'The Pit: Hell Frozen Over' - Arc 3, Chapter 3: 'The One Truth' (Closed, Started)


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011

The year is estimated to be 2350 AD. Mankind has, marginally, weathered the storm of a Cataclysm that occurred at some point in the mid-21st Century. Records are sketchy as to what the specifics of said apocalyptic events were. Some blame an asteroid strike, others a super-volcano. Perhaps it was a viral pandemic, or perhaps it was simply the natural order of things, civilisation reaching its apex, resources dwindling and failing to meet demand, resulting in all-out war between global powers for what remained as the world died around them. What we do know, is that by the end of the 21st Century, the global population had plummeted from well over 7 billion, to a little less than 600 million.

Now that the worst of the carnage has passed, society is gingerly rebuilding itself on a global scale. However, this new-found peace rests on a delicate balance, as there are some who thrived in the chaos of humanity's downfall, and don't want to see the return to an order that has the power to deny their appetites. Dynamics have changed, and as the Cataclysm brought ruin to established global powers, rendering most national borders irrelevant, the opportunity arose for more enterprising and more flexible organisations to take advantage of the chaos. These entities moved fast to secure fossil fuels and other vital minerals, so that when the dust settled, humanity emerged to find itself utterly dependent on these new giants for their survival.

One such giant is the Private Contractor called Venture Horizon, who succeeded in acquiring most of the previously untapped mineral wealth in the Arctic and Far-Northern Hemisphere. Venture Horizon has many fingers in many pies, operating as pretty much everything from a mining conglomerate, and pharmaceutical company, to a private army who's might dwarfs that of any sovereign state that still exists. Because of this, they are now regarded as the largest global power in the world, and almost every fledgling nation in the hemisphere is utterly beholden to them for the energy and the materials required build humanity back up to its former greatness. Venture however, is not a charity, and, ironically, the new world has opened up the doors to some old trades...

Venture conducts its business as such: The nations who are contracted to it provide Venture with free labour for its mines (in the form of 'Inmates'), and soldiers for its private army (in the form of 'Wardens'), in exchange for Oil, Natural Gas, and other vital minerals extracted from its Resource Acquisition and Criminal Detention Installations (or RACDI's).

It is both on, and within, one of these installations that our story is primarily set. A vast, sprawling complex largely dug beneath the ice and permafrost of Siberia. It is regarded as both the largest mining operation, and the most horrific prison on Earth. Its official name is RACDI-Alpha, but those who toil, kill, and die within its depths know it simply as 'The Pit'.

In theory, 'The Pit' and all its sister installations are explained by Venture, and by those who condemn their citizens to them, as a necessary evil. They are places where the worst that the human race has to offer, people who are beyond rehabilitation, can be removed to until true law can be established. As the rhetoric of world governments would tell you, these beasts conspired to keep the world locked in the Dark Ages with their lawlessness, and know they repay their debt by supplying the bricks and mortar from which true Order and Justice will be built anew (this also conveniently glosses over the horrific conditions of 'The Pit', and the atrocities that are part of day to day life there). Indeed, many denizens of 'The Pit' are exactly what they are made out to be, feral maniacs and calculating terrorists. However, that isn't the whole story. There are many others in 'The Pit' who are political prisoners, made to disappear by corrupt and prejudiced governments; some are falsely accused, and some have simply been put there because the powers at be didn't have anywhere else to send them.

Survival is hard. Escape is next to impossible, and the few who leave are never the same again. Welcome... and God help you.


NinjaDeathSlap (GM):

- Name: Officially his only known designation is 'Inmate #4936140', He thinks (based on sketchy childhood memories) that his name might be 'Nikolai'.

- Age: Again unknown, but approximately early to mid 30's.

- Gender: Male

- Appearance: Nikolai is a giant, coming in at approximately 7ft tall, and intensely muscular. He is Caucasian, with icy blue eyes, a bald head and a fair, straggly beard. His features would be hard and worn, with a massive jaw and crooked nose, even if it weren't for the twisted, mottled masses of burn and scar tissue, found all over his body and face, the marks of his gruesome interrogation prior to his incarceration in The Pit. Recently, Nikolai has been disfigured even further by injury. Most of his teeth are broken, and his right leg has been amputated below the knee. In place of the lost limb however, Nikolai has a metal, pneumatically powered prosthetic fused directly to his flesh and nerve. Combined with the power of the rest of his body, said leg can be unleashed with enough force to demolish a wall of solid concrete.

Nikolai has a hulking, slightly stooped gait, a result of decades spent in spaces too cramped for him underground. Looking at him, you could easily be fooled into thinking that the man could barely move under his own weight. However, for all his bulk Nikolai is capable of incredible grace and agility, the surprise of which have won him as many fights as his brute strength and resistance to pain. He rarely shows a lot of emotion on his face, partly due to the scars and partly due to a lack of social development. To tell what he's thinking and feeling, you have to be good at reading the subtleties.

Faction: Inmate (escaped)

- Background: Nikolai remembers little about about his life before The Pit, which he has served in since before he was 10 years old, or at least he thinks so (not to mention the significant trauma he suffered leading him to repress much of what he knows of life outside The Pit). He remembers a farm though, through a disturbing, recurring nightmare of his, and as such much of his world view is sorted and contextualized through what he still remembers of that life. Official records state that Nikolai was a low ranking member of a notorious and blood-thirsty outlaw gang operating out of remote farmland in what used to be Bulgaria. It is true that the gang existed, and the farm that Nikolai was born on may well have been part of their cover, but how much he knew of their activities, or the extent of any crimes he himself committed, is highly suspect. In truth, Dog was most likely a victim of a 'Foraging' operation by the government of the New Balkan Union, where soldiers are sent to the countryside both in and around the borders of the NBU, to acquire anything that might be of use to the government... including people who can be sold to Venture Horizon.

Upon arrival in The Pit, Nikolai learned survival one fight at a time. Even before the place hardened him, he displayed both incredible physical strength and an almost inhuman resistance to pain, which allowed him to defeat all the challenges of his early period of incarceration. As he was building a reputation for himself, that was getting him noticed by The Pit's big players, he was adopted by Azrael, who used him as an unthinking and unfeeling blunt instrument for his gang, the Arctic Wolves. Life for Nikolai in that period was deceptively simple. He was like a dog. He killed for his masters, and his masters fed him. The rules were easy to understand, and he was the strongest, rising quickly through the ranks of the Arctic Wolves as a result. However, a part of Nikolai, deep down, resented his lot, and when the Warden in Chief started putting out feelers for Operation Borealis, Nikolai became Lee's agent. It was Nikolai who killed Orphan, lulling Azrael into a false sense of security; and then not long after, Nikolai had killed Azrael too, absconding from The Pit with as many Arctic Wolves as he had been able to rally around him. Together, they became the Free Men.

Since leaving The Pit, Nikolai has found life on the outside hard. In the wide, wild world, even Nikolai is small, and he can no longer get by on strength alone. Surviving, let alone thriving, means that Nikolai must try and reconnect to the boy he once was, before he forgot how to function as an ordinary human being. He is improving, and quickly too, but there is a downside. Nikolai's nightmares are getting more frequent, and more vivid. His brain is at last beginning to remember exactly what happened to hit before he was given to Venture Horizon. The answers that lie beneath Nikolai's layers of psychosis could set him free... or they could destroy him.

- Personality: Nikolai is simple-minded, but by no means dim-witted. His deceptively shrewd internal analysis of people and their motivations has been just as vital to his survival in 'The Pit' as his unnatural physical strength. He is by no means sadistic or cruel. However, he has the potential to be horrifically violent and utterly remorseless. This is because his experiences have left him placing basically no value on human life. In fact, during his incarceration, the only people he classified as 'Men', were the Wardens and the Inmates of the highest status and influence. Everyone else, he sorted into categories of farm animal. He was a Dog, unthinkingly serving Men for the pitiful rewards they offered. He is now learning to be is own person, and to accept the responsibility that entails.

- Name: Selena Hernandez

- Age: 34

- Gender: Female

- Appearance: Venture Horizon's top femme fatale, Selena stands at 5ft 8in tall, with a slim, hourglass figure, tanned skin, deep green eyes and long, nut-brown hair, that seemed to cascade effortlessly in loose waves behind her. She often wears a severe, cream suit and heels, and is always looking over her thinly-framed glasses. She uses make-up sparingly, but expertly, and she is never seen without her nails painted, blood red, with lipstick to match, naturally.

Used to be, that every move Selena made she made with absolute confidence, gliding around everywhere she went, with an air as though everyone in the room was already under her thumb, just be virtue of her arrival (it was rarely that far from the truth either). Her recent days as a 'collaborator' (read: prisoner in fear for her life) of the new custodians of RACDI-Alpha, has taken the wind out of her sails significantly. She is still, however, able to mask much of her anxiety, and project a air of cool serenity, and assurance in her actions.

- Faction: Executive of Venture Horizon (currently captive)

- Background: Born under the sweltering sun of Old Seville, in what used to be Spain, Selena was raised among the political elite of the Iberian Alliance. The first child of one of the Alliance's most important civil servants, Selena was learning to master the political game while other girls her age played with doll's houses. It was a game she took to like a natural, however, she never shared her father's patriotism for the Iberian Alliance. As the girl became a woman, Selena became ever more aware, and ever more frustrated, at how nations were looking increasingly irrelevant next to private-sector Superpowers like Venture Horizon. Still, the onus was on her to continue her father's legacy, and despite her ambitions beyond the confines of the Iberian Alliance, she served her country well for several years.

At the tender age of 22, it was Selena who spear-headed what was possibly the most crucial political moment of the Alliance's history to date. The negotiation and signing of the treaty between the Iberian State and Ignite Solutions, the pact that was to mark the beginning of the end to the Pan-Arabian War, by forming an alliance strong enough to halt the advancing forces of the Tiger Republics, and push them back out of the Arabian Peninsula. Ironically, Selena's finest hour was also her last straw, as the negotiations with Ignite Solutions had cost the Iberian Alliance much of the territory in North Africa that they had previously held unchallenged until that point in the war. To Selena, it was yet another example of how weak traditional governments had become in the face of private entities. Only a year later, she made the shrewd political decision to choose the winning side, resigning her post and joining the pay roll of Ignite Solutions itself, causing a national scandal, and estranging her from her father.

