The Witcher 2: Epic, Everywhere and No DRM


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
But even the regular edition is pretty solid. It's pretty much a baseline collector's edition in its own right.

As for me, I'm all over that CE. Price be damned. :)
Firstly, *thumbs up* on the avatar.

While I would love to buy that collectors edition, I really couldn't justify it. Will be buying this for release day though as really liked the first one even though I never managed to finish it.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Irridium said:
Gildan Bladeborn said:
Now to justify paying $130 for the actual collectors edition...
Justify it by saying your doing it to support an amazing company.
That should have read "Justify paying $130 for the actual collectors edition to my inner cheapskate, who holds the purse strings and balks at figures with more than 2 digits in the dollars column for individual games something fierce."

But to be perfectly honest, the only reason I haven't already pre-ordered the collectors edition was that I had to run to a class, so there wasn't enough time to fully research and then finalize the transaction, heh. I'm totally buying it the moment I get home tonight (long day, bleh).

Update: One ridiculous Collector's Edition pre-ordered, huzzah. Now I need to think of where I'll display an imitation marble bust...


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Oh man I am so close to living out my dream of throwing a marble bust at someone and shouting "BUST! I CHOOSE YOU!!" I'm going to create such bad poblicity for the witcher 2 ll
Nov 18, 2010
Every time I see something for this game it makes my mouth water. The combat, graphics, lore, environments, conversations/decisions, and all around gritty storytelling all look superb. Now to top it all off, the collector's (hell, even the "normal") edition looks awesome. I've been looking for a chance to play the first one for a while now (despite Yatzee sub-par review of it), but due to the ridiculously crappy limitations of my current computer, I can't. Hopefully the holiday season will remedy that so I can at least get some time to enjoy the first one before the second comes out.

On a side note, maybe I'm just retarded on the subject (not a huge PC gamer), or maybe it's just a brain fart; what does DRM mean?


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Sir_Auron_the_Badass said:
Every time I see something for this game it makes my mouth water. The combat, graphics, lore, environments, conversations/decisions, and all around gritty storytelling all look superb. Now to top it all off, the collector's (hell, even the "normal") edition looks awesome. I've been looking for a chance to play the first one for a while now (despite Yatzee sub-par review of it), but due to the ridiculously crappy limitations of my current computer, I can't. Hopefully the holiday season will remedy that so I can at least get some time to enjoy the first one before the second comes out.

On a side note, maybe I'm just retarded on the subject (not a huge PC gamer), or maybe it's just a brain fart; what does DRM mean?
DRM... Digital Rights Management... it's the shit that fucks up legitamate buyers' machines (tages, starforce, securom, etc....*ptoo*)


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Worgen said:
sounds like Im gonna have to get a physical copy since I miss when games used to come with cool stuff so Im all about cool stuff
Absolutely, cool stuff in the box was great. I remeber when I bought a Star Wars game back in the day and it came with coins from Alderaan and Tatooine. Just something that simple was cool.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I wonder how such a small company can afford this. Expecially after the beating they took on Elemental. They probably NEED Witcher 2 to be a hit in order to survive.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
dogenzakaminion said:
Worgen said:
sounds like Im gonna have to get a physical copy since I miss when games used to come with cool stuff so Im all about cool stuff
Absolutely, cool stuff in the box was great. I remeber when I bought a Star Wars game back in the day and it came with coins from Alderaan and Tatooine. Just something that simple was cool.
yeah, now we barely get a pamphlet that tells you more then pressing the mouse shoots a gun or something


New member
Jan 20, 2010
I'm so proud to be Polish at time likes this :)

I love The Witcher books, I love the first The Witcher game, and The Witcher 2 is my #2 game to buy in 2011 after L.A. Noire. This is going to be sooooooo great.


New member
May 16, 2010
this got me even more excited about this game, first game was amazing, hope this one is worth the long wait.

and yes i like my rpgs long and full of depth, tho i had read that w2 will be shorter than the first game which is kind of sad if true.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
KorLeonis said:
Are they gonna keep all that great T&A in this one or will they make it tamer?
They've said in previous interviews that they're going to handle it differently but that Geralt's way with the ladies is a big part of the character, so you won't see it going away. And since the first gameplay trailer featured a damsel in distress with her entirely uncovered funbags flapping in the breeze, it looks like they're going to be true to their word.