The times you thought: 'fuck this game'

Bleidd Whitefalcon

New member
Mar 8, 2012
The Wykydtron said:
Bleidd Whitefalcon said:
The Wykydtron said:
Bleidd Whitefalcon said:

Wait, there's a League of Legends group here? HOW DID I MISS THIS?
Why would you even do solotop Leona? She can't proc her passive - needs someone else to do it. Besides, she's a tanky support. Supports should never be by themselves - as I've found out the hard way as Sona more then once lol.

I'm over on the NA server. Been thinking about playing around on the EU West server - see if there's any differences in game balance. Might be interesting to see.
I have no idea, some people just do unconventional things on a whim occasionally. It's Normals after all. That or there was a troll or epic miscommunication in Champion Select. Trust me, the miscommunication is annoying as hell when one or more people are tabbed out or just not paying any attention.

Oh game balance differences... Does anyone play Soraka on NA? The general consensus is that she is the absolute worst support in the game at the moment. Too damn squishy with nothing to make up for it. Her heal is on a huge cooldown so you can just wait for the armour buff to drop then just carry on harassing/killing as normal

Ironically her ult fills me with dread every time it happens, I randomly get healed across the map then it's like "oh our bot must be about to d-An ally has been slain!"

Every damn time. It never saves anyone.

Uhhhh Ezreal is the most popular AD Carry at the moment (albeit slowly becoming less prominent now)

All the more recent Champions have dropped off the radar including Syndra, Zed, Kha'Zix and Rengar. Diana and Jayce are going strong though.

Other than that, Darius is still OP, Bitchcrank is still the bane of every bot lane's existance and Vayne still eats entire teams for breakfast.

Really getting into Vayne now. The ult! The Tumbles! SO AWESOME!

You know when you're the carry alone on half health and they're gearing up to dive the fuck out of you? I love those situations when i'm Vayne. 3v1? Triple kill. Great success!
Soraka is one of the most irritating supports to play against. It just turns into a farmfest with no real progress being made unless someone screws up. She got nerfed so I believe the primary squishy support right now is Janna, with the tanky stuff still going to Blitz and Leona. Jayce was actually pretty OP til recently, hell he still might be. Not sure who the most prominent AD carry is atm. And FUCK DARUIS. That killstealing son of a ***** >.>


New member
Dec 1, 2009
GTA IV, Saints Row 1 (but that was after playing 2 and 3, probably would have loved it when it first came out), Halo Wars, Black Ops (only made it through half of mission 1 before taking the game out and returning it).


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I bought the Witcher 2 not long after it came out on the 360, but my xbox had broken down when I got home to play it. I didn't have hardly any time or money to play games those days so me buying a new game was a pretty big deal. I was so hyped to play it that I went out and just bought a new xbox to play it. So I had somewhere between $400-$500 dollars out of my pocket in one day.

So I played the first act, and it was okay, but then I got to the second act... WOW. I hated that game from that point onward. It was so glitchy that I had to restart the game multiple times, the map and waypoint system sucked and made everything more confusing, and above all: the combat sucked. When you only faced a few enemies it was okay, but when you were up against the hordes it was just a giant clusterfuck. So I got to this part where I had to choose the combat or the stealth route, and I obviously chose the stealth route. However, when I got to this camp I was supposed to be sneaking through I couldn't find out where I was supposed to go. The waypoint system didn't help at all and the "stealth" sucked anyway. So after trying over and over again to sneak through this impossible camp I stood up, verbally said "fuck this game," and never played it again.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
TheRussian said:
In a typical BF3 match where everyone is running around with automatic shotguns firing FRAG12 rounds. Then I switch to another server, where people are using normal weapons. And you know what? I'm still not having fun. So fuck it. Fuck Battlefield 3 with its shitty balance and terribly designed maps.
I'd hate to be dick, but well, I'm gonna be dick.

Shotguns in BF3 are useless at ranges over 20 meters unless they are loaded with slugs, the longest headshot I've gotten with shotguns is like 6 meters using anything but slugs. The frag rounds lower the rate of fire by like 50 rpm and do about half damage. Using a shotgun in Battlefield 3 requires a strategy that closes distance, it dominates small spaces but is harmless in any area bigger than the containers in "Canal". If your being killed that often by shotguns, you're either using the wrong strategy or playing on the wrong mode or map for your play style, for instance, any of the close quarters maps a shotgun is going to be good choice of weapon, in "Gulf of Oman", totally useless. "Metro", expect pdws, shotguns and explosives; "Caspian Border" only expect those things in high concentration on the hill.

My worst "Fuck you game" moments are:

-Anytime you walk through a door in Alpha Protocol



New member
Aug 20, 2010
Battlefield 2 there's a rare glitch where you're on a helicopter towards the end of the game and you're suppose to shoot down an enemy helicopter only problem is as soon as it appears on screen it insta kills you. After looking around on the internet I discovered its a fatal flaw and you have to start the entire game over, of course I said fuck that and haven't bothered with BF3 because of it.

Right now black tops 2 has been sitting on my TV stand for about 2 weeks because of fucking lag comp.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Iron Criterion said:
Many, many times in Metro 2033. The difficulty curve in that game was bollocks.
For a fun time, throw a pipe bomb (any distance as long as you have a clear line of sight) and look directly at the explosion.

"I am sorry, David, I am out of frames."

Hunter Hyena

New member
Dec 23, 2011
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick for the PS2.

Easily one of the funnest games I can recall playing, with it's variety of spells, humor, and a diamond chainsaw hand, as well as Bruce Campbell, how could it go wrong?

The last level...well...the part before the final boss. In the game you can use spells to take over Deadites for a limited time and use the stronger deadites to break down doors. There was only one deadite left in the level...there were two doors....I picked the wrong door without knowing of the second one until it was too late.

I never saw the final boss fight...I still declare that I beat the game.

And Fighting Force 2 for that zombie dinosaur... >.>


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Every single fucking conversation in Clive Barker's Jericho. They should be just banter, but fuck. I haven't seen this much hatred, homophobia and racism since the BNP were on TV.


New member
May 10, 2011
Also, was trying to complete the game Magna Carta 2 now that I got a new Xbox 360. The game is so mediocre in every way. Every design decision was a big fuck you to the player. It was like the devs really didn't understand anything about what makes games fun or challenging. I've tried to finish the game but I just couldn't bear the torment any longer.