Half a decade after that, Selena was head-hunted by Venture Horizon, and given a very generous offer. She accepted, and became one of their most prized employees. It came as no surprise to anyone under her when Selena was chosen as the head of the team of Executives sent to RACDI-Alpha to monitor the fragile situation that Colonel Lee Jin-Oh had created. When push came to shove, however, it appears Selena's ruthless, mercenary side has won the day again, surrendering to the forces that overran RACDI-Alpha, providing them with valuable intelligence on Venture Horizon, and selling out the Colonel in the middle of his escape attempt, leading to the former Warden-in-Chief's death.

- Personality: Unlike her early years in the Iberian corridors of power, Selena believed she had found her true calling at Venture Horizon, and became something of a zealot for them. To her, the continued prosperity of the organisation was (almost) as important as the continued success of her own career. That was then though, and now, it would seem that looking after number one is once more the order of the day. Behind her smile, Selena hides the sort of ruthlessness that only someone trained for power since birth can possess, and she will use every advantage she has to continue on her journey towards the top of the pile, whether than be her intelligence, her looks, or her charm. Selena can make a powerful friend, or a dangerous enemy, and you won't know which until it is too late.

- Name: Known only by her alias, 'The Talon' due to her fondness of torturing and killing her enemies by cutting their skin into strips from head to heel, and then hanging their raw corpses by the ribbons.

- Age: Unknown, likely mid-20's

- Gender: Female

- Appearance: Dark-skinned, originating from Sub-Saharan Africa, The Talon's features are hard. She has a strong jaw, heavily lidded eyes, that are so dark brown as to almost appear black and sit far apart on her face, with a wide, flat nose and short black hair. She stands at over 6ft tall, yet even so appears stocky thanks to broad shoulders and impressive muscle definition. BY far her most striking physical feature, is the prosthetic arm from which she gets her name. Starting halfway up the bicep of her left arm, her skeletal metal appendage is fused directly into muscle and nerve. A gruesome and experimental surgery that the Talon apparently performed on herself, with little more than scrap metal for her tools and equipment. This metal arm has almost fully realised mobility, and is freakishly strong. As if that wasn't enough, proportions are distorted further down the frame, the arm possessing three, long fingers, each ending in a lethally sharp hooked blade. It is with this weaponized limb that The Talon likes to conduct her most intimate tortures.

Clothed in a miss-match of different military gear (each item of clothing rumoured to have been taken from the corpse of an enemy officer she has murdered) The Talon moves in confident strides, and can change in a split second to devastating bursts of speed and agility. Nothing about the way she holds herself or travels is ever spontaneous. She is always alert, always calculating her options, before she is called upon to act.

-Faction: Songbirds (Supreme Leader)

- Background: Little is known of The Talon from before she got her name, and she refuses to divulge anything about her past even to those closest to her. It is rumoured, however, that she is an escapee from a facility similar to that of RACDI-Alpha, hidden deep within the jungles of the Congo. What is known, is that she is considered by many authorities all around the world as possibly the most dangerous person alive, and the only terrorist leader operating on a truly international level. The last part adds credence to the speculation about her past, as she may have been able to form contacts with separatists all around the world during her time at the facility.

The conglomerate of Guerrilla groups that she leads is known collectively as 'The Songbirds', with cells active in all four corners of the globe, that have claimed responsibility for bombings, incursions and assassinations in every major power centre. Intelligence suspects that 'The Talon' herself has, until recently, been active somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains, although she continues to elude efforts to capture or terminate her. If any one individual could be called the 'face of global terror', it is her, and her recent theft of sensitive and experimental Venture Horizon weapons tech, does not bode well for anyone she opposes.

- Personality: Those who survive long enough to find their way into The Talon's inner circle may find her generous, honest and caring, and she is known for being an extremely skilled orator as well as a ruthless fighter. Indeed, many Songbird recruits will display a fanatical, deeply personal connection to her, even if they have never before seen her in the flesh. She is more than inspiring, it is like there is something in her words that speaks especially to every individual who hears them, subliminally promising them that all they desire can be theirs if they follow her.

Such a temperament and set of skills mean that the faith of those closest to her is unshakable, many believing firmly that she is a divine harbinger, sent to this world to destroy the enemies of the weak and the humble. Pray, however, that you are not marked as her enemy, as her cruelty and blood-lust give as much reason for her to be feared as to be loved. Sometimes, when she is particularly elated by a victory, or enraged by a defeat, she will spend days at a time shut away with only prisoners and others who have displeased her for company. During those times she will not eat or sleep until every last person in her company has been exquisitely tortured to death.

The Talon is an anarchist through and through. Her only long term objective is the complete and utter annihilation of the current world order. She will leave the building of a new one to others, and if what they come up with doesn't impress her, she will raise it to the ground all over again.

Name: General Tiago Hammond

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Appearance: General Hammond stands quite tall at 5ft 11in, but his thick chest, big arms and broad shoulders make him look distinctly stocky. He does not look like a man going to seed any time soon. Caucasian, his strong jaw clean shaven, and with his small, dark eyes heavily shrowded by a think brow, giving him the impression of having a permanent frown. His dark brown hair is cut into a strict, side parting.

His uniform is immaculate, at the moment a cool, Arctic blue in colour, affset by a tight black belt, worn high on his waist. His buttons and boots are polished to a sheen, and he has two rows of old medals pinned to his chest have been affixed with ruler-like precision. He keeps a powerful, .44 Magnum revolver in a cross-holster at his left hip.

You'd be forgiving for thinking General Hammond learned to march as soon as he stopped crawling. His posture is stiff and upright, and he moves with a powerful stride.

Faction: Songbirds (the head of the cell currently occupying RACDI-Alpha)

Background: Tiago Hammond wears the trappings of rank well, and looks about as close to the textbook image of a military commander that anyone can get. You'd be forgiven then, for not knowing at first glance that it was all a lie. He has no official rank, 'General' being more of a nickname bestowed upon him by The Talon (though his men have learned to take the title, and the man, seriously). During his actual military career, Hammond never rose above the rank of Staff Sergeant, and many of the medals he wears were never actually awarded to him.

Born in California, the child Tiago was always fascinated by military history (though, in truth, after the cataclysm, a lot of what is called 'History' is little better than legend). His childhood imagination feasted on names from Alexander the Great to Napoleon, Sun Tzu To Patton. Ambitious men, who had stamped their name onto history through might and tactical brilliance. Tiago worshipped the dream of his name one day joining their ranks. He was going to be a conqueror, uniting countless people of the world under a single, proud, and prosperous banner. As you might expect, he enlisted in the New Confederate Army as soon as he became able, at the age of 16. He may not have been as naturally gifted as some other recruits, but Tiago impressed with his ceaseless dedication and iron will to succeed. He also, to his credit, was seen to display a keen tactical mind. However, the military didn't turn out to be all that it was cracked up to be. While his fierce patriotism was praised, he was flagged by more than a few commanders for his bravado. Tiago seemed to scoff at the notion that their was such a ting as being too willing for a fight.

Still, the young soldier persisted, and served valiantly in Mexico, Guatemala, and was part of the first wave in the ambitious invasion of Venezuela, where the NCA overstretched themselves by going toe-to-toe with the private army of Capricorn International. Fighting them was a dream come true for Hammond, as he saw the private military arms of these corporate giants to be the face of everything that was wrong with the world, armies without any sense of honour or national pride. Despite his enthusiastic, however, the NCA was crushed in the conflict, and sent running with it's tail between its legs. Hammond was devastated by the defeat, and felt betrayed by the force he served despite the unrealistic chances of victory. While he did not immediately leave the army, these feelings only made him more vocal, keeping him almost constantly on the radar of the brass, and not in a good way. To some, his increasingly jingoistic rhetoric made him a joke. To others, it made him dangerous. In either case, Hammond's outspoken nature and over-the-top nationalism created a glass-ceiling that prevented him from reaching the positions of military command that he felt he deserved.

The final straw came when he was posted to the Pacific territory of Guam. On a routine patrol, Hammond's platoon stumbled across a squad of Venture Horizon special forces soldiers, who had been permitted onto the island to perform a jungle training exercise. Hammond was incensed at the sight of people he considered to be the enemy, and saw his chance for some misdirected revenge. He ordered his platoon to open fire on the Venture troops, and did not respond to any calls to cease. His hope had been to pass the action off as an accident, with no witnesses in such a remote location. It didn't work. Hammond was court-marshalled and dishonourably discharged, as the NCA attempted to placate Venture Horizon. He would have gone to prison too, perhaps death row, had he not fled the country.

Hammond's name drops off the map after that, and it is unclear exactly when and where he entered the ranks of the Songbirds. It can be guessed that The Talon was keeping Hammond close, until such a time as his unique style would be useful to her.

Personality: Tiago Hammond might be a tragic, or even comical figure, were he not so dangerous. His old-fashioned notions or military honour and national pride and backed up by a singular determination and ruthlessness. He sees his command of the largest Songbird cell ever amassed to be a well-overdue acknowledgement of his talents and beliefs. His runs his man as if they were a small army, and expects the very highest military standards out of them. He is not sadistic, but at the same time he knows the value of shock and awe, and is not squeamish about using cruel means to accomplish his goals. His jingoism is kept more in check these days, as he is now part of an organisation that recruits people of all nationalities and creeds. Secretly however, he still harbours a notion of belonging to a superior race. Utterly loyal to The Talon, he will die, and command every last man to die, before he surrenders.

Name: Yu and Chen Li-Na

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Appearance: Identical twin brothers, Yu and Chen would be indistinguishable from each-other, had they not earned their own unique sets of scars and other body-modifications over the years. Yu has a Tiger tattooed on his chest, and a Dragon on his back, while Chen has a Phoenix on his chest, and two serpents winding round his arms, their heads cresting over his shoulder blades. These tattoo's are remarkable colourful and detailed, relative to the usual marks seen on Inmates of The Pit, and are symbols of their initiation into the Snakeheads. More generally, Yu and Chen both stand at 5ft 6in, with stocky builds and and well-defined physiques. Their black hair is cropped short, and they are both clean-shaven. Dark brown eyes are set deep in square-shaped faces.

The pair tend to dress simply, to the point of minimally, with plain T-shirts, or else no shirts at all, and loose-fitting grey pants worn by most Inmates. They like to wear and carry only what they need, staying as mobile and low-key as possible. When moving around, their pace is quick, and they are both noticeably light on their feet, having clearly had martial arts training.

