The Sims 3 berates you for having a child out of 'wedlock' Yes they use that word...


New member
May 11, 2010
zarguhl said:
b3nn3tt said:
What shame is there in raising a child as a single parent? And what 'bad reasons' do people have for not getting married? Because in my experience, I've never come across any untoward reasons for people not anting to marry.
If they are a single parent for a reason like their partner died, there's no shame. But if they knowingly decide to do so it's just irresponsible and if you look into the persons history you'll always find a track record of cheating, one night-stands, etc.

One of the common reasons for not wanting to marry that I've heard is "not wanting the responsibility of marriage," yet still having kids. Which does well to show just where that person is at.

There is a very strong effort to destroy the family going on these days, as the family is the last group that has any real strength left in it now that religious groups have mostly been destroyed.

Once families are fully destroyed society will be totally screwed and civilization will end with a whimper.
I don't think that you should equate cheating with one night stands, they're very different situations. What if the baby results from a one night stand, does that make the woman irresponsible if she wants to keep it and raise it? The only time that I see it as being 'wrong' is when people have children just so that they can claim benefits. But even then, if the child is loved and raised properly then that's something at least.

I've not heard that one before, especially not when the couple also have children. But there are a large number of people who just don't want to get married, maybe because they don't feel the need to have a piece of paper to prove that they love each other.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Eh people still have problems with having kids out of wed lock, you my be mad but should you demained EA do . So I don't see a problem with this, I mean hell most girls who have kids out of wed lock are called sluts so how is this new at all?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I can understand if not many people on this site care about the Sims 3 or what goes on in relation to it but I would just like to draw your attention to this;

Your female sim is the only one who recieves the 'shame' for this 'heinous act' Also note the term 'bad actions' and 'innapropriate behaiviour' :|...

Personally it made my blood boil. There is absolutely no shame in having children out of wedlock these days and many couple choose to remain unmarried because of cost and also religious (or lack of) beliefs.

So despite your feelings on the Sims 3 what do you make of this??

(If this should be in off topic then please move I was unsure where to put it)

Edit: I'd just like to point out that my sim is a celebrity and this is why this message appeared, It's still not justified though...

While I agree that that message is pathetic and unwarranted, it is MAXIS that created the game, yes, technically EA, but still, it's all Will Wrights fault.

Also, it still is technically "disgraceful" for one to have that happen, especially with the "ideal" lifestyles of the Sims.

This is the same issue as not allowing for handicapped sims (physically). I think this could be a great kind of social research experiment, the sims should be more than entertainment, they should entertain while teaching sociological methods and ideas...


Thinking with Portals
Jun 4, 2008
I think this should be taken with a pinch of salt. Judging from the wording, I think EA/Maxis meant to overexaggerate in a joking kind of way (hurr hurr, you had a child out of wedlock and now fire will rain down on your house, hurr hurr!). I don't think they have a genuine problem with having children out of wedlock, if they honestly did, would they be stupid enough to put something like that in the game?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
b3nn3tt said:
zarguhl said:
I don't think that you should equate cheating with one night stands, they're very different situations. What if the baby results from a one night stand, does that make the woman irresponsible if she wants to keep it and raise it? The only time that I see it as being 'wrong' is when people have children just so that they can claim benefits. But even then, if the child is loved and raised properly then that's something at least.

I've not heard that one before, especially not when the couple also have children. But there are a large number of people who just don't want to get married, maybe because they don't feel the need to have a piece of paper to prove that they love each other.
I's just like to point out also that my sister who works really hard had her first child out of wedlock but is now married to the father and has a second child.

Remember having a child out of wedlock doesn't nessercarily mean you are single not that there is anything wrong with that either. This is about getting married.

FallenTraveler said:
While I agree that that message is pathetic and unwarranted, it is MAXIS that created the game, yes, technically EA, but still, it's all Will Wrights fault.

Maxis only made Sims 1 and 2.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Avaholic03 said:
Sounds like some writers were having trouble coming up with ideas for +/- mods in the Sims. I wouldn't read too much into it.

