The worst game of this generation.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
What is the worst game you have played on the current generation of consoles(home or handheld)?
For me it would probably be Too Human. It was just a slow clunky mess with about five enemy types which were reused over and over.

Although in a close second is Tom Clancy's EndWar simply because it refused to do what I told it to. The voice command was a poorly implemented gimmick and seemed to work depending on how the game was feeling that day.

So what are yours?
Dec 14, 2009
I don't know. I tend to buy games I know I will like but if I had to hazard a guess, I've heard that Two Worlds was a horrible mess, if not that then any number of movie tie-ins.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
As soon as I saw this I thought of Too Human, which I guess means it has to be that, I think also the amount of hype and development time and how terribly basic the game was, in a way there are hundreds of games which are so much worse but mean that you still like it just because of how entertaining it becomes like Deadly Premonition (The game equivilant of a B-movie) but Too Human didn't have that so it makes it even more terrible. God the game was awful.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Mass Effect 2.

Nah, in all seriousness Operation Flashpoint 2.

Its not so much bad, just not good, at all.
Unless you play Co-op, but noone has the damn thing in the first place.


[Speech: 100]
Nov 5, 2009
i was going to say kane and lynch 2, but that's too obvious.

probably resident evil 5, simply because i hated everyhting about it. the slow movement and the akward aiming and melleing. i should point out this was the first resy game i played so i'm not sure if this is a staple of the series but it was just annoying. i played for 10 minutes and then said frigg it and traded it back in.


Sep 22, 2009
The demo for Kane and Lynch 2. Gave me a migraine and made me nauseous. Other bad games just blinded me with bloom, but they really went the extra mile with that shaky cam.

I say the demo, because I haven't played the rest of the game, so, for all I know, it might get better later.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Two worlds.

I played it for five minutes then go massacred by a villager I attacked.
An unarmed villager.

I had a sword and full armor.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
No idea.
My worst purchase in recent memory was Starcraft 2... and I sort of enjoyed the single player campaign. Not worth the $50 I spent, but enjoyable.
I can't think of a single game that I've bought that doesn't have some redeeming qualities.
Last time I played a game I couldn't stand was probably the last time I tried to play an FPS on a console. Just can't stand the controls, even though I tend to win by a fair margin.

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009
Enchanted Arms.

Well, actually I didn't play it. I wouldn't touch the game with a mile long stick.
Technically, I watched my sister play it. God, it was so bad. She's a weeaboo and even she agreed it was awful.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Well, the worst game in recent years was by far Oblivion.
It was a buggy mess, had shitty combat, a mediocre story, and overall was just a shit game.
I've played it on both PC and 360, and the mods didn't redeem the shittiness for me.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Plants vs. Zombies. Everybody raved about it but I absolutely hated it. I hated the zombie theme, I haded the gameplay and the music. Blargh.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
badgersprite said:
The demo for Kane and Lynch 2. Gave me a migraine and made me nauseous. Other bad games just blinded me with bloom, but they really went the extra mile with that shaky cam.

I say the demo, because I haven't played the rest of the game, so, for all I know, it might get better later.
I have to agree with you on the demo front but for other reasons. It just felt really clunky, slow, I couldn't tell if I was hitting anyone plus when I did hit someone, they went into an animation and appeared to be immune to bullets during this animation.

But for a game I've played and owned, probably NFS: Undercover. It was just...really average. Not really bad, not really good, just really, really average.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Tom Clancy's HAWX 2. I'm not even gonna mention the problems coming from playing it on PC in the first place. The gameplay was just dull with occasional annoyances like 50 turrets all hitting you easily. But the story was the final nail in the coffin. "Congratulations, you've just saved several million people." Is not a way to make me feel accomplished at saving several million people....Neither is that doing so just requires you to shoot 2 very so moving trucks.
Oh, and there was some huge conspiracy which was the reason for the bad guy trying to pretty much destroy the world. And they never explained a thing. I think it was Yahtzee who put ending your game on a cliffhanger without any notion of a sequel at the top of game design deadly sins.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Cheery Lunatic said:
Enchanted Arms.

Well, actually I didn't play it. I wouldn't touch the game with a mile long stick.
Technically, I watched my sister play it. God, it was so bad. She's a weeaboo and even she agreed it was awful.
My understanding is that it was marketed as a rare JRPG on the shooter-focused 360. It always struck me as something nobody would look at if it were on a more RPG-rich console.

Also, Other M, for reasons the internet's been over repeatedly.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
grand theft auto 4,
it was too gritty, and the ending was overall depressing
by the time the game was over i was hoping too end up with a huge mansion, a shiny car and all idiots who tried to mess with me, dead,(like San Andreas) no such luck...
i play video games to get away from a harsh reality, not to have one worse them my own


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Front Mission Evolved.

I usually avoid games I don't think I'll like, but I bought FME out of my enduring love for the franchise (all previous FM games are excellent), hoping against hope that the new team would remain faithful to what made FM great or at least produce a game that actually worked. I was disappointed on both counts. Not only was it just another modern FPS with a five hour single player campaign made as an intro to multiplayer, the multiplayer didn't even work! The story was so terrible I have since avoided all the Final Fantasy games the writer had a major role in, even though I would have normally given them at least a short try (I also refuse to believe any positive things people say about FF13's story for this reason, since he directed it). All in all, a terrible waste of money and proof that someone at Square Enix has no clue how to manage their franchises.