Faction: Inmates

Background: Yu and Chen grew up poor, little better than street urchins in Population Re-distribution Site 3 (the un-poetic name the governments of the Tiger Republics gave to the ruins of Hong Kong, when they started re-settling civilians in the area. They learned to get around and get by largely on their own, and from the earliest age they did everything together. They demonstrated keen minds, simply by the virtue of surviving in the slums largely without help, but received little in the form of formal education. They both enlisted in the military of the Tiger Republics at 16, not out of any sense of national pride, but rather because they saw it as their ticket to a better life.

For a while, it was. Both learned quickly, and were already more than physically fit enough to endure basic training. What's more, their superior officers noted how, while both were skilled in their own right, their effectiveness multiplied exponentially when they worked in tandem with each-other, and so an effort was made, in unusual defiance of Tiger Army regulations, that they be kept within the same unit. Together, they served two tours in the regular Army, once in Japan and once in Cambodia, before they were invited to join the elite troops of the Tiger Airborne. Breezing through selection, Yu and Chen graduated and were placed under the command of Captain Lee Jin-Oh, weeks before the Pan-Arabian War began.

Few survivors of the Airborne division that participated in the Battle, and later the Siege, of Bahrain, are inclined to talk about exactly what happened over there, and Yu and Chen are no exception. They pulled though, but both returned considerably older and quieter than before. More uniquely, they had both developed a fierce loyalty to their commanding officer, and when Colonel Jin-Oh's outspoken criticism of Tiger foreign policy got him discharged from the forces, Yu and Chen risked their lives resigning in protest. Needing to earn a wage, and having learned to do little else than fight, Yu and Chen entered the private sector, being hired by the Shao-Long Conglomerate, who held sway in their local region. They were hardly loyal, but they both did their jobs well, and quietly, for several years, giving their superiors no reason to have any problem with them. However, on one assignment, scouting a region of Mongolia that was being contested by Venture Horizon, their unit was discovered and outnumbered by Venture forces, and Yu and Chen were taken prisoner. Most of the unit was eventually ransomed back to Shao-Long without incident. However, Yu and Chen were, for reasons not immediately apparent, shipped off to RACDI-Alpha, to find that the place was now being run by their old CO, and he had a job for them...

As new Inmates, Yu and Chen were soon scooped up by the Snakehead gang, one of the smaller players in The Pit at the time, and they both rose through the ranks quickly as hit-men and smugglers. When Operation Borealis reached its apex, Yu and Chen killed the rest of the big players in the Snakehead gang, before disappearing in the chaos. Lee had offered the pair their freedom at the end of the operation, but they both made the decision to stay and continue operating as his agents on the inside, helping him to achieve his vision of RACDI-Alpha as a safe and stable environment.

Personality: Both Yu and Chen take a straight-talking, no-nonsense attitude to things (though Chen is probably the slightly more laid-back of the two). They're professionals. They get the job done to the best of their ability, and don't make a habit of wearing their hearts on their sleeves. The one clue to something deeper going on beneath their cold exteriors, is their fierce, unquestioning loyalty to Lee, which continues even after the man himself is gone.

Fappy (Co-GM):

Name: Lucia

Age: 22

Physical Description: Young, Caucasian girl with decently tanned skin, green eyes and brown shoulder length hair. She stands at about 5'6ft and is rather thin, though she has been building body mass by working tirelessly in the mine.

Background: Lucia and her brother Tristan come from a prestigious family who once held tremendous influence over the Mediterranean. She is of primarily Greek decent, but grew up in New Troy, on the coast of Turkey. Lucia lived a privileged life to be sure, but she was far from sheltered. As a child she witnessed the birth of the New Ottoman Empire, a five-year struggle that claimed the lives of millions. As a teenager she witnessed the horrors of the Pan-Arabian War firsthand when New Troy was air raided for a solid week. Despite being the daughter of a VIP she did her damndest in assisting doctors and nurses with the wounded. It was because of this that she began studying medicine. That education was unfortunately cut short.

Her father, Edmund, was a kind and intelligent nobleman who had been lobbying the Ottoman Empire to find their own way and forsake Venture Horizon. After significant bribes from the corporation his best friend had begun conspiring with Edmund's political rivals to attempt a coup. When Edmund discovers this plot he burns the evidence and gives his friend a chance to flee in honor of their friendship... it did not turn out that way however. His once noble friend ended up framing Edmund for his crimes so that he could further his own political agenda and cover his own ass. Edmund is executed and his two children are sold off to Venture Horizon to work their entire lives in the hellish Pit.

Upon arriving, Lucia and her brother are ambushed by thugs under the command of a powerful inmate named Azrael. Another inmate only known as "Orphan" manages to save her, but her brother is taken away. Orphan takes her in knowing that if she were left to fend for herself in the pit she wouldn't survive more than a week at best. Hesitant at first, she realizes he is the only thing standing between her and hell and slowly begins to warm up to him.

Pretext of Incarceration: Political prisoner. Known family's influence has been defunct and she isn't worth anything. Fair game to inmates and wardens... that is until Orphan takes into his protective custody. Now she's hands-off. Period.

Personality: Strong-willed and true to her convictions, Lucia has a hard time keeping her opinions to herself. At one point she may have been a gentle and fun-loving girl, but the circumstances of her incarceration, the kidnapping of her brother and the Pit itself have quickly jaded her to the reality of her situation. She has a strong will to live and one primary motivation: save her brother. She'll trample anyone who gets in her way.

Name: Nahla Khalid

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Appearance: Nahla has a slender, dark face with large, round brown eyes. Her nose is long and curved, complimenting her large eyes and long face. She keeps her dark brown hair very short, with a longer, lighter fringe across the top of her head not unlike that of a mowhawk. Though she may have been a beautiful maiden in her youth, years of conflict have weathered her features; not that she does much to exemplify her more feminine aspects, anyway. Several small scars dot the right side of her face and neck, the result of a grenade blast she narrowly survived over ten years ago.

Standing at 5'9, she is still considered a rare woman by the standards of her peers and has an incredibly fit body, with modest breasts and wide hips. She has several piercing on her ears and tattoos (mostly consisting of religious and mythological iconography) running the length of her arms, back, the back of her shins and ankles. The most notorious of these tattoos is that of the god, Osiris' cross on the back of her neck. She claims it helps her guide her enemies to an early grave (usually in jest).

While off duty she generally wears her paramilitary, improvised fatigues. A mixture of several nations' military wear. While out on a mission she wears a tactical vest over a t-shirt, with military cargo pants, combat boots, fingerless gloves and the tattered remains of her mother's old burka; reduced now to a torn-up black cloth. Generally, she uses it as an over the shoulder cloak that also covers her nose and mouth.

On most missions she opts to carry her old, trusty M-14 carbine, 9mm glock sidearm and combat knife. Nothing fancy.

Faction: Songbird (Talon's Personal Cell)

Personality: Nahla is an easygoing, likable girl as far as guerrilla soldiers go. Though she has a good sense of humor and gets along well enough with her peers, she's a serious person at heart and rarely cracks jokes while in the field unless a bit of levity is absolutely necessary. She feels such behavior is dishonest and a sign of weakness.

Like her fellow Songbirds, she has a strong sense of conviction and an incredible willpower. After what she'd been through and how she disciplined her mind; it would take something monumentally devastating to truly shake her. Though she celebrates the death of her enemies, she respects them and laments any desecration that may come to their bodies. She is no stranger to killing, but believes you must always have a good reason to commit violence. Torture, rape and disciplinary beatings are unacceptable. Violence is a means to an end in her mind: to defeat your enemy, nothing more.

Background: Nahla was raised by her mother in a remote mountain village in the Arabian Peninsula. Though the boarders in the region were in constant flux, her nationality could most likely be considered Saudi. She was raised Muslim, adopting customs centuries old that required she conceal her feminine figure in a burka. Despite their village's old-world view, however, she was permitted to learn and became fluent in several local languages and dialects at an early age.

She loved her mother and had learned everything she knew of the outside world from her. Sadly however, she lost her to the bloodbath that was the Pan-Arabian War. Soldiers of the Tiger Republics annexed the town to use as an outpost during their initial western push and subjugated the locals in the cruelest ways possible. Every grown man was shot while the boys were put to work, providing the soldiers with free labor and food. The women that hadn't opted to die with their husbands were used, including Nahla's mother.

This continued for seven weeks until one night, on Nahla's thirteenth birthday, one of the soldiers came for her too. Her mother came to her aid, coming up from behind the man and bashing him over the head with a rock. After caving in his skull, she took his weapon and fled the village with Nahla in tow. They didn't make it very far out of the parameter before a sniper caught her mother in the leg. Knowing she'd only slow her daughter down, she begged for her to leave her, forcing her burka into the girl's hands so as to camouflage herself among the darkness. Though it had killed her to do so, Nahla did as instructed and left her mother for dead.

She wandered the mountains for three days and had spent every night huddled in her mother's burka in an attempt to fend of the freezing cold. Starving and exhausted, she was about ready to give up when a guerrilla convoy found her collapsed on the side of a dirt road. After resuscitating her, they told her they were Syrian rebels from the north, cutting through to the heart of peninsula to deliver their brothers from the foreign infidels. She told them about her village and agreed to join their cause if they liberated her village. They made good on their promise.

Nahla found her mother's corpse left in a gutter, raped and mutilated. From that day forth she swore vengeance against the Tiger Republics and all others who had turned her homeland into their own apocalyptic playground. She spent the next 15 years fighting among several rebel factions, all across the Middle East. Eventually, during an operation in the former-Pakistan, she fell in with what she later learned to be a small Songbird cell. Her skills and conviction were noted and it wasn't long before she was brought before the Talon herself.

She has served the Talon well these last several years and believes in her vision absolutely. She doesn't worship her like many of her peers, but has always followed her orders to the letter. She believes that she and Talon have the same dream, but that between the two of them, only Talon is strong enough to see it become a reality. The only true reservation Nahla has is in regards to Talon's abhorrent treatment of prisoners. She has tried to reconcile the horrors Talon has visited on her enemies, but has not managed to completely shake off her doubts. In the end, Talon's "eccentric" hobbies are the only thing keeping Nahla from becoming her enthralled pawn.


