidia 9800GT 512MB Graphics Card
Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.66GHZ
250GB 7200RPM SATA Hard Drive
Hi def audio included + mouse and keyboard


New member
May 19, 2008
Not a bad rig, I am looking forward to picking this game next Tuesday, might put in a bit of game time before I go to class :). If I still had my crappy computer and $700 I would definitely consider buying this, but thankfully i already got a comp that dominates Crysis.

From xfire profile:

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs)
2558MB RAM
Hard Drive:
500 GB
Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GX2
SyncMaster 753DF(T)/ 783DF(T), MagicSyncMaster AQ17DF
Sound Card:
Realtek HD Audio output
Logitech Speakers
Logitech EasyCall Desktop Wireless keyboard
Centrios X7 Optical Gaming Mouse
Mouse Surface:
A mouse pad, duh..
Operating System:
Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)
EVGA 132-CK-NF78-A1 SLI 780i DDR2
Computer Case:
Antec Nine Hundred Ultimate Gaming Case


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Well its always nice to have that isn't it? lol I just need a quick 200 bucks, any takers? Nah just kidding.
Anyway though, the rig is half decent and a steal at 700. I have no intention of of playing Crysis Warhead however. Ironic isn't it?


New member
May 12, 2008
Mine is still better.

Nvidia 9800GX2
Intel Wolfdale 3.0 ghz (OC to 4.0)
3 gigs of ram.
x2 Western Digital Raptors 10,000 RPM running in raid 0.
x1 1tb data drive.

Crysis is dominated by my rig. Which only cost about 1400 bucks.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Nice, well if I buy this one I can upgrade later if I like. Anything is better than my current system. It runs oblivion on low rez and settings but that's about it.


New member
May 12, 2008
Eggo post=9.71109.713702 said:
Lulz you have a pair of Raptors with a dual core CPU and only 3 gigs of RAM.

And you paid $1400? I hope that was like 2 years ago.
I've upgraded mate. That's the total amount I've invested in it. Also, it's clear you lack PC knowledge to scoff at a Wolfdale. If you knew anything you'd know that a 9800GX2 is about 300 dollars. I used to have an 8800GTS G92, so thats another 300, two raptors is about another 300, the wolfdale is about 150, Also, again you prove your lack of computer knowledge with the ram comment. Windows only recognizes 3.3 gigs of memory max. So even though I have 2 seperate 2 gig sticks, it only recognizes 3 of the four gigs. Factor in my Evga Mobo and you have a general idea of the cost. So hush.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Altorin post=9.71109.713720 said:
to quote the internet

And you would be right
Any other reactions to the decision made by Crytek?
I think it could catch on if a lot of people buy these PCs, we could see Pcs being sold for all the higher end games some time in the future


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Your comp is alright but with todays low prices it doesn't seem that great. My dad just got a laptop for word processing (he's a writer, that's all he does on it) for eight hundred that has 4 gigs RAM, 500 hard disk and "the best graphics card available in laptops today" according to the store clerk. I much prefer laptops to desktops, they're just more comfortable to me.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Sardonac post=9.71109.713749 said:
Your comp is alright but with todays low prices it doesn't seem that great. My dad just got a laptop for word processing (he's a writer, that's all he does on it) for eight hundred that has 4 gigs RAM, 500 hard disk and "the best graphics card available in laptops today" according to the store clerk. I much prefer laptops to desktops, they're just more comfortable to me.
Right, but desktops *are* better. In a few years, that might change, who knows.
I have a laptop myself, and its underpowered.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713714 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713702 said:
Lulz you have a pair of Raptors with a dual core CPU and only 3 gigs of RAM.

