The South: Cut us some slack, people.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
so sorry bro, but all we hear about is ignorant, moronic, bigoted republican leaders who act like they hate their country. Blame your leaders for the bad vibe you get


New member
Jan 3, 2009
I knew someone British who was in the US who got asked if we had TVs on this side of the pond she replied "no we sit around listening to the wireless though" and they believed her. That's not really a stereotype but it is a hilarious example of a bizarre misconception that some people have.

On a completely random note anyone noticed that the "British stereotype" is actually the "Posh English" stereotype? Anyone else who finds they're entire country is stereotyped by an internal stereotype of a select region/class?

In a similar vein Welsh people seem to defy stereotype except maybe the "choirs and sheep" one but still can you conjure an image of a stereotypical Welsh chap? Though I guess us scots have stereotypical traits for 2 nations :p


New member
Jan 22, 2012
I'm from Newfoundland, Canada.

The entire world thinks I say "eh!" at the end of every sentence, and the rest of Canada thinks I'm a semi-literate out of work fisherman with a funny accent.

We all got our stereotypical crosses to bear.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Yeah, I live in Mississippi on the Gulf Coast. I haven't really traveled to enough different areas of the U.S. to see what people might think of me and my state, but I'm sure it's extremely different from their expectations. To be fair, the northern parts of the state can be pretty...undesirable or country-hickish.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Well most of the far-right crazies come out of the bible belt midwest/south area.

We hate them, not the place they come from.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Evil Smurf said:
so sorry bro, but all we hear about is ignorant, moronic, bigoted republican leaders who act like they hate their country. Blame your leaders for the bad vibe you get
I second this. In the UK the main thing we hear from the Southern states is a bunch of bigoted halfwit officials on weird rants.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
I have seen a lot of hate towards "rednecks" here in the escapist.

It's pure lack of knowledge. A lot of people don't get the humor in TV and think that rednecks are seen like "gypsies" or other "unwanted" individuals.

To be fair I think southerners are less likely to disturb others than northerners.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
I'm from the northeast and have been living in Texas since 2008. Among my colleagues who are from Texas, very few of them exhibit stereotypes that would have caused me to identify them as Texans if I didn't already know them. Then again, a game studio isn't really your typical business in Dallas, nor does it attract the most typical employees.

I do find it really annoying that you can't swing a cat by the tail without hitting something that reminds you of the fact that you are in Texas, though. Every where I go, it's Texas pride in your face, but other than that I find this area to be the absolute blandest and devoid of character place I've ever lived (aside from all the great Chinese food.)

Probably the worst stereotypes I've heard a Texan friend say of the northeast is that it's "creepy" and "where all the serial killers seem to come from" and "basements are scary".


New member
Aug 9, 2009
" That your woman are all ninety five percent silicon and syphilis?"

Surely the syphilis one would be a Southern stereotype? I mean, burning hatred for contraception and all things ungodly and all that.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I've lived in Georgia my whole life, and I take offense to being called a hick or redneck.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go rape a fat man who interrupted my banjo session.

Nah, just kidding. I'm gonna go watch anime and eat vitamins.


New member
May 17, 2010
Woodsey said:
" That your woman are all ninety five percent silicon and syphilis?"

Surely the syphilis one would be a Southern stereotype? I mean, burning hatred for contraception and all things ungodly and all that.
Isn't the assumption though that Northern women are more promiscuous by default and thus have an increased likelihood of catching a venereal disease compared to the Godly Southern womenfolk. I'm not a Yank so I wouldn't know but whatever.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
370999 said:
Woodsey said:
" That your woman are all ninety five percent silicon and syphilis?"

Surely the syphilis one would be a Southern stereotype? I mean, burning hatred for contraception and all things ungodly and all that.
Isn't the assumption though that Northern women are more promiscuous by default and thus have an increased likelihood of catching a venereal disease compared to the Godly Southern womenfolk. I'm not a Yank so I wouldn't know but whatever.
I dunno (I'm not American either), I thought it was all meant to be ironic - as in, supposed to be godly, but instead a bunch of insane yokels who'll stick it in anything.

(Funnily enough, it is ironic in real life - a lot of highly conservative Southern states have huge teen pregnancy numbers.)