- Name: Travis "The Dragon"

- Age: 37

- Gender: Male

- Appearance: Very large, a bulky man and quite tall. He has long black hair, fading slowly to grey. He has a threatening demeanour, looks as if he is likely to randomly murder you simply for being within 10 square feet of him

- 'Inmate' or 'Warden': Inmate

- Background: Travis liked to travel from settlement to settlement. He would stay in one place for a couple months and then travel to somewhere else nearby. Of course, he wouldn't move on until he had systematically murdered everyone living there. He didn't care about age, race, gender, Travis killed indiscriminately, and is known to have committed numerous rapes, though he much prefers to just kill. He would rob whatever he wanted, even if he didn't need it. This would often make him a target for other thugs and thieves, all too willing to die by his hands once he as done torturing them.

Eventually he bit off more than he could chew and didn't realise that a group of women he had been targeting for a few weeks were in fact trained soldiers. He couldn't even kill one before they brought him to his knees and knocked him unconscious. As punishment for his crime they had him sold to Venture Horizon where he has spent the past year in the Pit.

- Pretext for Incarceration/Employment: Multiple counts of rape, and uncountable amount of murder, theft and torture.

- Personality: The worst kind of scum. An overconfident, cocky, arrogant dickhead. Over the past year he has banded together with a few other psycopaths, forming a prison gang: "The dragons". He considers himself the big fish in the small pond, unaware of the sharks that surround him in this pond. His gang is merely small time compared to the other, larger prison gangs. He doesn't care at all for human life and will often go through trouble to kill people for almost no reason. A sadist, psychopath, and loves the "wonderland" the world has become.


- Name: Acolyte (formerly Samuel Van Der Linde)

- Age: 34

- Gender: Male

- Appearance: Tall and somewhat broad. He is fairly pale, being of Dutch descent. Hair colour is dirty-blonde, as he has ceased shaving his head. His eyes are bright green. Wears a Songbird-given combat uniform, devoid of any symbols of allegiance. Has a large swastika branded into his chest, over his heart after an altercation with White Supremacists in The Pit. As such, now rarely goes shirtless in the company of others.

- Background: Originally from Holland, Samuel ended up in China, and became a heroine addict. Eight years prior to the present, he was found near a state of overdose by a travelling monk, who took him to a temple (or, an approximation of one in these times. It was actually a converted warehouse). During his recovery, he learned about a variety of Asian philosophers, and about the order who had saved him. When back to full strength, he was taught extensive martial arts as a form of meditation, as well as 'healing' via Tai Chi.

Having been in the Pit for several years, Acolyte encountered Lucia and intervened to save her life from several assailants, winning the trust of her apparent protector, the mysterious 'Orphan'. Orphan then extracted from Acolyte a promise to look after Lucia should anything happen to him.

Some time later, Lucia was abducted by the Arctic Wolves, and Orphan killed shortly after. Acolyte, meanwhile, was overcome with one of his blackouts and captured by several members of of the Pit's White Supremacist gang, whose allies Acolyte had injured or killed defending Lucia. Upon waking up, Acolyte was badly beaten and eventually branded. Shortly after, he escaped and encountered Strucker, the Neo-Nazi's leader, who assured him his attackers had been killed for acting rashly. With the help of Strucker and the men at his disposal, Acolyte agreed to partake in an assault on the Arctic Wolves in order to retrieve Lucia.

He managed to reach her, finding her partaking in a prison break with Nikolai and his men. Acolyte then succumbed to a blackout and was carried out with the rest of the men, waking up to partake in the final push. The escape was successful, however their chopper eventually crashed, leaving them to spend three months trekking through the wilderness, during which Acolyte found himself at odds with Nikolai. During this time, his blackouts lessened and faded away. They were then eventually cornered and taken in by the Songbirds. When Nikolai was recovered, he insisted that Acolyte fight him to prove his worth, a test Acolyte passed. When undergoing medical examination afterwards however, it was discovered that is blackouts were caused by some manner of brain tumor, and that their disappearance was a result of change in the tumor's growth. Acolyte now faces his mortality. He fought with the Songbirds to liberate the Phantom weapon from its compound.

- Pretext for Incarceration/Employment: While giving food to the homeless, he was accosted by three of them, who proceeded to beat him savagely. He broke his vow of pacifism and killed them in self defence, but was apprehended. Having no money, he was unable to mount much of a defence, and his identity as a member of his order provided means for killing the three men. He decided to plead guilty, and was sent to RACDI-Alpha.

- Personality: Samuel (referred to as Acolyte, by request as he shares his former name with nobody) is calm and collected. Having formerly taken a vow of pacifism, he was forced to abandon it in order to survive The Pit, as well as protect those close to him. Acolyte is arguably the most proficient fighter within the Free Men, excepting perhaps Nikolai himself.

His greatest weakness came about in the very close shave with overdosing. Since his recovery, he suffered from irregular blackouts lasting from a few minutes to a couple of hours. He can feel them coming, in a very lightheaded feeling and over a period of two minutes gradually loses motor skills until finally passing out. His only solution to this is that he had learned the location of ventilation shafts and carries a screwdriver on him. When he feels a blackout coming, he finds the nearest vent and hides inside, for obvious reasons. This solution is liable to fail him at some point.

These blackouts have now ceased, but at terrible personal cost.

- Name: Captain Luka Korovitch

- Age: 45

- Gender: Male

- Appearance: Thickset, with dark hair shot through with traces of grey. Has perpetual stubble, ice blue and a scar from the underside of his chin to just beneath his left nostril.

- Background: From the age of eighteen, Luka served in the reestablished Russian Spetsnaz. As part of his training, he was given a puppy to raise for a year, and then made to kill it. He did this without question. At the age of 29, as a Sergeant, he resigned, despite the stigma in his country associated with doing so. After this, he became a mercenary for hire, being employed on numerous occasions by the New Ottoman Empire, among various other employers. He has two things from his time in the Spetsnaz: His tags and his service Makarov, which he carries in his present duty.

- Pretext for Incarceration/Employment: At the age of 38, he knew middle age was on the horizon. After receiving his facial scar during the territorial war between the reestablished Iran (who had hired him to train and lead a portion of their troops) and the grizzled Iraq, he decided he needed a stable job and accepted an offer from RACDI-Alpha. He has since been promoted twice in quick succession from Warrant Officer to Captain.

Until recent events, Luka had made no progress up the Warden chain of command, despite his high level of competence. This was due to the system's innate bureaucracy. However, upon being commissioned by Lee to form a squad made up of the Warden elite, Korovitch was promoted to Lieutenant. Thus Iron Squad was formed. Their mission was to eliminate a corrupt Lieutenant known as 'Sticks'. Sticks, however, had his own soldiers and expected Lee to send men after him. Iron Squad suffered three casualties, two of them fatal. The third was Lisa Beaumont, whose legs were broken badly in a fall, before Sticks captured and proceeded to sexually assault her. This was interrupted by Korovitch and his remaining men, having wiped out Sticks' forces. Korovitch proceeded to brutally castrate and then execute the other Lieutenant in blind fury.

The extent to which this incident affected Korovitch was due to the similarities it bore to the death of his wife years ago, and before that, an incident at the orphanage Korovitch grew up in.

Over the next three months, Korovitch worked relentlessly to bring the Pit's populace into line and was promoted to Captain, rebuilding and extending Iron Squad's ranks in the process. At the urging of Lisa Beaumont, he contacted Conrad Verner within the prison's mid-level.

When Songbird forces assaulted the facility, Korovitch fought to defend it, but was incapacitated and thought dead. When he came to, his squad was shattered and the Wardens at large defeated. Fleeing into the lower levels of the prison, he discovered inmates parading several of his squad members around in build up to an execution. With the assistance of Verner, he intervened and successfully saved one of them, Fiona. The three then made their way to the chapel where Korovitch murdered Sticks, where they encountered Chen.

- Personality: Through years of combat, he is numbed to death and suffering and places efficiency above all else. This bleeds over into every aspect of his life, from exercise, to eating, to sex. It has been fifteen years since he even heard from a blood relative, and they no longer concern him. He is not needlessly cruel, because there is no need to be, but often sees the best solution to be 'nipping things in the bud'. In short, this means execution by sidearm a lot of the time.

- Name: Riley Creed (The Wolf/Wolf Brother)

- Age: 27

- Gender: Male

- Appearance: Tall, and broad shouldered, with naturally short brown hair, and a trimmed beard. His most distinguishing feature are his eyes, the irises of which are a bright, feral yellow, which has a tendency to alarm some people.


- Background: When Riley was ten years old, his parents migrated from England to the new Congo territories. There, they eked out a living, and Riley's father taught him to hunt with a rifle, and the basics of tracking. Their primary human interaction was with a local tribe, who traded with their family on a regular basis. The son of their primary contact befriended Riley, and expanded his hunting and tracking skills. When Riley was fifteen, a panther attacked his homestead while, killing his parents, and leaving claw scars across his back before being shot by tribesmen who had come to trade. Riley was taken in by the tribe, and was trained in their hunting arts, as well as bow shooting, knife fighting, various survival skills, and the making of various remedies and poisons. When Riley was eighteen, he set off travelling from the Congo.

For four years, he traveled, moving up through the Middle East, and into Europe. Hitching a lift back on a cargo plane with members of a new missionary movement (who were killed three weeks later by disgruntled tribesmen), Riley returned. Not alone. He had brought a newly wed wife, and an animal. A wolf cub found close to death in the Scandinavian regions. He had nursed it to health and bonded with it. But while he had been gone, the tribe leader had passed away, leaving no sons. The new leader had determined that his eyes and ways with animals marked Riley as a demon, and he was cast out as the tribe moved on from the area, barely escaping with his life. His wife was not so lucky. The tribe eventually ceased hunting him, and moved on in their nomad lifestyle. Several years later, he is alive and well, his wolf, Odin, full grown and loyal.

When a Venture Horizon helicopter crashed, it was Riley who was sent to investigate as the Talon's foremost hunter. Within a couple of weeks, he had found the crash site and tracked the Free Men. He then spent the next few months tailing them on their slow journey, and relaying their movements to the Songbird base. He alerted them when the Free Men came in close proximity to a village within Songbird territory, leading to their capture.

With the Free Men now housed within the Songbird compound, Riley was given the job of watching over them, as the one who knew them best after months of observation. When the Songbirds and Free Men cooperatively moved to assault a Venture Horizon facility housing the PHANTOM compound, Riley headed up one half of the operation, stealing the chemical weapon and moving it to safety.

- Personality: Riley does what is needed to be done. His life is survival. However, being well traveled, he understands people well. He is always grinning, and is the first to crack a joke or witty remark. This is, however, a facade, concealing a very deep depression.

