BrotherRool said:
I'm beginning to get tired of 'the prank' advertising campaigns. I guess they all just hit the same notes? Like when there are 10 flash mob adverts it begins to just make flash mobs seem like less fun.
I wouldn't worry too much about being the target of this sort of thing. My money's on the audience itself being part of the "prank." Setting aside the liability issues that the marketers and the theater would face, there are some technical oddities with the video itself.
During the wide-angle shots where you see the trailer playing above the audience, notice that the audience doesn't move at all. It's a static image. Even when the crowd is supposedly clapping and cheering, whenever they use that shot of the movie screen, they merely layer it over the photo of the crowd. Also note that while the crowd is displayed in the green/white of a night vision camera, the trailer is in full colour.
Ugg... the internet has made me too cynical for my own good