The times you thought: 'fuck this game'


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Many, many, many, many, many, MANY times while playing Sonic '06.

Then I got my head straight, realized I was playing Sonic '06 and stopped doing just that. And my life was all the better for it.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Making History 2. A 9-front war broke out, and I just about gave up. I powered through it though, and had a great time.

The Glorious American Empire, controls the bulk of North America-- from the old borders of the USA in the north to the yucatan in the south. Fresh off its annexation of facist spain, America heard the rumblings of the german war machine. War between France and Germany had broken out-- and the French were woefully unprepared for the onslaught. A military access treaty quickly signed, the glorious American tank and infantry divisions poured to the german border and halted the invasion, then quickly surrounded the bulk of the german army in the Sudetenland. The american army was insufficient to operate alone, but with the french reinforcing the lines and chasing stragglers, the germans were contained and bombardment of their territory had commenced. As my tanks mopped up eastern resistance up to the Polish border, something strange happened.

Quebec declared independence from Canada.

WELL! Thought American Emperor Thiosk. We can't have strife that close to our northern border! Our friendly canadian friends provided military access, and we seized Montreal within the week, squelching most of the rebellion-- a few northerly provinces remained, but posed little threat to the united states. The majority of troops loaded up on boats and departed for Spain, leaving only a few brigades to protect all of the heartland.

But the Quebecois speak French. France immediately allied with Quebec, and declared war. With our armies enmeshed and surrounding the Germans, the French betrayal created an opening that allowed the germans to seize about a third of their previously occupied territory. The French were not alone in their betrayal-- the British Alliance accepted France and Quebec as full members, instantly terminating hostility between Canada and Quebec, and pitting the bulk of the planet against the emerging American Empire.

So lets count fronts: the canadian front, mexican front, french front in spain, american germany pincered between france and germany (2 fronts), german front west of american occupied germany, with germans coming west from poland, and the UK in southern spain.

I count nine fronts.

The british forces poured out of belize and gibralter, seizing central america south of Mexico City and only a few territories in northern spain remained. A brigade of new super heavy battletanks were able to split up and chase down the british and surround gibralter just in time for the french to invade the iberian peninsula from the north. Meanwhile, the canadians poured into Maine, seizing maine, vermont, new hampshire, and the industrialized boston. It was too late-- tanks had to be fabricated and thrown piecemeal at the invaders while the militia slowly called up. The tide didn't take long to turn, the canadians simply didn't have the kind of force to sustain an invasion but...

the british were trouncing all of mexico. We had to stem the tide with a single unit of tanks, and mexico had to be won the in the same way it was won in the first time: on horseback.

With french and american resistance crumbling in germany, we pulled our forces back to berlin in the hopes that the germans would push west into france, rather than into our forces. Water finds the path of lowest resistance, and they went west, while we swept a few tank divisions around switzerland in an effort to cut off lines of french reinforcement, both to the german side and to the invaders heading into spain.

For a time, it looks like America was occupying germany, germany was occupying france, and france was occupying spain. Luckily for me, I didn't give up when the 9 front war broke out, because it looks like america is going to be running europe from spain to hungary.

The italians seem to be getting restless.

And the soviets HATE me.

Apr 8, 2010
I recall two recent offenders in that particular category.

First instance is X-Com which I bought some weeks ago and directly breezed through the normal difficulty level. So I thought, let's go with Classic and, of course, Ironman mode because that's at least a challenge and every previous game this year was just so piss easy.

Well, I shouldn't have done that.

After trying and failing about 10 times with varying degrees of "Fuck this game!" I finally got to a round where everything worked out properly. I rarely had people die, could cope with the new threats fairly easy and had the panic levels sufficiently under control and only lost only one country throughout the entire game until the end of month three. At some point, though, the game decided to be a huge fucking dick and managed to wipe out my entire squad of four trainees I wanted to give some XP to and had in training for the last ten missions, and two of my four colonels that I put in for backup. In the first three rounds of the combat, mind you.

It took me a day to continue that particular round, but I did manage to beat it subsequently. I have not touched it ever since.

Second recent instance is FTL. In fact, this game alone featured so many instances that I can't really recall any specific one, it's always exactly the thing that shouldn't happen has to happen that makes you want to punch a baby seal. Like being short on hull while everything else is pretty good and you just need to get to a damned shop and, of course, you are confronted with a rocket-slinging mantis ship, or having only one or two crew-members and suddenly get four mantis warriors beamed aboard that rip them apart, or not hitting that god-awful weapon system after shooting at it for the fifth bloody time and meanwhile getting blown full of holes, or a first hit, breaking the door system and then two others that just so happen to spawn an inferno in three different areas of your ship......I lost at least five years of my life because of my blood pressure reaching critical levels while playing this game. I still beat it on normal, but the thing I will remember most about this game will always be my recurring yells of "FUCK THIS GAME!".


New member
Apr 10, 2011
First time in ages was last night with Gears of War 1 General Ramm end bossfight in normal difficulty where after multiple attempts I said fuck it and beat the game in easy mode.

It's not that he is hard per say as I like challenging boss fights including Dark Souls. Its just the he is so tedious to fight due to not having a life bar, so I've bloody no idea if i'm using the correct tactic on him, it's about as fun as shooting a brick wall. The shitty AI of your team mate is annoying, and the AI of General Ram is almost as bad, as most times he just stands for ages in one spot in a semi glitched state with his Krill shield around him, then he rushes you while the bigger swarm of Krill is around you so you can't run away.

Boss life bars is game design 101, devs who don't include them should be kicked in the knackers!


New member
Feb 7, 2012
lRookiel said:
The Wykydtron said:
Fappy said:
Every time I lose a game of League of Legends.