Unlike other Songbirds, Riley does not necessarily buy into the Talon's worldview. His reasons for following her are his own. While this is an advantageous trait, making him a deal more independent and free thinking than some of his companions, it is a double edged sword. His loyalty, while strong, is even more fickle than that of his wolf, Odin.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011

'The Hive' was the hub of the mid-levels; and the biggest 'open' space inside The Pit itself. Everything of importance in The Pit, going both down and up, passed through this cavernous cube of cold, bare concrete, permanently floodlit from the ceiling four floors above. On each floor spectators crowded the balconies, and more jostled for space on the ground, as the Dog-fight raged in the centre.

After Nikolai had dealt with the latest challenger, driving him head first into the floor with such force that those closest to the ring recoiled against a shower of blood and skull fragments, he allowed himself a moment to observe who had come for their sport. His Pack, the other Dogs who he commanded, dominated the upper floor, howling victoriously and snarling challenges and insults to those below. Master was nowhere to be seen, he knew better to show himself at a place like this, where treachery could hide amongst a sea of other faces. Below them, gangs who had already seen their champions butchered stood with sour faces. This was the last place they wanted to be, and yet they could not risk leaving. The fighting would be over soon, and when it was his Pack would demand their winnings, and the others would do well to accept defeat graciously. Most of the rest were not worth noting. However, Nikolai spotted groups of Men in black combat gear, with rifles over their shoulders and pistols at their hips. The 'Wardens', he knew. The fight was far too big an event for news of it to not reach the surface, and Nikolai assumed that these Men had been sent to stop it. None had tried to do so though, and some were even looking on hungrily, having placed their own wagers.

It had begun with the lesser gangs sending Sheep into the ring with Nikolai. Participation was compulsory for them. His Master, the one they called Azrael, had seen to that. The clever Pigs, the ones who knew they had no chance, forced their lowest recruits, urchins who had clung to them for some degree of protection, to fight, knowing that at least they were expendable. It didn't matter to Nikolai. Soon enough, they were all meat. Next had come Dogs, like Nikolai himself, sent by the larger gangs, who hoped that they could be the one to finally bring him down with strength of numbers. They had come at him two at a time at first, then three, then four. The wielded improvised weapons. Some brandished crudely cut iron shivs, some clubs, with handles of wood and heads of stone, and the higher ranking fighters had even brought pickaxes.

They all failed however, no matter how many times Nikolai fought, his opponents always seemed to make the same mistakes against him. The smaller ones quailed in fear, as he advanced on them, petrified by his size, and by how every muscle in his body seemed to writhe and fight each other for precedence beneath the taut, scarred skin of his exposed torso. It was unwise to be hesitant against Nikolai, and he would crush them one by one. Others were defeated by their own hubris, thinking that his bulk would make him slow and cumbersome. They did not consider how decades in The Pit had sharpened Nikolai's instincts and reflexes, meaning despite his size he could move with the grace of a dancer. When they charged at him, they would often meet only empty air, and in a split second their death would come as quickly as their confusion.

This new challenger was different...

One look at him told Nikolai that this was no Dog. This was a Man, or at least a Bull. His face showed no trace of fear even if it was felt, but neither was it masked by a reckless arrogance. In this Man's dark eyes was a look of cold determination that Nikolai knew very well indeed. It was the same expression he wore when he did his killing.

He was one of the dark-skinned gang, the ones who called themselves the Impi. As they circled, the challenger kept his poise, and with each step looked ready to pounce. In his right hand the challenger held a spear that could match Nikolai for reach. What concerned Nikolai most however, was the burning torch that he held in his left. After so long in The Pit Nikolai was largely numb to cold. Fire however, was a different matter. He hated fire!

Perhaps Nikolai allowed a brief flicker of insecurity to cross his face, for it was then that the Impi chose to lunge with his spear. Nikolai dodged in time, but it had been close, and the Impi continued to thrust his spear and flail the torch, taking his chance to press the attack, again and again, careful and deliberate. It was all Nikolai could do to keep dancing out of the way just in time. He knew he must keep his composure, and not allow himself to become distracted, but the noise of the crowd was building as they saw him, the Dog who they had all been taught to fear, on the back foot, and as the flames from the torch spun their trails of light seemed to plunge the rest of the room into darkness. On the next dodge he wasn't quite so fast, and the head of the burning torch jabbed at his side. For a split second, Nikolai wasn't in The Pit anymore. Nor was he the the towering mass of muscle he had become. Big and strong for his age yes, but at this moment he was helpless, pathetic, whimpering as he hung from the ceiling by his wrists. Faceless men circled around him, asking him questions in their blank voices. Questions, so many questions, and when he tried to answer they poked him with their glowing orange sticks, making him cry out in pain...

Now he was back in The Hive, with his new burn on his side stinging, and he saw that the Impi had made his only mistake. Nikolai must have only been gone a split second, but still the Impi had allowed himself a moments hesitation, instead of finishing the kill. Nikolai bellowed in rage, and charged.

The Impi was too slow in lifting his spear to try and skewer him. Nikolai caught its shaft, and broke it in half as if it was little more than a twig. His challenger tried to respond by bringing round the torch, but this time Nikolai was ready. He caught the Impi's wrist with his left hand, and slammed the heel of his right into his shoulder so hard he felt the Impi's joint shatter. With a scream, the torch and what was left of the spear were dropped. Seizing his chance, Nikolai bulled into him, lifting him off his feet as he ran, and finished by throwing him bodily against a concrete pillar that marked the corner of the ring, where he slid down to the ground, spluttering and gasping.

The fight was over, but Nikolai still had to finish him. Master had commanded that he leave no-one alive. This fight was just as much about making a statement to his enemies than it was about spoils. The crowd was silent now, in shock and anticipation, as Nikolai dragged the Impi to the centre of the ring where all could see, lifting him off his feet by his neck, to begin squeezing the last of his life out of him. While one of the Impi's arms hung limp and ruined, with the other he unsheathed a shiv from behind his back in one last gesture of defiance, swinging it downwards at the arm that held him, and driving the blade into Nikolai's enormous bicep. The challenger's look of sudden triumph tuned to shock however, as, with his other arm, Nikolai withdrew the shiv as easily as another man might remove a splinter, before returning it to him, through his eye.

The Impi shuddered, and then was still. As the rest of his pack gave a roar, and immediately set about collecting their debts, Nikolai studied the face of the Impi one last time. He looked younger now, and feeble. Shrunken, almost resigned in death, and Nikolai felt a pang of what might have been pity. It was hard to be sure, as he rarely felt much of anything. Sheep and Dogs were one thing, but Men should die better than this.


On the roof of the Air Traffic Control tower, watching over the airstrip that was the only way in and out of RACDI-Alpha, Col. Lee surveyed his charge. This was his command, his kingdom; soon, it would be his legacy, and the thought did not cheer him. In his darker moments, Lee had caught himself musing that this God-forsaken pile of snow, death and misery almost made him miss the Siege of Bahrain. He squashed those thoughts though, for they were the foolish ramblings of an aging warrior, his mind giving way to misplaced sentimentality. Nothing, nothing he reminded himself, would make him miss the Siege of Bahrain.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Cpt. Montoya, his second in command, and the closest thing to a friend he had here, not that he required friends.

"You picked good weather for it." The Captain remarked dryly, shivering in the bitter cold as he came to stand at Lee's side, looking out over the facility. "Are you sure this is necessary?"

"You know it is." Lee replied, with a curt edge to his voice. Cpt. Montoya was experienced, reliable, and loyal, but he was still a front line soldier at heart, and was a little slow on the uptake for Lee's liking when it came to matters of subterfuge. "There are so few people we can trust, and I know for a fact that Venture has my office bugged. I'd remove them so we could talk in there, but that would only raise suspicion. "Who did you send to stop Azrael's little show of strength?"

"I had Sticks go with his team, as well as Father George. I figured you'd want those slippery little shits and their cronies out of the way so we'd be more secure."

"Good." Lee allowed himself a smile, the Captain was getting better at this. "Now, what have you got for me?"

Cpt. Montoya shifted uneasily. He was a professional, but no-one liked to give Col. Lee bad news. "It's confirmed Colonel, 'O' is compromised. The Inmates know we're protecting him. He's no longer a suitable candidate to complete Objective Alpha."

"I've suspected as much for a long time. Don't fret, the contingency is in place, this will not be a problem."

The Captain frowned. "May I ask what you intend to do Sir?"

"You may not." Lee responded, not unkindly "I'm sorry Captain, but we cannot allow the same mistake to happen twice, not now that we're so close. I'm keeping this one strictly between me and the contact. Rest assured, 'Borealis' will proceed on scedule."

Cpt. Montoya nodded, and left Lee with his thoughts as they turned once again to the faces he had obsessed over for more than a year now. The Ringleaders, the fonts from which the worst of The Pit's suffering flowed.

Do they think themselves Kings down there? Gods even, as they scurry around like rats in the dark, screeching and biting over the scraps they are thrown from above? They will be taught better soon, when 'Borealis' comes for them.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Luka cradled his rifle as he marched. A cheap thing. Some M16 knockoff, there were so many of them. But it was what had been issued to him most recently, and he would take care of it as he had been trained. Society was still in its rebuilding stages, after all and you took what you got. They were coming to the final corner of their perimeter march, back round to the airstrip. Glancing over his shoulder, he snapped, 'Faster! Double time, you dogs!' His gruff and somewhat gravelly voice carrying far. He upped his march to a brisk jog and listened to the tramp of footsteps as his contingent did the same. Not the best soldiers he's served with. Guards tended to become soft, and some of these were already tending towards laziness. He decided he would put in a request to be allowed to run some war games to whip them into shape.

That was something he hated. The damned bureaucracy of places like this. In the old days, he'd have gotten these men on their feet with cold water and harsh words and run them raw. They jogged past the airstrip and back into the little courtyard where their patrol. He'd assigned Sergeant Hayes to lead the second half of the patrol, and was confident in that decision. Keeping all the men in one group wouldn't have enough regularity to the sweeps for his liking. Hayes was one of the few men beneath him he trusted to run a tight shift.

Coming to a stop, he turned to his men. 'Line up!'

They did so with some small efficiency.

'Present... arms!'

In trimmed, practiced motions, they thrust forward an assortment of rifles. Mostly M16 similar weapons such as his own, but a couple of them had AKs. Rather than waste time walking down the line, he raked his eyes across them. They needed to be off to keep in time with the patrol. Hayes' group would be coming to their halfway point soon and he needed to keep that pace. But...


