The one game you want but can't find.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Tales Of Symphonia, I know you can get it, but not at a price I am willing to pay. I did buy a copy about 4 years ago but it was faulty so I had to return it :/


New member
Sep 10, 2010
I'e been trying to find a copy of Silent Hill 2 forever but the PS2 section of every used game store I check is always entirely made up of NHL 2003 and WWE: Smackdown vs Raw


New member
Mar 17, 2010
A game called Holy War for the PS1.

It was a turn based combat sort of game where you moved these machines or monsters (I can't remember exactly) over the arena via highlighted hexagonal tiles and I think you could combine one with another to end up with a new one with different abilities.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Rise Of Nations: Thrones And Patriots, I have literally spent the past Three years looking, after I lost my CD Key.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Shadow of the colossus, Silent hill 2, Majora's mask. I'll have to buy them over the internet, which is annoying considering I don't have an income and my parents hate online shopping.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
marcogodinho said:
Jade Empire looks pretty cool but it´s hard to find it in Portugal
If you don't mind playing it in English you can pick it up really cheap on Amazon :)


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Jenova65 said:
marcogodinho said:
Jade Empire looks pretty cool but it´s hard to find it in Portugal
If you don't mind playing it in English you can pick it up really cheap on Amazon :)
I dont mind at all! Actually, i prefer to play them in English.
Looks like the game´s for sale for less than £5 on Amazon uk. I think i´ll buy it. Thanks for the tip :)


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Psychonauts :( I know it's on XBLA but I always spend my money on party favors or food so a physical copy is required for parents to purchase it.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Ionait said:
For people looking for Ico and Shadow of the Colossus...
This -->

For those too lazy or untrusting to click the link; both games are being re-released in one collection for PS3. For 38.99 USD on even, which is way cheaper than trying to track the originals down and buy them used.

I bought Shadow when it first came out, lucky for me! I'll never forget how it felt to face my first colossus.

I stumbled upon Ico at a Gamestop about a year ago and snatched it up right away. It freezes up and glitches out all the time. ;_; I'm too lazy to go check the disc, but I think it's a blue back. My PS2 is racist against those blues.

More on topic: I'm looking for Persona 2. Or I was. Until they released news that they were remaking it for the PSP. So now I just need to buy a PSP. I had a longer list of games, but I've managed to track down most of them by some weird luck. I actually found Persona 2 at a used game store but when they put it in a PSone to test it for me, it wouldn't run...

Trapt, Okage: Shadow King, Threads of Fate, Wild Arms 2, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, Shadow Hearts, Shadow of Destiny.. There's a couple off of the top of my head. I hunted for YEARS for some of them. But now they are on mah shelf! Some were given to me, some were dirt cheap, even at Gamestop. Some were expensive.. Urgh. Lookin' at you Shadow Hearts. Lookin' at you.

I actually still own a copy of Threads of Fate. And i had the second Shadow Hearts. Was the first any good?


New member
Jun 25, 2010
For the longest time I could not find Amplitude for the PS2! Took me 2 years to track down a copy. New life long quest is a affordable copy of earthbound. Key word affordable!


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Gxas said:
Ico. I can't find an easy copy to get a hold of. I hate ordering off of Ebay and such because of my innate distrust of other people.
I almost resorted to eBay years ago. I was after Dark Cloud, but the final day fo the auction there was a copy at EB Games, so huzzah for me (also, an old friend of mine was also there. Too bad she was late, because she wanted Dark Cloud too, and mine was the only copy there (and the only copy I've ever seen)).

EDIT: Captcha: Ounerin Deficiency

Oh noes, I have a sub-standard supply of ounerin! I'm dooooooooo-*deep breath*-oooooooooo-*small intermission*-ooooomed!!!


New member
May 22, 2010
x EvilErmine x said:
MechWarrior 3, my disk is FUBAR and i cant find another one.
I was going to say that it was a really common game back when used PC games were still around, so it should be easy to find online, but a quick check turns up disc only versions going for $10, and more complete versions costing an arm and a leg. I have two copies of the game, because my first copy was lost for several years, and a used copy ran around $5 back in the day. If the prices really are that high, it might be worth putting the extra copy up on Ebay.

If anyone is interested about how I lost a disc for several years, it got swept up with a bunch of empty jewel cases that we stored out in the shed in my parents' backyard after transferring all of the CDs to binders. I found it years later, while cleaning out the shed, but it was after I had already bought a replacement. Man do I miss the pre-Gamestop buyout EB.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
marcogodinho said:
Jenova65 said:
marcogodinho said:
Jade Empire looks pretty cool but it´s hard to find it in Portugal
If you don't mind playing it in English you can pick it up really cheap on Amazon :)
I dont mind at all! Actually, i prefer to play them in English.
Looks like the game´s for sale for less than £5 on Amazon uk. I think i´ll buy it. Thanks for the tip :)
You're welcome :) I lent one of my copies to a friend and they loved it, they brought it back in a 'less cared', for condition though. So I let them keep that copy and got the special edition from Amazon really cheap, so that I still have two copies (just in case....)


New member
May 8, 2010
I cannot believe someone else knows about this game also. Fucking amazing game. Where are you downhill domination?