The Original StarCraft and Brood War Are Now Available For Free

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
LysanderNemoinis said:
Seriously, screw that level with all the ghosts locking my shit down and then nuking the crap out of me.
If you're referring to the last Terran mission, you can fix them by laying spider mines all over the place. Then start mass producing goliaths. Goliaths are fairly cheap and numerous so the AI can't lock them all down (although there will be a lot of it happening) and they also hit air pretty hard, which is useful because the AI also likes battle cruisers and wraiths.

Also the red AI doesn't have that crazy lockdown/nuke stuff, so they are a soft target you can take out early and steal their resources. You also don't have to attack the dreaded white AI, you can just go straight for the ion cannon.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Xerosch said:
On the other I don't quite understnad the business decision by Blizzard so close to the Remaster. Do they think it will sell more if people get a low res taste or what?
Probably just free publicity. Doubt it makes much difference on their end, who's still buying this anyways? Who's going to buy it once a remastered version is out? Anybody who actually wants this already has it. So, give it away, get free new coverage everywhere apparently, boost sales of your upcoming remastered version.