The worst argument you've ever heard


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I once heard somthing along the lines of "gay marrage isn't right because the penis and vagina were designed to fit together...without that there is no sex and it isn't right"

I mean the person was eather incredibly stupid or trolling


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
L34dP1LL said:
Bill O'Reilly has all the wrong arguments that you could possibly ask for.
the thing about oryly is I hear he's actually really smart...I get the impression part of it is to lull his oponents into a false sense of smug supiriority so he can tear them down

that said though he's still an ass


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Shoggoth2588 said:
I look forward to a future where people says "I just can't watch anything if it's in 2D" [/sarcasm]
Please, for the love of Muhammad Buddha Christ, don't put this idea out there.
3D is evil and we should kill it now, while we still have a chance!


New member
Feb 9, 2010
iseko said:
Worst argument ever:'guns don't kill people, people kill people'.

Problem is that your country is too far gone. It is a part of your society. Enjoy killing yourselves off america. It is your own dumb fault.
This argument you just made takes the cake for me.

Andre Rapp

New member
Apr 2, 2010
beef_razor said:
CaptainMarvelous said:
beef_razor said:
CaptainMarvelous said:
beef_razor said:
You understand that the second amendment is there so the people can protect themselves against their own government if it becomes a tyranny right? That's the entire point of it. How is that at all antiquated or pointless?
Because I am willing to bet a reasonable sum of money that less than 5% of people buying guns are buying them so they can protect themselves in case those exact circumstance arise and yet will often quote the 2nd ammendment as the reason they should be entitled to one. It's not that the point of the ammendment is off (even if I'm preeeeeetty sure there was something about how they needed to be updated periodically which hasn't happened in centuries) it's that people aren't using it to support that argument.
They also generally aren't in a militia.
And? The second amendment is still there for the reasons I said, and it's damn important reason. There's no need to update it. If a government turns into an oppressive regime the people have a means to fight back. Simple as that. All these arguments about hunting, practice shooting, collecting guns or 'just because I can' or whatever other stuff doesn't matter. If they want to do that, go for it, but none of that is what the amendment is about in the end, and you'll notice how very few in the media ever talk about what it's really about.
OK, so, just so I'm clear the right to have guns (which once again, is when you are a part of a militia, which is a pretty important part of the f*cking ammendment) supercedes the obvious legal issues of providing someone with a gun? It is an entitlement that cannot be changed in case of the hypothetical scenario where the U.S government becomes a tyranny? Is this the position you are advocating here, that it's too important to consider tweaking? Ignoring the fact that the constitution is meant to change every few years and this very addition about guns was added in the third re-write?
No, it?s not just for militia. Anyone who reads the amendment can plainly see that, but people love to argue. I hate Fox News, but here (,2933,372041,00.html)

I?m not saying there shouldn?t be limitations on what guns people can buy, if that is what you?re saying here. If not, sorry, miscommunication. There should be limits, but to limit semi autos (most guns effectively) and ammunition would be tantamount to disarming the people.

Hypothetical or not, that is what the amendment is for. It is to fight and take back our country in the event it becomes oppressive or tyrannical. It?s not complicated, but most people don?t like to admit it. Why would it be about hunting? Quite a few people hunted back then to survive, there was no need for an amendment to grant the right to hunt, it was common sense and necessary. Why would it be about protecting yourself against criminals? Few would question someone?s right to defend themselves against criminals back then? It was there to protect the people against invasion and more importantly to protect them against their own government if it became tyrannical. The founding fathers knew the US wasn?t immune to becoming the very thing the rebels fought against, that?s why the Bill of Rights were put in place, to ensure the people had a right to protect themselves through various means.
Actually, the amendment does not "grant" any right, is assumes the right to everyone already. The amendment itself is actually a limitation on the government. It does not say "people have the right to bear arms" it says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The right to keep and bear arms is held as both separate from the Militia, and as a right that already exists and is simply being reinforced and officially recognized.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Back when I had my learner's permit my mom could NOT handle being in the passenger seat, even though I was doing nothing dangerous. Driving at 50 in a 55 zone? "Slow down, SLOW DOWN!" Someone 100 feet ahead eases on the brakes? She'd slam on the invisible brake. Eventually I'd call her out on her absolute paranoia, and she said "Well, you should learn to ignore me and focus on driving!!"

