It really isn't that much of a scary game. If anything, I felt as if I were playing a ten year-old's idea of a scary game.
"So there's this hospital, and all the people are, like, dead, and then there's this crazy doctor who likes Classical music because Classical music is totes creepy - but he only ever plays a bit of Vivaldi's Four Seasons! Y'know, the part everyone knows? Yeah! That part, but in a creepy asylum full of dead people, so it's SUPER creepy!
And the monsters, the monsters? They're SUPER scary! They've all twisted people with barbed wire and stuff, and they're basically METAL ZOMBIES because that's just so much better than regular zombies! Also, I just saw the first "Saw" movie with my dad, so they look like they were all tortured and stuff! SUPER CREEPY!
And the main character? Oh man, this is so cool - he has to go in this weird dream hospital where he gets ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY to get upgrades! That's, like, really messed up, and it totally calls back to his dark past, too!
So there's the hospital, but also this spooky village and a weird factory-looking part and, yeah, I guess stuff happens between those bits, yeah, but this is just TOO COOL, GUYS! Seriously, guys!"
- Shinji, Age 12.