The Vaguely Familiar Evil Within


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
If it's a "greatest hits album", then is it better than the games the "hits" come from? I heard - probably from the review here - that Resident Evil 4 is better.

But then again, I'm not sure if this kind of game is for me. Not that it's too scary, but this one may be too hard. I heard RE 4 certainly is brutal.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
It really isn't that much of a scary game. If anything, I felt as if I were playing a ten year-old's idea of a scary game.

"So there's this hospital, and all the people are, like, dead, and then there's this crazy doctor who likes Classical music because Classical music is totes creepy - but he only ever plays a bit of Vivaldi's Four Seasons! Y'know, the part everyone knows? Yeah! That part, but in a creepy asylum full of dead people, so it's SUPER creepy!

And the monsters, the monsters? They're SUPER scary! They've all twisted people with barbed wire and stuff, and they're basically METAL ZOMBIES because that's just so much better than regular zombies! Also, I just saw the first "Saw" movie with my dad, so they look like they were all tortured and stuff! SUPER CREEPY!

And the main character? Oh man, this is so cool - he has to go in this weird dream hospital where he gets ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY to get upgrades! That's, like, really messed up, and it totally calls back to his dark past, too!

So there's the hospital, but also this spooky village and a weird factory-looking part and, yeah, I guess stuff happens between those bits, yeah, but this is just TOO COOL, GUYS! Seriously, guys!"

- Shinji, Age 12.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Bit of nostalgia, why the hell not. I always liked the earlier Resident Evil games the best. RE4, actually went and bought it again on PSN, but just found myself unable to do it all again with those confounded controls. Only so much stop-to-shoot-aim-with-left-stick a man can take in his life. If anyone knows how to fix this either on PC or PS3, I'll forever be in your gratitude.

So yes, bring it back a bit, lets have the not so scary but panic-inducing horror back from the days of RE4, Dead Space 1 back again. Definitely not going to be another RE1 or 2 (unless you count remakes), or even a Silent Hill 2, so this will suffice. Going to buy it as soon as it comes down in price even a tad, so hoping it will deliver on that front.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
The evil within: horror tropes doused with BUCKETS OF GORE!!! I like the gameplay and I'd be into it if the setting at all interested me and the difficulty and checkpoint system was less awful.

Lictor Face

New member
Nov 14, 2011
I like the amount of contempt and perceived cleverness in this thread. Almost as enjoyable as the comic itself.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
That's just Escapist in general, holmes.

The final panel gave me a good chortle. I saw it coming as soon as I read Carlos's speech bubble, but I still laughed anyway. I think it's because I can practically hear the contempt in his brother's dialogue. Fun comic.