Also, it's not entirely innacurate. While some of society is more accepting, there will always be those judgmental people who will look down on you for whatever reason.
So says the nice man with the Satan avatar. :p


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
weird, most of the sims is rather tongue in cheek but that just seems a bit vindictive

Atrocious Joystick

New member
May 5, 2011
Sims 2 has civil unions and sims 3 has full on gay marriage. But sims 3 is supposed to be set before sims 2. So I think we can understand that Pleanstville isn't the most progressive society on earth.

No but seriously, the sims is a "life" simulator. Or rather a small town "life" simulator. I don't think its a stretch to think there would be some shame attached to having kids out of wedlock.

I'm shocked at some peoples ability to get offended by anything remotely against their world view.

Guilherme Zoldan

New member
Jun 20, 2011
I think this was just some stupidity coming out of the design team. I dont think they are actualy prudes since the game allows gay marriage, buttsex and puts the player in the position of a malevolent god who kills people by obliterating their toilets.
EA have no souls, they cant really hate anyone.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Atrocious Joystick said:
Sims 2 has civil unions and sims 3 has full on gay marriage. But sims 3 is supposed to be set before sims 2. So I think we can understand that Pleanstville isn't the most progressive society on earth.

No but seriously, the sims is a "life" simulator. Or rather a small town "life" simulator. I don't think its a stretch to think there would be some shame attached to having kids out of wedlock.

I'm shocked at some peoples ability to get offended by anything remotely against their world view.
Ironically my sims live in a big city called Brigeport where apprently it's respectable to be, for a example, a vampire. -.-


New member
Apr 28, 2010
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Ironically my sims live in a big city called Brigeport where apprently it's respectable to be, for a example, a vampire. -.-
However if your vampire is a celebrity, and bites someone in public... More public Humiliation for you.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
I'd care, but its The Sims.

*edit* After looking at some of the posts and responses based around a minor game


New member
Apr 18, 2010
I almost wanted to be offended, but then remember that its a Sims game not a real girl being ostracized, sorry I won't be offended on the behalf of pixels.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
brownstudies said:
The only thing I disagree with is the wording. As the daughter of a single parent, it is definitely accurate to say that a child out of wedlock is something that many people will look down on you for. I'd just rather the pop up would have said something like:

"Those gossipy prudes are talking crap about your life choices again. What is this, the 80s? How dare they?! -20 bad mood".
That would probably make more sense and be slightly less offensive tbh. I think they have copy pasted the text from fighting, peeing yourself etc. They really shouldn't have done that.
oh god, facepalm. Potentially offending whole sections of society because somebody got a bit too happy with the copy paste. Well done EA!

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Mouse_Crouse said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Ironically my sims live in a big city called Brigeport where apprently it's respectable to be, for a example, a vampire. -.-
However if your vampire is a celebrity, and bites someone in public... More public Humiliation for you.
So randomly biting people is to be equated to having children...nice. >_>

michiehoward said:
I almost wanted to be offended, but then remember that its a Sims game not a real girl being ostracized, sorry I won't be offended on the behalf of pixels.
So racism, for example, is okay as long as its in a game? Sorry but thats kind of lame reasoning.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Mouse_Crouse said:
Having looked it up online it seems to be tied to your "celebrity" status. If you do anything (and this qualifies) that the "public" deems "unsavory" as a celebrity you are shamed for 3 days.
You just had to go an look it up didn't you? You couldn't just ignore that you probably where not getting the whole story from the OP and jump to the same morally outraged conclusion the OP wanted?

Some poster you are. What are you even doing here. Hurry, get massively outraged over this for no reason before other people notice and turn on you.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
manaman said:
Mouse_Crouse said:
Having looked it up online it seems to be tied to your "celebrity" status. If you do anything (and this qualifies) that the "public" deems "unsavory" as a celebrity you are shamed for 3 days.
You just had to go an look it up didn't you? You couldn't just ignore that you probably where not getting the whole story from the OP and jump to the same morally outraged conclusion the OP wanted?

Some poster you are. What are you even doing here. Hurry, get massively outraged over this for no reason before other people notice and turn on you.
You will notice that I edited my opening post to include that, I didn't feel it was relevant at all since it's still pretty much offensive. The public where I live in a rural area of England don't think it is 'shameful' or innapropriate behaiviour' do you?