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Traces of the civil war lasting into the 21st century huh?

What, oh sorry. Just finished reading a book about that conflict.

Some people think it's the accent that leads to that perception but I think it's endearing.

Everyone is neutral until proven stupid or brilliant in my mind.

Storm Dragon

New member
Nov 29, 2011
I'm a bit of an interesting case. Maryland is right between the North and the South (During the Civil War, Maryland almost joined the Confederates, but the Union made damn sure to keep hold due to DC's location). I'm from the Eastern Shore (East of the Chesapeake if that wasn't obvious), which is far more rural than the Western Shore, where Annapolis and Baltimore are located. My hometown is surrounded by farmland, and an annoyingly large portion of the population more or less fits the "drunken hick" stereotype, but as you move further into town, you begin to encounter urban black culture. The two most popular musical genres in my high school were Country/Western music, and Gangster Rap. My home is ten minutes from town, out in the countryside, but my parents are from Ohio and Pennsylvania, so I'd fit more in line with Northern culture. My accent is Northern, but I speak at a leisurely pace and usually drop the "g" from "-ing" words, which is more common in Southern accents.

This went off in a bit of a tangent. Bottom line: I know from personal experience that Southerners are not a bunch of drunken, idiot hillbillies, but I have certainly seen that such people do exist.
Sep 24, 2008
Techno Squidgy said:
..Not quite sure what your beef with Canada is though.
You know, oddly enough... nothing. Nothing at all. I actually lived in Montreal for two years and I have to say up until that point, I didn't even think about Canada as a whole. None of my friends mentioned it unless they were saying they have family up there and it's nice. Some people said it was cold. That's it. I think I remember an old 1999 episode of family guy which peter ended the show saying Canada sucks. That was as far as media taught me about Canada.


Watching the CBC news specials about gun control, medicine prices, or health care, they would stick in their little slights in news casting. News Casting. After a year of watching Canadian tv, it felt like a joke or an intelligent topic followed a simple formula: "Of course, this being America..." + (random thing that the producers or writers feel Canada as a whole would find stupid or laughable) x (shots of a handful of Americans doing said thing) = Gold.

Oddly enough, the UK does it more than Canada. Remember, we're nerds/geeks/dorks, we prefer your media to ours. We see. :p

But on that topic, we also do see things like racist British loudmouths, and damn near race riots and we're not allowed to think or say disparaging things towards them, as it would be another example on how closed minded we all are.

It's a weird phenomenon how people can be presented with their own countrymen and handwave them as being loons and not representative of how they think, but show us three people from another country who all say a stupid thing, and that country is just full of morons. I mean, it just has to be, Out of millions, we saw three saying it! They are obviously the majority!


New member
Sep 30, 2011
I come from Australia, some people think I ride kangaroo's and wrestle crocodile's, ignore the ignorant people.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
lord canti said:
Well being from Kentucky when ever I go out of state people automatically assume that I'm some dumb cow farmer. So yeah I feel your pain pal.
Also a Kentucky boy, born and bred. I've been to both sides of the country and people were surprised about my lack of an accent, and the fact that I hadn't slept with any of my cousins.
Jul 13, 2011
I'm going to go ahead and say I believe the Southern reputation is entirely deserved.

I lived there for 19 years, in South Carolina, and I've been to every state in the US South-East. It is indeed filled with dumb-fucks and some of the worst people I have ever had the displeasure to meet, people who made my life hell every time I left the house and ridiculed me at every turn right to my face in public.

Southern hospitality is a lie, and the image of fat sweaty rednecks being common in the South is extremely true.

I'd go on to rant further about the general level of intelligence on anything that isn't blue-collar work, but I think I've made my point.

That being said, everyone does deserve a fair chance. I certainly would not immediately assume someone was a stupid redneck that says they are from the South, because I know it isn't true. I am not one of them, nor do I sound like one (I trained myself to avoid ever speaking like any of them.) nor are any of the extremely few friends I made there like that either.

But it IS a fair stereotype and it is justly earned, and to this day I loathe being reminded of the existence of where I grew up.

P.S.: Yes there are still dirt roads everywhere, they just make sure to hide them from the tourists. But when you get out to hicksville, they're just as numerous as pavement roads.