The New Face of Standard


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Encaen said:
Braedan said:
I decided on building a GW Selesnya deck which takes advantage of cloudshift and Restoration angel to flicker and populate Armada Wurms and Thragtusks (Thragtuski?). It's a bunch of fun, but I don't think it's strong enough to compete with.

Captchya: Win hands down..... I hope so, but I doubt it.
I just put together my own take on a Selesnya deck last night, though I'm using Populate instead of flicker for token production. It's going to be a bit slower going than my BW tokens deck, I expect, but it should be fun to play, even if it's not super competitive.

You may be right about the competitiveness of a token/flicker deck, but I can say with confidence that there are few things quite as fun as repeatedly flickering Thragtusk!
Heh, I should have said that I'm using both. Two Trostani, Selesnya's Voice plus an odd assortment of things like Rootborn Defenses and Growing Ranks let me pump a tonne of bonerwurms.

Try adding some Strangleroot Geists. Speeds the deck up quite a bit and gives two blocks if things get really rough.

Flickering Thragtusk is fun, but Flickering Thragtusk with Trostani out and getting 13 health is lots of fun too :D


New member
Jan 28, 2012
I'm loving the Raka control decks that have been popping up courtesy of plentiful multicolored mana and hybrid cards. Tempo, burn and Giest of Saint Traft. What more could you want?

Well, aside from the sweet sweet sound of Dega lifegain/burn courtesy of gatecrash. The time is right for tricolor-offcolor decks to take the stage!

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Farthing said:
I'm loving the Raka control decks that have been popping up courtesy of plentiful multicolored mana and hybrid cards. Tempo, burn and Giest of Saint Traft. What more could you want?

Well, aside from the sweet sweet sound of Dega lifegain/burn courtesy of gatecrash. The time is right for tricolor-offcolor decks to take the stage!
For some control and stompy, perhaps.
It's probably going to be a repeat performance not of original Ravnica Block, but Alara Block. The Guild archetypes largely feel more homogenous compared to before, granted, this is a tad premature.

Jund Stompy vs Bant, only this time with Thragtusk instead of Bloodbraid Elf generating all that free tempo.

The only card I think is a little too good is Thragtusk, but I'm thankful it wasn't another "Pre-Ordained Chase Mythic" like Jace the Mind Sculptor.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
B/G Zombies.
Yes, I should be playing B/R for the reach the deck has. However, Rancor is a powerhouse and Dreg Mangler leads to turn 4 kills. Unfortunately, my meta loves G/W. So I have to battle through a lot of Thragtusks. I've not been very good so far, but that turns around today.