The worst beer

The Elcor Batman

New member
Jun 9, 2011
Eri said:
The Elcor Batman said:
The worst beer i've tried is some cheap beer my friends found called Skol.

tasted like cheap ass.
As opposed to the more delicious expensive ass? ;P
to be fair, most beer doesnt taste that great. i just choose to drink the more expensive variant. :p


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Cools, Corona, Budwesier- American pisswater basically, altohugh Fosters gets a dishonourable mention.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
To me American Budweiser is the absolute worst beer.

It tastes like beer flavored water.

Eri said:
The Elcor Batman said:
The worst beer i've tried is some cheap beer my friends found called Skol.

tasted like cheap ass.
As opposed to the more delicious expensive ass? ;P
That comment made my day.
thank you, Sir:)


New member
Jul 1, 2009
All beer. All of the beer is the worst beer. It tastes like soda threw up and died... a month ago.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Eri said:
Corona Light
Jeez, ninja'd by the OP. Sure, there's plenty of stuff that's even worse out there if you look for it, but out of the really widely available stuff that you can get absolutely everywhere, that's pretty far down toward the bottom. It's terrible to begin with, and then as if that weren't bad enough it comes in clear bottles, so it's even worse by the time it gets to you...


New member
May 7, 2008

I'm sure there are worse beers out there, but Heineken is pretty much the one I hate most. And unfortunately it's also the most common beer in Dutch bars.


New member
Nov 9, 2006
DJDarque said:
Any of the big brands that are advertized on TV all the damn time: Miller, Budweiser, Coors, and the like.
Get this man a beer. Cause that's pretty much my answer. Specifically the worst is Old English 800 from MillerCoors, it is probably the most putrid beer I've ever tasted.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
Either VB, Carlton Cold or Fosters. For some reason Australia exports its worst beer, while saving the better beer for us Australians (ie Crown Lager). Selfishly humorous if you ask me.

Also, Corona isnt beer as far as im concerned.

Best beer? Either Asahi or my homemade stuff.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Eri said:
What is your vote?

Inevitably, Anytime I go somewhere my parents are, their house or otherwise, they have boxes of Corona Light. Not EVEN Corona Extra, oh no...Even that would be too much to ask. I inevitably ask if they have anything better, something that isn't pretty much the worst beer in the world, akin to crap. INEVITABLY I get told their beer tastes just fine and nothings wrong with it. I'm not even sure that's a valid opinion, It seems pretty factual to me that no beer enthusiast would -ever- rate corona as a good beer. But I digress.
You can't buy Corona light here in germany (I guess) but who would? Extra isn't really good in the first place. If you like you don't like beer.

I only know a single brewery (Rothaus) that is capable of producing a good tasting light beer.
Someone at the place explained me, that they combine two differend methods at very long amount of time. I think the vague idea is to filter flavours, that would be lost at the normal process first, then remove all acohol and then rebrew it with the old flavours. They even change the original mixture to make up for any lost flavour and end up with 0,0% alc. Its a bit more matly and a bit less bitter than the original - but thats it.
They haven't produced light beer bevore, because any other method kills most of the beer's flavour: so it IS a valid opinion to say corona light is no good!


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
It's a tie between Carling and Stella Artois. They're just vile.
Of course I am an ale lover so I may be slightly biased against lagers.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Snoozer said:
Eri said:
What is your vote?

Inevitably, Anytime I go somewhere my parents are, their house or otherwise, they have boxes of Corona Light. Not EVEN Corona Extra, oh no...Even that would be too much to ask. I inevitably ask if they have anything better, something that isn't pretty much the worst beer in the world, akin to crap. INEVITABLY I get told their beer tastes just fine and nothings wrong with it. I'm not even sure that's a valid opinion, It seems pretty factual to me that no beer enthusiast would -ever- rate corona as a good beer. But I digress.
You can't buy Corona light here in germany (I guess) but who would? Extra isn't really good in the first place. If you like you don't like beer.

I only know a single brewery (Rothaus) that is capable of producing a good tasting light beer.
Someone at the place explained me, that they combine two differend methods at very long amount of time. I think the vague idea is to filter flavours, that would be lost at the normal process first, then remove all acohol and then rebrew it with the old flavours. They even change the original mixture to make up for any lost flavour and end up with 0,0% alc. Its a bit more matly and a bit less bitter than the original - but thats it.
They haven't produced light beer bevore, because any other method kills most of the beer's flavour: so it IS a valid opinion to say corona light is no good!
However, extra is still better than their light. Not that that says much.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Man, Pabst. I make that every morning when I wake up and go to the toilet.

Besides the usual Bud/Miller/Coors/Corona stuff.

I'm a stout guy, in general.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Any... I guess, generic beer? I'm not sure how else to describe it. I've never been a fan of anything but the odd microbrew.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I'd say Pabst or Natty Light, cause those two are the "trailer trash beer" tp quote a friend (Since I dont drink).

Though I know my first beer will be a straub. I mean, how can you argue with this advertising:


Plus it sponsers the is alive show, and thats just a damn funny cable access show.