And you paid $1400? I hope that was like 2 years ago.
I've upgraded mate. That's the total amount I've invested in it. Also, it's clear you lack PC knowledge to scoff at a Wolfdale. If you knew anything you'd know that a 9800GX2 is about 300 dollars. I used to have an 8800GTS G92, so thats another 300, two raptors is about another 300, the wolfdale is about 150, Also, again you prove your lack of computer knowledge with the ram comment. Windows only recognizes 3.3 gigs of memory max. So even though I have 2 seperate 2 gig sticks, it only recognizes 3 of the four gigs. Factor in my Evga Mobo and you have a general idea of the cost. So hush.
So you're using a 32 bit operating system? That explains why it doesn't recognize more of the ram- if you've a 64 bit processor, you might as well upgrade to a 64 bit operating system- it's give you some more oomph out of your pc by recognizing that last gb of ram...
But that's just my opinion (I think I'm projecting onto people my own problem: I have an AMD Athlon X2 6000+ as well as 4 gigs of ram- unfortunantely, I don't have a 64 bit os....yet... so it's like I might as well not have that last gb of ram for all the good it's doing me)


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Sardonac post=9.71109.713749 said:
Your comp is alright but with todays low prices it doesn't seem that great. My dad just got a laptop for word processing (he's a writer, that's all he does on it) for eight hundred that has 4 gigs RAM, 500 hard disk and "the best graphics card available in laptops today" according to the store clerk. I much prefer laptops to desktops, they're just more comfortable to me.

That makes me sick


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Sardonac post=9.71109.713749 said:
Your comp is alright but with todays low prices it doesn't seem that great. My dad just got a laptop for word processing (he's a writer, that's all he does on it) for eight hundred that has 4 gigs RAM, 500 hard disk and "the best graphics card available in laptops today" according to the store clerk. I much prefer laptops to desktops, they're just more comfortable to me.
The best graphics card a laptop can hope to have has got nothing on even previous generations of desktop graphics cards (but at least the RAM is good!)... The reason for this is simply that laptops don't have nearly the ability to cool things down that desktops do- not enough open space, not enough room for a power supply to provide additional cooling...


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Eggo post=9.71109.713806 said:
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713714 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713702 said:
Lulz you have a pair of Raptors with a dual core CPU and only 3 gigs of RAM.

And you paid $1400? I hope that was like 2 years ago.
I've upgraded mate. That's the total amount I've invested in it. Also, it's clear you lack PC knowledge to scoff at a Wolfdale. If you knew anything you'd know that a 9800GX2 is about 300 dollars. I used to have an 8800GTS G92, so thats another 300, two raptors is about another 300, the wolfdale is about 150, Also, again you prove your lack of computer knowledge with the ram comment. Windows only recognizes 3.3 gigs of memory max. So even though I have 2 seperate 2 gig sticks, it only recognizes 3 of the four gigs. Factor in my Evga Mobo and you have a general idea of the cost. So hush.
I guess I'm just surprised that someone would go through the trouble to get an awesome video card like the 9800GX2 and then bottleneck it with a wimpy dual core and a 32 bit OS.

If you actually plan on doing anything serious with a computer, overclock a Q6600 and get 8 gigs of RAM and Vista 64. Right now, all you've got is the Ferrari engine with go-kart wheels and chassis.

That's assuming you're using it for something like content creation and not just gaming. Otherwise, I'd just suggest switching to Vista 64, especially considering how much memory is being eaten up by your video card under its current 32 bit OS.

And the dual Raptors in RAID 0...I won't even touch that with a ten foot long pole.
8 gigs?! How much RAM does Vista 64 recognize?


New member
May 12, 2008
Eggo post=9.71109.713806 said:
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713714 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713702 said:
Lulz you have a pair of Raptors with a dual core CPU and only 3 gigs of RAM.

And you paid $1400? I hope that was like 2 years ago.
I've upgraded mate. That's the total amount I've invested in it. Also, it's clear you lack PC knowledge to scoff at a Wolfdale. If you knew anything you'd know that a 9800GX2 is about 300 dollars. I used to have an 8800GTS G92, so thats another 300, two raptors is about another 300, the wolfdale is about 150, Also, again you prove your lack of computer knowledge with the ram comment. Windows only recognizes 3.3 gigs of memory max. So even though I have 2 seperate 2 gig sticks, it only recognizes 3 of the four gigs. Factor in my Evga Mobo and you have a general idea of the cost. So hush.
I guess I'm just surprised that someone would go through the trouble to get an awesome video card like the 9800GX2 and then bottleneck it with a wimpy dual core and a 32 bit OS.

If you actually plan on doing anything serious with a computer, overclock a Q6600 and get 8 gigs of RAM and Vista 64. Right now, all you've got is the Ferrari engine with go-kart wheels and chassis.