The lanky Korean corporal stood to attention so hard his feet almost left the ground. 'Sir!'

'That isn't your rifle.' Luka scolded himself silently for not noticing sooner. Jinn was holding an M16 knockoff like several of his peers, but Luka distinctly remembered him being signed an AEK-971. What had happened to it? Jinn was now attempting to answer that unasked question. 'The barrel sir. It cracked.'

'So you did not do your duty in properly maintaining your weapon, is what you are saying, soldier?'

'No, sir! The weapon was just old--' At this point, the Warrant Officer interrupted, pulling out the pistol on his hip, which caused a couple of his men to pale visibly. 'See this gun?'

'Y-yes, sir.'

'I have had this Makarov twenty seven years. And someone was probably using it before me. Understand?'


'Don't throw out some excuse as though weapons can't be maintained!'

Jinn nodded. Which of course meant no 'sir', but Luka let it slide. He'd never really been one for formalities and people who cared so much about titles and honorifics usually had power for the wrong reasons, in his experience. Still, he normally chased it up on a matter of protocol. But he needed to be off. 'You'll be cleaning all the rifles in the Armory tomorrow. Your down time, if I remember rightly.'

He didn't wait for a response, turning away. 'Men... move out. Double time. We've wasted enough patrol time pissing around here.'


Acolyte's vision came back very slowly as he opened his eyes to a blurry world. The blur gradually formed itself into a patch of rust. He was staring up at the 'ceiling' of a vent shaft. He glanced down, and squeezed his right hand, feeling the screwdriver clenched reassuringly in it. He'd be jelly legged for a few minutes yet, he supposed. This one had been close. He'd heard voices getting louder around the corner just as he was pulling the grate behind him, and he'd nearly fallen back out. He wasn't sure he'd even gotten all the screws back in place. Still, things like screws going missing wasn't uncommon, so it usually wouldn't raise suspicion. People took them all the time for various purposes, such as using them as bullets in zip guns. He lay his head back down and closed his eyes, willing the aching pressure behind his eyes to go.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Sticks didn't much care for these kinds of spectacles. Despite his sadistic nature he never got any enjoyment from someone else having all the fun. If he wasn't the one looking the victim in the eye then what was the point? This... "event" served its purpose, however. His men were enjoying themselves and Azrael's dog did a decent enough job maintaining the status quo. Keeping the inmates under Azreal's heel made Sticks' job effortless.

As Sticks leaned over the railing looking down at the Impi corpse being dragged away one of his men tapped him on the shoulder, "The stuff's here."

Sticks smirked as he turned to see a familiar inmate being patted down, "Azrael wins again."

The ragged old man smiled and nodded as Stick's men let him though, "Only a fool bets against him these days," The old man produced a small transparent bag full of a crystalline powder. "Here are your winnings Mr. Cornelius."

Sticks took the bag, peeked inside, rolled it up and placed it in his back pocket, "Looks legit. Pleasure as always Mr. Connors."

Sticks learned a long time ago that life was all about the little things. He would meet with his contacts in the upper levels who would distribute the methamphetamine to small-time gang leaders in the lower levels, who would in turn, use it to control their weak minded cronies. Every little bit and piece would move in unison to further Sticks' ambition. It was a simple system that has served him well in the past. Everyone in the pit was in his pocket in some form or another. Even the feared Azrael.

After the the old man had left Sticks handed the product to one of his trusted subordinates, "I have someone I want to check in on. Take care of this." Sticks dismissed the bulk of his men and took three with him as he descended to the blood-works of the makeshift arena. He had a certain dog he'd been wanting to meet with for some time.


Sweat trickled down the ridge of Lucia's nose and dangled at the edge as if it too were anticipating what move Orphan would make next. He stood there calm and collected. At peace. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing. Lucia on the other hand was panting furiously and looked like a mess. She stood in a low crouch holding her dull butter knife in front of her face, waiting... holding anxiety at bay while she attempted to analyze her opponent. Orphan stood before her in a nonthreatening stance as if oblivious to the fight at hand.

Several moments passed. She was supposed to detect a weakness and exploit it, but she didn't know what to look for. Frustrated and anxious, Lucia gritted her teeth and decided to wing it. Maybe, just maybe, she'd win this time. After nearly a full minute of motionless silence Lucia lunged at Orphan. As she closed in Orphan opened his eyes and side stepped, tripping her in the process. In the same motion Orphan brought an elbow down on her spine before she even had a chance to process she'd lost her footing. Her body hit the floor before the wayward drop of sweat did. Lucia's chest took the bulk of the impact knocking the wind out of her and leaving her dazed. Orphan pulled her up by her ponytail and held his dull knife up to her throat.

"You're dead," Lucia didn't move a muscle. After a few moments he released her and wandered to the back of his cell where he plopped down. "You need to cut that hair. It's a liability."

Lucia kneeled down on the floor and rubbed her throat. This was definitely not the worst injury she'd sustained at Orphan's hand, but it didn't make it any less painful. After regaining her composure she got to her feet and looked outside the cell, "I'm going to get some air."

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Fletcher Nix
As Fletcher arrived to the fight (still in his priest persona) he suppressed a smile when he saw that his bets were going well. He estimated that the proxies he sent to place his bets would come back with quite a sum after this. But now was the time for him to stay in character.

He walked forward, flanked by 6 wardens armed with rifles, and into the "arena" where the fighting was taking place. He raised a megaphone to his lips and called out to all the inmates with a peaceful voice.

"Please, I beg you all, be calm! It is my mission here to help you, and so I am asking that you return to your areas and work, before the wardens have to use force. If you do not stop this soon, Col. Jin-Oh will see that you are all punished one way or another. I wish only peace for everyone."

The man of god said all of this with the most sincere tone imaginable. It wasn't hard when he knew he was safe. The most powerful gangs all had business with him, so they wouldn't hurt him; and the smaller gangs would be too discouraged by the wardens' guns to try anything stupid.

In small groups, the inmates began to break off and walk away. First, the loners, then the small groups of friends, followed by the small gangs, until the first major gang began to leave, The Impi. Bongani and her son were the last of the Impi to exit, both of them looking at Fletcher with frustrated and puzzled expressions.

Once the Impi left, the other major gangs began to slowly drift away as well, but one who did not leave was the man who had been doing the killing: Nikolai.

"I don't know what it is that has lowered you to this violent way of life my son, but there is always time for redemption." The preist said, extending a hand towards the beast of a man.


Bongani and Unathi Zulu

The Impi were moving back to their territory, with the royalty, Unathi and Bongani, covering the rear of their formation. After that display, there were no doubt some groups looking to spill blood for themselves.

"+We can not trust that snake, mother." Unathi advised. "He claims he wants peace, then gives us the weapons we use to fight. One day, he will betray us.+" The young Zulu had been wary of Father St. George for a long time.

"+Do not presume you are smarter than me my son. I don't trust anyone in this hell that isn't a Zulu. But if we didn't have our weapons, the other gangs would destroy us, regardless of our strength. He is a snake if I've ever seen one, but we need him more than he needs us.+" Bongani replied. Her voice stern and authoritative.

Bongani was trying to figure out what motivated the beast that had killed one of her warriors. He seemed like an absolute madman, but she saw purpose in his eyes, there was more to him than rage.

"+I should have fought.+" Unathi interjected. "+I should have killed that man and set an example.+"

"+You are trying my patience son. I told you, you are not to get involved in meaningless bloodsport.+" Bongani's stress on the word patience made her meaning clear.

"+Bheka managed to wounded him, and I am a better warrior than he was. If I had killed that brute, smaller gangs would be begging to join us.+" Unathi said, his voice rising.

Bongani stopped and slapped her son in the face, hard. The rest of the Impi kept walking without looking back.

Her voice came out as a cold hiss, "+You will not question me again Unathi. You are going to be the Zulu king when I am dead, and you cannot lower yourself to fighting for the entertainment of our enemies. That would make you look weak.+" Her voice softened and she laid her hand gently on the cheek she had slapped.

"+I understand your passion my son. You want to lead by example, like Shaka, but you must remember, killing is not the only test of strength. You are a great warrior, but you do not have to be in such a hurry to prove yourself. Your time will come.+"

There was a short pause.

"+I'm sorry mother. I will not question you again.+" Unathi said.

Bongani gave him an assuring nod, and then together, they hurried to catch up with the other Zulu. There was still much to do today.

When you see my characters' spoken dialogue surrounded by +, that means they are speaking in the Zulu language


New member
Feb 8, 2010
"C'mon! C'mon you fucking sh- God dammit!" Cursed Travis as he saw another of his fletchlings fell to the Dog. He cursed and shouted as the weaklings who had begged him for protection were dying in the ring. He was glad though, watching them die was funny and unbeknownst to those around him he had secretly put bets on Nikolai, most people did. Still it was best to put up a ruse, pretend that he wanted his lackeys to live- it was a power thing. Eventually he dispersed from the fighting area with his cronies, returning to his cell.

Travis sat on his rough bed and barked orders to his fellow psychopaths, ordering for them to bring someone to him. A small scraggy young man, almost a boy, was pushed in to the cell.

"Did anyone see you bring him in?" asked Travis to another gang member.

"Don't think so" he replied.

"Good, good. You," he pointed his large dirty finger at the kid. "D'you put my bet on?"

"Y-yeah I di-" the kid was interrupted by a gang member punching him in the back of the head.

"You don't fucking talk to The Dragon you little shit! He talks to you!" The boy fell to the floor and his head lay at Travis' feet. He slowly stood up and was about to apologise when another man punched him in the stomach.

"What did he just say?! What the fuck did he just say! You nod or shake your head you don't speak y'little fuckbag!" The boy shivered and nodded to the man and Travis.

"Good boy," said Travis, "Now go collect my winnings, and I know what I bet, and I know what the odds are, so I know my winnings, and if you skim a little off the top I swear on your worthless mother's life that I will rip out your fucking tongue, pull out your teeth and jam them into your eyes. You got me!" The poor frightened boy nodded and sobbed as Travis signalled his men to kick him out of the cell.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Nikolai looked down at the man and suppressed a laugh, not something he had to do often. He had heard of the Priest, although they had never met in person, and what he heard made him wary. Nikolai feared no Man, not the Wardens, not even Azrael, but he was always watchful for their tricks and their lies, and the Priest spoke with one voice, but many tongues.