There's also trolls in online games. They'd do something that pisses everyone off, I tell em where they can shove their "U mad bro", they say "Dude, it's just a game." YES. It's a GAME. Which we play for FUN. And no one has fun when their efforts at fun are sabotaged by some jackass.

Andre Rapp

New member
Apr 2, 2010
beef_razor said:
You are correct, sorry. Poor wording on my behalf. But I think the basic point I made, regardless of poor wording, is sound.
No your wording was fine, I was just offering a supporting argument. I am also taking it a step further and saying that it effectively renders the concept of regulatory laws unconstitutional on a fundamental level, because the constitution not only grants the right to own guns, but assumes it as a natural right as common and unrestricted as the right to breath air. My position is that the second amendment specifically states that no law may be passed that restricts the right to keep and bear arms. Since "arms" is a very broad term, in the current wording of the constitution this would then apply to any weapon, from semi to fully-automatic, to even high explosives and military grade equipment. The people that argue for gun regulation must first re-word the second amendment, or draft an official definition on what "arms" refers to before writing any law pertaining to gun ownership, otherwise the law is unconstitutional.

The argument over gun ownership does not need to end there. I think that people who favor gun control should continue to voice there position, but they must do so by advocating a constitutional solution, leaving no option other then addressing the constitution itself, as any law regarding it is in direct violation of the constitution as it is currently worded. We should stop wasting time and effort arguing over what the amendment means, and focus the argument on what should really be done.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
WWmelb said:
Vausch said:
kyuzo3567 said:
Vausch said:
"They were associated with [thing that some group likely has a thing against already] therefore it was the cause of [the horrible tragedy the person was involved in]".

Latest example: Mass Effect was responsible for the shooting in Connecticut.
I honestly was reading some posts concerning that and I think I felt my eyes start bleeding from the idiocy.... I can't believe how stupid people can be for this, especially when (as far as I know) they were complaining about the brother of the person who actually committed the shooting.
You'd think eventually people would realise this happens so often it's lost all meaning, but no. People keep using the attack.

In the last 50 years it was comic books, dungeons and dragons, various films, and now games because they're the easiest target.

I'm waiting for the day someone commits a crime and says "I saw it on the news and wanted to try it". Would love to see how that goes down.
I had this conversation a few weeks ago. I said that i would do this if i ever flipped the fuck out and did something insane, just to make the masses think lol HAHAHAA IT HAPPENED!

Faux Furry

New member
Apr 19, 2011
"There are bigger problems to deal with right now" is worse than the worst argument that I've ever heard as it doesn't even qualify as an argument. It is just an excuse to defer an argument indefinitely since the people who resort to it don't have a valid rebuttal to the point posed to them.
Beyond that,it backfires as even a non-argument. Trifling problems solved by simple attitude adjustments are exactly what should be solved first,freeing people to focus all of their efforts on the long term solutions(if they can be solved rather than merely kept in check)to major long standing problems even if the social/legal changes being discussed would mostly lead to fewer arrests for victimless crimes or a boost in morale.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I don't want to instigate a religious debate, but any argument against evolution that overtly displays that the person has absolutely no understanding of the theory in the first place. I remember seeing a debate where Ray Comfort (I think it was him anyways) legitimately claims that the lack of a half duck half crocodile disproves evolution.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
I once saw someone in the escapist arguing over something with someone. The argument kept going on with nothing being established until one broke cover and went "Last word! Last word! It's mine all mine!"

I'm not sure if it was them admitting they had no point to make, or if they were trying to suggest their opposer had no point to their replies. Either way I found the subsequent mod warning hilarious.

Faux Furry

New member
Apr 19, 2011
Since the previous thing that I mentioned is closer to a thought terminating cliche,I'd like to provide and alternative which is less ambiguous. "Violence in videogames/comics/cartoons is better than sex because the scenes of violence aren't really happening but the sex is real".

Even if there was some level on which this made any sense,it doesn't answer why sex(particularly depictions of consensual sex) is worse than violence(which is usually non-consensual,fighting games aside) rather than simply being similarly fictional rendition of real world actions though one which typically have opposite end results.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Arakasi said:
I'd daresay that the banana's themselves would have evolved to be more easily accessable by monkeys.
The following is just speculation on my part, but it is probably backed up by evidence somewhere.