That's assuming you're using it for something like content creation and not just gaming. Otherwise, I'd just suggest switching to Vista 64, especially considering how much memory is being eaten up by your video card under its current 32 bit OS.

And the dual Raptors in RAID 0...I won't even touch that with a ten foot long pole.
I'll make the switch to 64 once I hear more positive things about it. Also, it disturbs me you call a wolfdale "wimpy". It matches a Q6600 in nearly every aspect, and passes it in gaming. Yes, soon it will be renendered obsolete by more advanced threading optimization, but for now it suits me fine. Also, what do you have against twin raptors in raid 0? My beast boots like a monster.

Don't think I'm provoking you or anything, I just like tech debates.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713883 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713806 said:
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713714 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713702 said:
Lulz you have a pair of Raptors with a dual core CPU and only 3 gigs of RAM.

And you paid $1400? I hope that was like 2 years ago.
I've upgraded mate. That's the total amount I've invested in it. Also, it's clear you lack PC knowledge to scoff at a Wolfdale. If you knew anything you'd know that a 9800GX2 is about 300 dollars. I used to have an 8800GTS G92, so thats another 300, two raptors is about another 300, the wolfdale is about 150, Also, again you prove your lack of computer knowledge with the ram comment. Windows only recognizes 3.3 gigs of memory max. So even though I have 2 seperate 2 gig sticks, it only recognizes 3 of the four gigs. Factor in my Evga Mobo and you have a general idea of the cost. So hush.
I guess I'm just surprised that someone would go through the trouble to get an awesome video card like the 9800GX2 and then bottleneck it with a wimpy dual core and a 32 bit OS.

If you actually plan on doing anything serious with a computer, overclock a Q6600 and get 8 gigs of RAM and Vista 64. Right now, all you've got is the Ferrari engine with go-kart wheels and chassis.

That's assuming you're using it for something like content creation and not just gaming. Otherwise, I'd just suggest switching to Vista 64, especially considering how much memory is being eaten up by your video card under its current 32 bit OS.

And the dual Raptors in RAID 0...I won't even touch that with a ten foot long pole.
I'll make the switch to 64 once I hear more positive things about it. Also, it disturbs me you call a wolfdale "wimpy". It matches a Q6600 in nearly every aspect, and passes it in gaming. Yes, soon it will be renendered obsolete by more advanced threading optimization, but for now it suits me fine. Also, what do you have against twin raptors in raid 0? My beast boots like a monster.

Don't think I'm provoking you or anything, I just like tech debates.
If gaming is most of what you use your pc for, and if you use mostly new programs, a 64 bit os will be a much more stable environment, as well as a probable performance boost just due to the fact that it lets your cpu (if it's 64 bit) operate faster.... Then there's the RAM recognition...
The bad thing about a 64 OS is that it's not all that compatible with old software... Like, at all...
So, did I change your mind?


New member
May 12, 2008
jamanticus post=9.71109.713915 said:
The bad thing about a 64 OS is that it's not all that compatible with old software... Like, at all...
So, did I change your mind?
I love old games. More than new ones :(.
Like I said, I'll wait till it's a bit more widely supported.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Sardonac post=9.71109.713749 said:
Your comp is alright but with todays low prices it doesn't seem that great. My dad just got a laptop for word processing (he's a writer, that's all he does on it) for eight hundred that has 4 gigs RAM, 500 hard disk and "the best graphics card available in laptops today" according to the store clerk. I much prefer laptops to desktops, they're just more comfortable to me.
I can promise you that it doesn't have the "best graphics card available in laptops today" if he only paid $800 for it. The clerk either pulled a fast one on you, or you misunderstood. Even if that's true, so what? That's like saying, "I have the best piece of crap on the face of the planet!" Great, but it's still a piece of crap. Not that I think this laptop is a piece of crap. I don't really know the specs, and it doesn't sound like you do either, but you get my metaphor hopefully.

You're also naive to like laptops over desktops for gaming. You'd need to plug a mouse into it anyway for any sort of gaming outside of TBS's, so how it's more "comfortable", I have no idea.

Also, you didn't list the CPU, which is essential to gaming.. so it's hard to rate if $800 is worth it or not.

You say his comp is "alright", but it'd blow that laptop out of the water.. What a weird comparison to try to make