"You see how Man there make me bleed?" he said in his thick accent, holding up his arm so the Priest would see better the small streams of blood running from the wound, and to also demonstrate how little the wound bothered him. "Years and years since last I was cut. You know why? Because all in this place know I cut them worse. There is no 'violent' life, little Man. There is only life, or there is death. So deep underground, Man like you would do well to know this."

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Acolyte walked along a dimly lit passage. The worst of his post-blackout symptoms had passed, but it had left him feeling a little shaky. He needed food. Fortunately, he hadn't run into any other inmates since he'd crawled out of the vent. Not that he'd expect them to try anything, unless they were a roving band, and he could probably look after himself if they did. But he didn't like fighting, and in his somewhat weakened state, it was always possible something could go wrong.

What he needed was food. He didn't like getting involved in the free-for-alls and gang riots that the supply drops always devolved into, but it was a necessity. He had perfected the art of grabbing what he needed and escaping, usually unscathed. With his knowledge of the vents, he knew where to hide stores of food, drink, and other supplies to ration. Though he was running low since he'd moved further down to the less densely populated lower levels, below where much of the general population chose to reside, but above where a lot of the mining work took place. The problem was that he was further away from the supply drops by being here.

He turned several corners until he came to another straight passage, then crouched down in front of a ventilation grate, removing the screwdriver from the pocket of his well worn pants. He removed the screws and pocketed them, crawling inside and turning to prop the grate so that to the unobservant eye, it would appear to still be attached to the vent. He crawled two corners, to where his goods (the last of them) lay hidden. There was an unopened can of salted sardines, a small loaf of bread and a two liter plastic bottle of water that was a little over a third full. Lying length ways, he tore a couple of small pieces from the bread loaf and nibbled them, savoring the task of eating. That, he'd found during his fasting trials with the Temple, had been the key to rationing food. Making what you gave yourself seem like more than it was. When the allowed morsels had disappeared, he propped himself up on his elbow to take a single swig of water. Then he crawled back out, and screwed the grate back into place.

Walking more steadily now, he thought about what his next move should be. He decided it would be prudent to find some of the less hostile inmates and see if they could give him any clues as to where the next supply drop might be. He needed fresh food and water, as well as some other things, if he could get them.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
They all stood out in the crowd. No matter their gang or band allegiance, they all knew Iron-fist. Each glance they exchanged only made her more confident in her role down here, where the sun won't shine. They all cooperated with Iron-fist, whether it be a few words of warning or a true comrade ? they all knew the dangers of the pit, and the danger of being a woman in the most lawless part on this forsaken earth.

The official gang numbers were low as usual ? only a few that could stand to move independently through the many territories of the pit were Iron-fist's closest comrades. They would arrange the departure of those who failed to respect the lives and well-being of their fellow women to a better life, up in the heavens. The others eagerly agreed to help eradicate the phenomenon, and it wasn't long until the Iron-fist had to address feuds from within gangs themselves.

They never understood how it all worked. Not the other gangs and not the wardens themselves. The women kept their mouths shut, knowing fully well that the only thing keeping men doubting their desires was fear of retribution. It came in the night, and left them naked. They were often spiked on the end of a pole, their bodies' defiled by the same way they forced themselves onto others. In a cruel twist of fate, they found themselves helplessly impaled and begging for mercy, their manhood and pride stripped away. The only thing left to indicate the meaning of this assault was a warning written in blood. 'Rapist', the word written on a wall, or the floor ? or the body itself, but it always came with the murder.

Iron-fist exchanged more looks with those women watching the fight. She crossed out two names out of her head as she watched the behemoth in the ring rip them to shreds. The last one was an Impi, the gang she once flirted with. The behemoth tore that poor sod to pieces as well. Then the wardens came to the scene, led by the preacher.

Iron-fist departed from the scene. Her idle walk out of the battleground was met with an encounter with a fellow comrade. Without speaking a word, she slipped a small piece of crumpled paper into Iron-fist's pocket and continued to move on. She leaned against the raw concrete and opened up the message.

'The Dragon?', was his name. A few more details were scribbled further down the message. It seemed as if their crew had a new target to handle. Now would be the time to assemble their forces and think of a plan.

That bastard won't last through the next week. Iron-fist was sure of it.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Lucia used to like "getting some air". She'd frequently take walks alone in New Troy as a teenager and do little more than think to herself the entire time. These days thinking is a detriment it seems. In the past few weeks she had been trying to keep herself busy, whether it be training with Orphan, mining deep in the pit or supplying first aid to injured miners, so as to stay focused and not let her mind wander. It worked for the most part, but it was inevitable that her thoughts would find there way to her brother.


Where was he? Was he alive? Certainly there was more she could have been doing for him, right?

She knew the Pit's layout pretty well by now. She knew where to stay away from, at least. Thankfully, for whatever reason she was under Orphan's protection. People feared him. Being associated with him was likely the only reason she was able to walk around alone the way she was. Even still, wandering around absent minded was never a good idea here and thoughts of her brother's welfare had consumed her cognition.

Where am I?

She went into a panic when she realized she was lost. Frantically looking around, trying to get her barrings she noticed someone she had never seen before. She hid behind a wall and watched as the man closed a ventilation shaft. Who was he? Once he was finished he began walking in her direction.

Oh shit! Oh shit!

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Fletcher Nix
"This close to hell is where god is needed most my son. Life in this place has wounded your soul, but no one is ever too far out of his reach. I see you don't want to talk to me now, so I'll go. But if you ever wish to see what awaits you, I am here." Fletcher said.

With that he motioned for the wardens to follow him, and headed for the elevator.

"Col. Jin-Oh, the situation in the hive has been diffused by Father St.George. Several inmates were killed before we got there, but they dispersed without incident. Are there any further orders?" One of the wardens spoke into his radio.


The Zulu Camp was the most defensible position on the level. A sub-tunnel branched off the main one, and the walls were lined with cells. It ended in a relatively large round chamber with more cells in the walls. The only way in was through the hallway/sub-tunnel so the Impi only had to guard one entrance. The cells along the walls were occupied by the higher-ranked Impi. The training area was in the middle of the chamber, flanked by the food storage and the "kitchen" where food was prepared. The rest of the floorspace was mostly used as living space for the lower ranks and the non-warriors. Finally, there was a dirty, dimly lit bathroom, also carved into the wall. It was in disrepair, but they made-do.

When the group returned, they found the aftermath of a struggle. There were 4 bodies on the ground at the entrance, all of them were bald white men with white-league and swastika tattoos. The Aryan Nation had broken the standstill. The Aryan Nation (one of the larger groups) had been passive aggressive toward the Impi ever since the Impi became large enough to be a threat. The only thing that prevented an all-out war was that both sides would suffer heavy losses. Now blood had been spilled.

"+What happened here?+" Unathi barked.

One of the camp sentries spoke up, "+They were high on something, acting crazy. They started throwing rocks and ice at us. It turned into a fight, and they were killed.+"

Unathi began grinding his teeth. His first instinct was to retaliate, but he would not say anything else that would contradict his mother.

"+Who killed them?+" Bongani asked.

Two men who had been sitting on the ground stood and presented themselves without speaking. They knew they would have to answer for this, so they had been waiting.

"+Were they attacking our people?+" Bongani asked the two.

They nodded.

"+You will each get beaten, and you will not have any food for one week. In the mean time, you are not allowed out of the camp until I tell you otherwise. Report to Sifiso.+" She said. Considering the possible danger they caused, this was merciful.

She then pointed at six men nearby.

"+All of you, bring those bodies into the camp and burn them, then clean up the mess. The Aryans can't find out about this.+"

Everyone jumped to their tasks without question. Bongani and Unathi proceeded to their shared cell and draped down the quilt that covered the open bars like a curtain. They needed to have a private talk.

Unathi began pacing, and Bongani sat on the bottom bunk.

"+I know you want to go to war son. So do I, it's in our blood. But we have to be smart. Bide our time.+" Bongani said.

"+I know mother, I know. But we keep training and gathering resources, and then we never use them! When will we make our ancestors proud? How can we call ourselves Zulu when we seem to be afraid of war?+" Unathi replied.

"+One day, the pit will understand the strength of the Zulu. Soon enough, you will lead us, and conquer this hell. The Aryans will be exterminated and The Pit will bow to you Unathi. And after that, there will be no one who can stop us from taking back out home. Remember that son, our goal isn't to become kings of The Pit. our goal, is to take back our home.+"


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Nikolai didn't bother to excuse himself as he walked away from the Priest. He didn't want to linger here too long. Master was always in a good mood after a victory in the Dog-Fights, and this one held particular importance, as Master had been growing increasingly concerned about the Impi. He would want to talk about what the bloodshed here would mean for the future, and a Dog should be at his Masters side for such things. His pack would want to congratulate him too. Back in the North Quarter of the Lower Levels, where the Arctic Wolves had their stronghold, he could get his cut and burn seen to.

He gave the body of the Impi one last backward glance as it was being dragged away, and nodded. He had fought well, and bravely. Even so, he had not been the first, and yet this was the first time Nikolai ever felt the need to show a dead Man respect.

Clearing his head of such questions, he turned and exited The Hive.


Col. Lee heard the message on his radio as he exited back on ground level.

"Negative. Continue your assigned patrol, and tell St. George to meet me in my office. I want a full report of who was there, and in what strength."

Lee despised St. George, but it was either him, or debrief Sticks, and bizarrely enough it was the man who went by a false name who was more likely to give him honest answers.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
With the patrols complete, Luka sat down in the barracks, and began field stripping his weapons, with a rag and a can of gun oil on hand.


Acolyte noticed the young girl, and the somewhat startled expression on her face. Stopping several feet away to give her room, he put his palms together and bowed deeply in the style of the monks, although he was ready to defend himself if her innocence should prove a ruse. 'Good day, young lady. Are you lost? You look worried.'

Going to bed now.

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Fletcher Nix

After riding up the elevator, Fletcher headed straight for the colonel's office. He had been there enough times that he didn't need directions.

He knocked on the door and there was a gruff "Come in." from the other side.

The priest opened the door and calmly walked in, shutting it carefully behind him.

"So colonel, how are you on this beautiful god-given day?" Fletcher said, rather un-cermimoniusly.