Being that monkeys would love to eat fruit as it is high in all the good stuff, they would eat whichever fruit is the easiest, and most packed full of nutrients. Bananas would fit this category. Why is it advantageous for the banana to evolve to be easily eaten?
It's possible the seeds survive in the digestive tract of the monkey, so when the thing defacates, the banana seed has a very viable growth medium, and is also likely far away from the original banana tree from which it grew.
So any banana that could not be held as easily or opened as easily, likely fell short from the tree and did not have as much survivability as a banana which possibly traveled miles and is given a growth medium.

All this being said, I don't know if banana seeds survive the digestive tract, nor whether or not that is their main method of allowing their offspring to survive. Merely an interesting hypothesis.
The thing is the modern banana isnt a good example at all since there is no such thing as a wild yellow banana. We selectively bred them from plantain. The plantain was FULL of seeds and green, it had to be cooked to be eaten and to be honest it kinda sucked. One day a plantain farmer simply grew a mutant tree with yellow bananas which were fairly worthless sexualy, they had sterile tiny seeds and ripened very quickly and he kept selectively breeding said trees to get the modern banana we see today. Good food source though! And thus ALL bananas today are based on that mutant.

BEHOLD! A wild banana:

We bred the original banana to be tasty, ripe and a good shape. Before us it was useless for human consumption as is, we had to prepare and cook it.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
BiscuitTrouser said:
Arakasi said:
I'd daresay that the banana's themselves would have evolved to be more easily accessable by monkeys.
The following is just speculation on my part, but it is probably backed up by evidence somewhere.

Being that monkeys would love to eat fruit as it is high in all the good stuff, they would eat whichever fruit is the easiest, and most packed full of nutrients. Bananas would fit this category. Why is it advantageous for the banana to evolve to be easily eaten?
It's possible the seeds survive in the digestive tract of the monkey, so when the thing defacates, the banana seed has a very viable growth medium, and is also likely far away from the original banana tree from which it grew.
So any banana that could not be held as easily or opened as easily, likely fell short from the tree and did not have as much survivability as a banana which possibly traveled miles and is given a growth medium.

All this being said, I don't know if banana seeds survive the digestive tract, nor whether or not that is their main method of allowing their offspring to survive. Merely an interesting hypothesis.
The thing is the modern banana isnt a good example at all since there is no such thing as a wild yellow banana. We selectively bred them from plantain. The plantain was FULL of seeds and green, it had to be cooked to be eaten and to be honest it kinda sucked. One day a plantain farmer simply grew a mutant tree with yellow bananas which were fairly worthless sexuality, they had sterile tiny seeds and ripened very quickly. Good food source though! And thus ALL bananas today are based on that mutant.

BEHOLD! A wild banana:

We bred the original banana to be tasty, ripe and a good shape. Before us it was useless for human consumption as is, we had to prepare and cook it.
Yes, someone in the thread already explained that to me. Thanks anyway.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Palademon said:
Sadly, this probably will descend into religious and political anecdotes which will tear this thread apart when people mistake them for hatred towards an entire group.

I'll get it started then with the first thing to come to mind. A Jehovah's Witness tried to convert me by saying "I used to be atheist like you, but then I realised God loves me".

He must've been a great sceptic.
For a minute I thought he was going to say "I used to be an atheist like you, then I took an arrow to the knee". That would have made a rather interesting conversion story ...


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
tippy2k2 said:
I could tell you but I think it'd be much more fun to show you!

*Throat clearing noise*
I believe that piracy is stealing
*Takes step back and ducks the tomato thrown

Now all I have to do is wait for someone to come in and give me the standard bullet points for why piracy is OK :p
I'll make the counter arguement that piracy is not stealing. I'm not saying it's okay, just that it isn't the exact same as stealing. If I were to steal a loaf of bread from you, then you no longer have a loaf of bread, but if I were to make an exact copy of that loaf of bread for free without any cost to myself, you are not without your bread and do not go hungry. I'm just a free loader with magical powers that can duplicate stuff and need to get a job. All in all, there should be some sort of punishment for piracy, but not the federal case that they make it now a days. You steal a CD you might have to pay a $100 fine but that's really it, but you pirate that CD and that will put you tens or even hundreds of thousands in the hole. Not exactly what I'd call a fair law.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Worst argument? "No, Fluttershy is as human as Lilith or any cell-shaded woman so it's not weird or makes me a brony that I'd rather shag Fluttershy than Lilith!"

Worst. Argument. Ever.

The conversation that contained this argument also contained why blue women aren't as hot as pink women and why BL characters are boring... I argued for blue chicks and BL2 characters cuz they are both awesome!