Fuck that game.
You sure you're not masquerading as Rookie? Every single game we lose he sulks, goes offline for an hour, probably bitching about "lag" then comes back for another round after he's cheered up. It's like clockwork I swear XD
Damnit Dan you know my ping just jumps to like 1500 for like 30 seconds then I can't move/do anything!

So frustrating >.>
I feel your pain man T_T i feel your pain... T_T

I would have to say in KOTOR 1, on the planet Manan for the first time, i didn't do all the right steps, so after a particular assault, i couldn't do anything (as far as i know) to save myself from "Justice"


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
For me it has to be trying to beat Demyx in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Plus. Now this is not to be confused with the normal Kingdom Hearts 2 Demyx, he's easy. No, in Final Mix his Data form is a *****. You have 30 seconds to beat 13 water silhouettes, not bad right? Guess again Nancy! Once you beat those 13 depending on what second it ends on you have to fight from 25 to 50 to 75 and or to 99! You have 30 seconds to beat the 99 silhouettes and keep in mind that these silhouettes are extremely powerful as I am level 99 with the best gear in the game and high magic, defense, and strength. I always seem to lose against him which is bad because I'm recording myself fighting though them for Game Anyone! >.<

Next up is also from Final Mix: Luxord's Data Battle. It's the same as the one from the story only the commands are faster. Another thing they did was if you screw up his ultimate attack your time goes to him. You could be winning the entire battle, only to have that one screw up cause you to lose! This is also one of the only Data Organization members that I haven't recorded which I need to do so for Game Anyone as well. (&#9583;°&#9633;°)&#9583;&#65077; &#9531;&#9473;&#9531;


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
XMark said:
Dark Souls, the first time I encountered the infamous pair of archers in Anor Londo. I'm pretty sure that everyone who got there had the same thought.
I really don't know why so many people have a difficult time with those guys, I just ran like crazy and got through it just fine. Maybe I'm just lucky.

OT: Well there's Skullgirls. I was trying to beat the final boss with Painwheel. I could not control Painwheel to save my life, and eventually I got so frustrated with getting beat over and over with her that I just went "fuck this game", quit, and then played through Journey again.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Whenever I have a steak of bad luck in Halo 4 MP. Especially when I am constantly getting killed by BR users. I mean Jesus those things are stupidly accurate. Even in close range I have trouble killing the bastards. You'd think a weapon like the AR or Storm Rifle would trump the BR in close range but nope. More often than not I'm face down dead.

I guess I don't have those essential twitch reflexes to keep up.


New member
May 8, 2011
In a typical BF3 match where everyone is running around with automatic shotguns firing FRAG12 rounds. Then I switch to another server, where people are using normal weapons. And you know what? I'm still not having fun. So fuck it. Fuck Battlefield 3 with its shitty balance and terribly designed maps.


$20 For Steve
May 18, 2009
Arkham Asylum, Killer Croc's Lair. Fuck that. It's not hard as such, it's just incredibly tedious. Suspenseful for the first few minutes and then just boring and annoying.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Mass Effect: About fifteen hours in of not enjoying myself in the slightest but trying to, hating the controls, the mechanics, and the inventory system, I dipped a square inch of my unruly vehicle into lava, somehow dying instantly.

That did it for me.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Every time, it's bugs. Well, not every time .. occasionally it's n00bs, but mostly it's bugs.

Especially in a game with hardcore mode.
Permadeath due to a bug is just fucking unacceptable.

I'm looking at you, XCOM ... also, Diablo 3.
Actually, why can't I play D3 offline so I don't have to deal with disconnects?! The bugs are bad enough.
Fuck you, Blizzard.


New member
May 14, 2012
I was playing Gears of War 3 single player and having an ok time, except for this really racist caricature of a black person called Coletrain who wouldn't stfu.

then they made me play as him and he kept talking. about 15 min. after that i mentally shouted Fuck this Shit and ejected the game with extreme prejudice. good thing i just rented it from campus instead of paying money for it.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
The DmC demo
"F*** you" -Donte

Uncharted 2's later gun fights can be a headache. You get shot a bunch, so your first instinct is to run away to the nearest safe chest high wall until the technicolor of life returns, only for a dick with a shotgun to spawn right next to you. Or a grenade/rocket launcher enemy is thrown in the fray. HHHNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!

Demons Souls and the Valley of Defilement. The bosses here are piss easy, but getting to them... Dark Souls's Blighttown was so much easier...

After grinding for an hour in Persona 3 and 4's dungeons, you come across any enemy who only uses Hama and Mudo skills, they spam the spells on you and you only. I have the most hardcore rage moments when the spells are successful hits.

Resident Evil 5, and the inventory system of bad. I played through the entirety of that game co op with my cousin. At least he shared in my pain when we found a gun, wanted the gun, but both our inventories were full so we spent a good 5 min figuring out what items will help us out and which ones we should drop in order to pick up the gun only to think there might be a boss weak to the items we DAMN YOU CAPCOM RE5 GETS A -11/5!


Oct 5, 2011
United States
That moment in persona 4 where I'm fighting a boss get killed then use one of my four remaining continues...then immediately get one shotted without being able to make a single move...yeah. Proof that even really good games can make us rage.


New member
Mar 26, 2011

Really, just pick about any point in time in Drakengard. I've never met a game that hates its players so much. I refuse to believe that Drakengard was anything but an extremely elaborate troll.

*Honorable mention*
The ending to Valkyrie Profile 2. Seriously, fuck that game.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I enjoyed ZombiU up until the point (spoilers I suppose) where your BOB and all of your weapons/items were taken away and you are forced to fight several waves of armored zombies with a pistol, limited ammunition and, several explosives. ZombiU is best in areas where you can outrun the hoard or, outmaneuver them. The forced-murder section of the game just really put me off of the game as a whole.