He knew Col. Lee was aware of his identity, and he knew the office was bugged. None of it worried him though.Col. Lee couldn't do anything about him because Nix was not technically under his command. Father St.George and his Church were independently contracted to Venture Horizen, so they only answered to the Executive and Vice Executive of RACDI-Alpha. And the only people listening to the conversation, were the higher-ups that already knew who he was.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Lucia eyes darted side-to-side frantically, as if looking for an escape route, "I... ummmm..."

She looked down at the ground for a brief moment before directing her gaze towards the man in front of her. His hands were shaking... subtly yes, but it didn't look normal. It occurred to her that he was walking in an odd fashion as well. Could he be high? And what was with the bow?

Staring at his hands she asked, "Are you okay?"


By the time he'd made his way down Azrael's dog had already left.

There's always next time.

Sticks turned to one of his subordinates with a smirk, "Let's report back to Lee. I'm sure he's dying to here about the gory details."


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Col. Lee studied Fletcher coldly.

"It's trying enough that I'm forced to tolerate your presence here amongst my men, you could at least do me the courtesy of sparing me your bullshit." While Lee didn't mince his words, he was careful to keep his voice level. Fletcher might not answer to him, but he was still in command at RACDI-Alpha, and everything about his manner would emanate control.

"Sit, please." he told Fletcher, while he himself remained standing "I understand that I have you to thank for dispersing Azrael's tournament."

'In truth I knew you and Sticks would do nothing until the fight was over and posed no danger, and all for the better. You brought me more time.'


In the Northern Quarter, the walls of The Pit were solid ice, and the Arctic Wolves held the unforgiving maze of frozen tunnels tight. Dogs patrolled the halls everywhere, and they were heavily armed. Many of the guns and ammunition had been traded by corrupt Wardens, others had been 'liberated' during periods of unrest. Nikolai, now bandaged up and dressed in his wolf skins, was greeted with congratulations by every Dog he came across. He barely acknowledged them though, Azrael had summoned him.

Azrael held council in his own chamber, as icy as all the rest, but fitted with all the comforts a man in The Pit could hope for. All his other lieutenants fell silent as Nikolai entered.

"You're late." Azrael said, his expression hard and blank, yet there was the rare brightness in his eyes that let Nikolai know Azrael was pleased to see him, and he motioned for Nikolai to come and sit at his right hand, the place of highest honour.

"As I was saying, we have won an important victory today friends." Azrael continued "Our dominance in The Pit was just written in blood for all to see, as it has been so many times before. Our struggle for survival continues, and as old pretenders are eliminated, the new emerge, and so our fight never ends, but today we can rejoice at a lesson well taught!"

"THE FURY OF THE PACK IS UNMATCHED!" the rest cried out in unison.

Azrael turned once more to Nikolai, and his eyes drifted down to the dressing on his side. "It could have ended differently. Why did you give him the chance to wound you?" he asked sternly. Azrael did not know about Nikolai's one fear. He showed weakness to no-one, not even his Master.

"Impi Man was good," shrugged Nikolai, making light of it "I was better." Azrael appeared to be satisfied.

"The Impi will want blood spilled in vengeance." said Matthias. "They are small still, compared to us, but they're growing, disciplined, and relentless. Are we wise to provoke them?"

"Let them come!" snarled Sharptooth. "I'll tear their throats out one by one. That *****-Queen of theirs I'll do last, but not 'till I've f-"

"Enough." interrupted Azrael "The Impi are no fools. They won't risk open war. Not with us, and not now. That was no green recruit they sent up against Nikolai, but rather one of their best warriors. Short of their own young Prince stepping into the ring himself that was the biggest challenge to us they could make, and we won. They'll have their blood, but not from us. I've seen to that."

"White on black." interjected Nikolai. He had seen the talks with the tattooed men, and surmised as much.

"Exactly!" exclaimed Azrael. "See, the Dog barely talks and yet he speaks more sense than the lot of you put together! The Aryan Brotherhood are our proxies now. For all their talk of pride, the only just cause to them is Meth, and we have a lot of it thanks to our friends on the surface. While the fight was taking place, an attack was initiated. Nothing huge, but the first of many, and the Impi will soon have no choice but open war with the Brotherhood. It's a war they will win, narrowly. They will weaken themselves and all we will lose is a client who'd be a liability to us if left to their own devices for too long anyway. Then... the Wolf will move in for the kill."


New member
Oct 17, 2011
The next gathering was supposed to take place in the third outpost of the sisterhood. A small blocked off concrete tunnel whose entrance could be unearthed under a pile of rubble south-east to the arena was just one of the many rendezvous and hiding spots Iron-fist organized. She would have to go through neutral and some-may-say hostile territory, but she was hoped there won't be any trouble on her way. She hoped so, but it seems like chance was against her.

The old woman stopped before a group of three young men who spotted her and approached her with a smile plastered on their faces. They were all white and their heads were shaved ? but Iron-fist didn't notice any of the traditional markings on their bodies. They weren't Aryan? not yet.

"Lookie what we gots us here", one of them spoke up excitingly. He was practically naked, with a small piece of cloth covering his crotch. He awkwardly took a few steps forward before one of his comrades stopped him.

"Excuse my friend here, miss, but you're in Aryan territory. There's a toll to collect", the second one spoke surprisingly eloquently. Besides being dressed properly ? or as one would expect to see an ordinary resident of the pit, he also brandished a small blade in his hand. A blade he so eagerly showed to Iron-fist to try and remind her of the payment he required.

The old woman didn't have the time to amuse some gang veterans who were sent on errand mission. She was firm and direct. "I can't give you anything. Let me pass through".

The third one started laughing. He was much larger than the other two ? he was taller and well-built. His bulging muscles nearly tore through his sleeves as he flexed them before speaking. "If you got nothing, then we collect you".

"Yeah, yeah, we gonna gets the sexy time on, ohh, me first!", the first of the bunch suddenly came back to life when he read the situation again. The one wielding the knife pushed him back again.

"She's too old for that, look at her-", he started waving his knife at Iron-fist as he looked over to his two comrades.
"?and she's a negroid, you moron", the third one turned to the intoxicated in the bunch and slapped him across his face. The intoxicated one fell to the floor holding his face with his hands in pain. "Hey, you think she's Zulu?", he asked his two companions. The one holding the knife shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to Iron-fist.

"No, she's deformed". He pointed at her missing arm. "She couldn't be. Besides, what's that got to do with anything?".
"Just let me pass". Iron-fist repeated herself hoping the three would give her some mercy. She hoped so, but it seems like chance was against her? again.

"Just turn back, we didn't get any orders if we met old women-", the one holding the knife waved it again and signaled Iron-fist to bug off. She couldn't go in another direction, that was the only path to the other side and the meeting point.

"-We don't need none, she's not Aryan. We kill her and we get our tattoos". The buff one smiled at Iron-fist. He walked towards her with his hands ready to grab her by the head and smash it at the wall to her left. He charged at her, lifting his arms up and going for her neck. She sprang one of several springs and from her metallic hand emerged a long serrated blade. The old woman ducked down and moved forward, her blade striking underneath the giant's right arm and then slicing down to his ribs. He nearly fell flat on his face as he let out a scream. Down on his knees, he held his bleeding wound and cried out for help.

"Fucking damn it, kill the *****!", he screamed at the two. The one holding his knife charged at the woman, holding the knife with his right hand and aiming at her heart. A hard swipe of her hand cut through the assailant's forearm to the bone and sent shivers down his spine. He stopped in his tracks, just when Iron-fist pulled out her blade and plunged it into his heart. The knife dropped to the floor and she pushed the man away from her.

Next was the one she forgot to finish. Walking up to the bleeding hulk, she leaned down and looked at him. "Aryans die just as easy as anyone". She held the back of his neck tightly, then moved the blade down and slit his throat. Last of the group was the drunk one, but he seemed to have ran off and left his friends behind. Iron-fist pulled back one of the strings connected to her blade and raised her mechanic arm at the fleeing white supremacist. One pull of the trigger and a small knife was ejected from within her machine, flying at full speed ahead and plunging into his back. The half-naked man squirmed on the floor, crying out for help from anyone in the vicinity.

"You forgot your sexy time, jackass".

The blade punctured his skull and scrambled his brains.

That little encounter was more than she expected to find, but doing that already made he late for the meeting.

Could have brought them to the Cannibals if I had some time?

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Acolyte takes a deep breath, stilling the slight tremble in his hands, which he clasps behind his back. 'I'm quite alright. Just the cold. So, what's a young lady like yourself doing out here alone?'


Luka made his way along the corridor, down from the barracks. His rifle was signed back into the armoury, but he still wore the Makarov on his right hip, and a guard's issue close quarters taser on his left. coming to a halt outside of Col. Lee's office, he rapped curtly on the door and waited to be let in. While he waited, he was aware of voices, one of which belonged to that priest, or vicar, or whatever he was.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
"Thank you Fletcher, you've told me everything I wanted to know." 'Even if you don't know half of it' "Now, please excuse me." Col. Lee said, as he showed Fletcher out of his office, and let Warrant Officer Korovich in.

Lee had never been particularly close to Korovich. The man was as ram-rod stiff and hard-bitten as Lee himself, and looking at the Warrant Officer was like looking into an uncomfortable mirror, that showed Lee how he had once looked at the height of his military career (despite that face Korovich was actually the elder of the two). Still, he had a profound respect for the man. Korovich's loyalties and motivations were crystal clear, and the two of them spoke the same language when it came to Venture's management of The Pit. The Warrant Officer had been instrumental in the few cases of progress Lee had managed to make so far in his time as Warden in Chief.

'He's still a soldier to the bone. Hard, obedient and uncompromising. He's more than used to matters of grey morality I'm sure. Still, best to only play this particular card at the last possible moment. While there are others around who could manipulate him, the less he knows the better.'

"Warrent Officer Korovich, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
'The Priest's still walking around, I see. I'm surprised none of the inmates have shanked him yet.' And that's not a particularly pleasant surprise... If Korovitch hadn't found the Priest too contemptible to have feelings towards, those feelings would have been dislike. He disliked men who waved their religion around like some kind of rank. And he'd heard the rumors of his supposed dealings, too. Lots of the men had, but there was so much bullshit in the air of the prison, few genuinely believed it. Korovitch himself wasn't inclined to commit either way, as it mattered little to him. He wasn't paid to have opinions.

'Anyway, sir. I want to sign out one of the above ground courtyards for the next three days, and to have someone cover my patrol shift. My men are weak and flabby. This must change. I will whip muscle into the pigs.' His ever present Russian accent making it peegs