The New Crysis Warhead optimized PC


New member
May 8, 2008
How did it turn from a "look, Crisis Warhead will be optimized to work on THIS PC even" to a "LOOK MAH EXTREME GRAPHICS KARD!!!!" dickwaving competition?

Well Crisis Warhead will run in full settings if youd been able to even RUN Crisis...and it will NOT look any different.


New member
May 12, 2008
runtheplacered post=9.71109.713927 said:
Sardonac post=9.71109.713749 said:
Your comp is alright but with todays low prices it doesn't seem that great. My dad just got a laptop for word processing (he's a writer, that's all he does on it) for eight hundred that has 4 gigs RAM, 500 hard disk and "the best graphics card available in laptops today" according to the store clerk. I much prefer laptops to desktops, they're just more comfortable to me.
I can promise you that it doesn't have the "best graphics card available in laptops today" if he only paid $800 for it. The clerk either pulled a fast one on you, or you misunderstood.

You're also naive to like laptops over desktops for gaming. You'd need to plug a mouse into it anyway for any sort of gaming outside of TBS's, so how it's more "comfortable", I have no idea.

Also, you didn't list the CPU, which is essential to gaming.. so it's hard to rate if $800 is worth it or not.

You say his comp is "alright", but it'd blow that laptop out of the water..
I'm more hurt that he called a 9800GX2 alright.

Either I'm totally disconnected from the PC world, or something happened recently that made it an "Alright" card. :(


New member
May 12, 2008
I remember when twin raptors were the holy grail of gaming harddrives. You say you worked on an Octocore? Nice.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Eggo, did you just say 128 GB is the amount of RAM Vista 64 can recognize? Wow, talk about exponential scaling...


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Why would you need 128gigs of ram?
That must be for like NASA and Government Super Computers or something


New member
Sep 10, 2008
jamanticus post=9.71109.713915 said:
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713883 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713806 said:
Aries_Split post=9.71109.713714 said:
Eggo post=9.71109.713702 said:
Lulz you have a pair of Raptors with a dual core CPU and only 3 gigs of RAM.

And you paid $1400? I hope that was like 2 years ago.
I've upgraded mate. That's the total amount I've invested in it. Also, it's clear you lack PC knowledge to scoff at a Wolfdale. If you knew anything you'd know that a 9800GX2 is about 300 dollars. I used to have an 8800GTS G92, so thats another 300, two raptors is about another 300, the wolfdale is about 150, Also, again you prove your lack of computer knowledge with the ram comment. Windows only recognizes 3.3 gigs of memory max. So even though I have 2 seperate 2 gig sticks, it only recognizes 3 of the four gigs. Factor in my Evga Mobo and you have a general idea of the cost. So hush.
I guess I'm just surprised that someone would go through the trouble to get an awesome video card like the 9800GX2 and then bottleneck it with a wimpy dual core and a 32 bit OS.

If you actually plan on doing anything serious with a computer, overclock a Q6600 and get 8 gigs of RAM and Vista 64. Right now, all you've got is the Ferrari engine with go-kart wheels and chassis.

That's assuming you're using it for something like content creation and not just gaming. Otherwise, I'd just suggest switching to Vista 64, especially considering how much memory is being eaten up by your video card under its current 32 bit OS.

And the dual Raptors in RAID 0...I won't even touch that with a ten foot long pole.
I'll make the switch to 64 once I hear more positive things about it. Also, it disturbs me you call a wolfdale "wimpy". It matches a Q6600 in nearly every aspect, and passes it in gaming. Yes, soon it will be renendered obsolete by more advanced threading optimization, but for now it suits me fine. Also, what do you have against twin raptors in raid 0? My beast boots like a monster.

