I'm going to have to say, I don't buy anyone that acts like this was the reason they won't be getting the Switch. Sure, there are Nintendo games that have online for the system, but the only game that really needs it is going to be Splatoon, everything else will either be heavily single-player, or local multiplayer based. Arms, bomberman, Mario Kart, I don't know many people that would absolutely need the online for these, these seem more focused on local multiplayer, not online play. And the same will go for Smash later on, and Monster Hunter. Pokemon might also cause some ruffled feathers, but again, most people play Pokemon for the single player experience with some trading with friends. I'm not trying to defend this idea. It's stupid, especially with Nintendo, as all it's done is cemented that I won't be picking up Monster Hunter or Splatoon, but I think the console will still see a lot of play time from me from the new Mario and Zelda alone. Plus the new Xenoblade game looks fantastic, and SMT is my favorite JRPG series, so I can live with just acting like my Switch doesn't even have online capabilities.
If the service is like $10 a year, they might get me with it, but anything more considering how shite their online is anyway is just absurd. But again, I don't feel burned with this like I did with the PS+ shit and the PS4, because I could never connect my Nintendo console to the Internet and not notice a damn difference.