Dude, it's Landsraad, not La.. oh, someone beat me to it.
Lynch's Dune was pretty bad if you're a purist, since he changes a lotta stuff, and the pacing is shit.. but I liked it for what it was, and I love me some Kyle MacLachlan. The Sci-Fi channel series was frickin' *awful*, even tho it was more true to the story; the costumes, acting, and cheesy street-fighter fight scenes made for a grand trifecta of embarrassment. It's cool they actually took it beyond the first book, tho.. I guess.
Alejandro Jodorowsky was workin' on a version of Dune for a while back in the 70s or 80s or something; his version promised to be insanely wacky, and I'm halfway glad / halfway bummed that it miscarried. Homeboy made statements along the lines of "Frank Herbert does not own Dune.. this is a primal, immortal story of a messiah.. blah blah blah art." He wanted to cast Dali as the emperor, but Dali only accepted on the conditions that he had to be paid more per-hour than any actor ever, and that he wouldn't read the script.. and something to do with constantly pissing/shitting into a throne made of golden dolphins. Seriously, look it up - it's some pretty hilarious stuff.
Lynch's version almost fell apart in production hell, too. It's true, Dune seems to be cursed when it comes to screen adaptations. Probably for the best, because the (first four) books are just way too damn *good* for anything less than a high-budget, high-concept, take-your-time HBO miniseries. Now that Frank's dead and Kevin "I'm a douche" J. Anderson is God-Emperor of the Duniverse (with Brian Herbert as his spice-addled bumbling sidekick), I really think we should just give up on Dune movies. I don't want those assholes profiting off any potential Hollywood box-office success - they'd use it as a springboard to try and get their laughable "prequels" made into summer blockbusters.
Aaaand, I'm done with my opinionated rant. Sorry, I get kinda passionate about Dune.