Don't think I'm provoking you or anything, I just like tech debates.
If gaming is most of what you use your pc for, and if you use mostly new programs, a 64 bit os will be a much more stable environment, as well as a probable performance boost just due to the fact that it lets your cpu (if it's 64 bit) operate faster.... Then there's the RAM recognition...
The bad thing about a 64 OS is that it's not all that compatible with old software... Like, at all...
So, did I change your mind?
My biggest turn off for Vista is easily it not being very compatible with old software, that covers most of my favorite games. That and other issues. Basically I'm with people saying they're going to wait until Vista really starts proving its better overall. Until then, you know... XP has just treated me very well.

3.0 gig quad-core processor
4 gig ram
8800 Ultra
400 gig hd

is suiting me just fine for now. Anything else can wait a bit.

Theo Samaritan

New member
Jul 16, 2008
TBH if I had a choice between a single 9800GX2 or a pair of 8800GT 512's, i'd get the 512's. Just as powerful, for cheaper.

I don't get why people use cry engine based games as benchmarks anyway, its such a poorly written piece of crap that in many ways it doesn't compare with the performance of real games.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Theo Samaritan post=9.71109.715298 said:
TBH if I had a choice between a single 9800GX2 or a pair of 8800GT 512's, i'd get the 512's. Just as powerful, for cheaper.

I don't get why people use cry engine based games as benchmarks anyway, its such a poorly written piece of crap that in many ways it doesn't compare with the performance of real games.
Poor coding inherently ups system requirements. Go figure. Anyone wonder why many Blizzard and Valve games can look great, even on their lowest settings and STILL play on games that don't even meet their minimum requirements? Good coding. That's why. That's one of the things the industry needs more of... good coding.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
jamanticus post=9.71109.713852 said:
8 gigs?! How much RAM does Vista 64 recognize?
Just to clarify, stick in my two-penneth (thats two cents for the Yanks) and to get another one on my abysmal post count... XP64 recognises 16Gb, Vista 64 Basic/Home Premium recognises upto 8Gb properly, depending on mobo, but should be ok upto 16Gb on Premium and Vista ultimate/Business will recognise 128,,, but thats far too much to actually be of use on a home computer at the moment!

And as this seems to be a place for people shouting about their rigs...
Q6600 @ ~2.4GHz
ATi Radeon 3870x2
Vista Home Premium 64Bit

Take it Easy


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Eggo post=9.71109.715360 said:
Lilim post=9.71109.715271 said:
My biggest turn off for Vista is easily it not being very compatible with old software, that covers most of my favorite games. That and other issues. Basically I'm with people saying they're going to wait until Vista really starts proving its better overall. Until then, you know... XP has just treated me very well.

3.0 gig quad-core processor
4 gig ram
8800 Ultra
400 gig hd

is suiting me just fine for now. Anything else can wait a bit.
That's easy then: do a dual boot like I did. And in my experiences, I never really had to boot up to XP32 because very few games are actually incompatible with Vista 64.

In other words: if you have more than 2 gigs of RAM, Vista 64 kicks ass.
Dual booting is a pain. Well, I think it is. I'd much rather wait until Vista actually looks worth getting 'now.' And I can do that any time. No rush.

The incompatibility thing you noted though... I have to wonder about the library of games you're looking at. There were a good range of games very old, old, somewhat old, not all that old, not old at all, and new that were incompatible the last time I checked? Or was there some fix I'm not familiar with due to not having Vista?

MonkeySlayer post=9.71109.715411 said:
[ and Vista ultimate/Business will recognise 128,,, but thats far too much to actually be of use on a home computer at the moment!

Take it Easy
Does anyone else remember back when people laughed at the thought of ever needing more than... what... a couple of megs of ram? I just suddenly remembered that when reading this.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Vista might not support old games by default, but it's not hard at all to find ways around that. Most popular old games will be packaged into vista-compatible installers by fans, but failing that you can always run them through DOS-BOX.

Xcom: UFO Defense
Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Master of Orion 2

All of these games works perfectly for me, only have to run Orion 2 through DOS-BOX (this actually makes the game perform better than it did originally).

EDIT: I run Vista 64 with 8 gigs of memory.