Gralian said:
Without objectivity professional reviews here will be no different from the user reviews, and at that point i have to question the validity of said professional reviews and whether they are even necessary in the first place and what qualifies them to be regarded as professional.
Hmm, something to ponder over indeed. Personally, I think that a professional reviewer SHOULD keep their personal bias in their review. Not everyone is going to see eye-to-eye with the general opinion on most things, and games like DA2 and TW2 are perfect examples of this. Every review really shouldn't just be a copy-pasta of all the others for everything out there, which is really what they would be if everyone were to just remove their feelings from said reviews. Having someone actually put their personal opinions and preferences for a game into their review, I think, is really quite important, because undoubtedly there will be some people who like the same types of games as that reviewer, and some who don't share their preferences at all.
"That's the point of user reviews! Professional reviews should be just that, professional!"
Indeed they should, but being professional doesn't mean keeping your own opinions out of the review, if anything, it should mean the opposite, just doing it
well. It should mean being able to criticize something without just bashing it or insulting it, but instead pointing out individual problems, and what they should've done instead. It means being able to point out what the game does right, without just mindlessly praising it.
Really, I think professional reviews should be a balance of giving the reviewers actual opinion on a game/movie/book/whatever, while still being able to look at it from someone else's viewpoint. Every critic just giving one uniform score across the board really doesn't help anyone, since we all have varying tastes, and if they truly removed their own opinions from them, there really would be no point. To help, I think all reviewers should have some sort of article/page listing what their preferences are, so that way we know if their tastes are similar to our own, then we can judge whether the review is for us accordingly, which is actually kinda what The Escapist does (why they all have unique GOTY lists and whatnot), so I say they just keep doing what they're doing, and I actually hope more sites follow suit...and for all I know they do, since I really don't go on any other "game news" site, other than occasionally kotaku, and even then I never really read the reviews.
Forgive me if this makes little sense or if I rambled a bit, it's been a veeeeery long day/evening of work.