The worst game you have ever played.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind, & Crash Bandicoot both tie for worst place on my line-up.... which is appropriate as they are essentially the same game, except one has an added dimension. Derivative. Platformer. Shite.

Coming close behind them is Unreal Tournament; the storyline was practically non-existent!


New member
Oct 3, 2007
I know I've played worse, but the first thing that comes to mind right now is Two Worlds. Honestly, I just couldn't stand that game. It was horrible.

Before that, Cold Fear. Another game that just blew.

Otherwise, can't really think of any game that is genuinely, absolutely horrible...though I'm sure I've played some pure shit.


New member
Nov 16, 2007
Shadow the Hedgehog for the GameCube.

I saw the ending for SA:2 Battle and cried. I liked Shadow, if you can believe such a thing. A little angsty, but he was good for a one game person.

Then he came back in Heroes. Never played it, but I felt that cheapened the ending of SA2 a great deal.

Then this POS came out.

Never in my life has one game changed my perspective on a video game character so much. More specifically, I went from a warm like of Shadow to a horrible urge to kill game designers and the character with a hydrogen bomb.

This games makes me physically sick. I rented it from Blockbuster, kind of hoping that the reviews would be wrong. Yes, it had guns and vehicles. The departure from the good Sonic gameplay couldn't be that much, right?

Three days later, I returned the game. It had nearly gave me a migraine and the Technicolor Yawn.

The game is every bit as bad as they say and more. There are so many things that make it not a Sonic game, that to play it, it's like someone took your childhood memories (my first video game was Sonic 2) and brutally dismembered them in front of you. Then they proceeded to violate its remains.

Here are just a few problems I had with the game.

-In motion, it looks like ass. Yes, it's coming towards the end of the lifecycle of the PS2/XBox/GCN. That's no excuse for looking like shit. Both GCN ports of the Sonic Adventure games looked better than this!

-Now combine that with a horrible camera that's worse than any 3D Sonic game before it, and you have a recipe for motion sickness. (I never played the 360 Sonic, and don't plan to.)

-An addendum to the camera: The thing sucks so much at telling me where I'm going that I've died more times than I can count trying to make a simple jump because the camera moved midjump.

-Regular Sonic enemies always die in one hit. This has been standard since this FIRST Sonic game. WTF, Sega?

-Controlling vehicles are like trying to stop ice-skating Lemmings from getting killed. Near damn impossible.

-Speaking of vehicles, WHY are they in a Sonic game? All you're supposed to need are two feet!

-GUNS?!?!?!? Seriously. FUCK GUNS.

-Ten different endings. You expect me to play through the game ten times, when half of the endings are maybe one line different from the other half? Fuck you!

-The voice cast is shit. I know 4chan sucks in terms of VOs, but WTH. Bring back the old voice cast. (I know Eggman's is dead- his current one can stay. Everyone else- GTFO.)

-And the story? It'll take all the king's horses and all the king's men for you to piece together the details of the story without looking on GameFaqs.

Seriously, Sega. If you get bought out by Nintendo, then I pray to the gods that a good 3D Sonic game arrives once more. Maybe having Sonic in Brawl might get his mojo back (Sidenote: Can we have Drummond back for this one?). Bottom line: If Sonic's next game sucks as badly as this and the 360 reboot, then Sonic may go the way of Bubsy.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I know I'm going to get crucified for this, but I absolutely hated the first Final Fantasy for nes...I know I was a bit young, but my sister was 12, I was 5, and we got the game for christmas. I popped it in, chose my characters, and started to roam around. I went into a bush and BAM! Final boss! I was level one, he was level (insert ungodly high level). My sister laughed at me as I got brutally wasted, then asked for a turn. She created a team, started to move around, and BAM! Another final boss fight...I don't know if it was our game or what, but it happened to us three more times before we were able to move on. I couldn't like the game after my 5 year old eyes saw my team that I lovingly put together get slaughtered...and we both still remember it, strangely.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Sonic and the Secret of the Rings.

Is it really so hard not to fuck up a Sonic the Hedgehog game? No its not, but they still did it. *Rolls eyes*

I just hate this game so much for its bad control execution and then punishing you for its own fuck-ups. According to Sonic and the Secret of the Rings, our hero likes to constantly bounce off barriers at the end of a runway, and then suddenly get a bout of depression and jump to his fiery doom at the bottom of the volcano. The hot sweaty arse of the world. That's where this game belongs - In a volcano.

And to think, I was going to jump on the "I hate Halo" bandwagon because it's just Flynn Taggart with a helmet with cheesy "You can't see my face" rubbish. The visor isn't gold, it's old cheese thats gone bad.

But really, Sonic deserved my hate more. How I hate it.


New member
Nov 4, 2007
See questions like this are hard for me. Mainly because I have a 'crap' or 'awesome' rating metre. There's not really much in between. Either I enjoy something, or it's terrible. By this measurement, there are plenty of terrible games out there.

I can never answer this question adequately, as my method of rating means there will never be a 'worst' just as there will never be a 'best'.

But if you force me (oh how you do force) I shall pick a worst. And in here I shall put; Ultima IX. Just because after year after year of fun, intelligent gaming, they served up....this. This steaming pile of disgraceful nothing. This piece of work that not only manages to crap on all of the prior games, but does it in a way that will alienate both the new player, and the old. GRAH. I'm still annoyed by it.
Nov 15, 2007
I don't even remember what the game was called, but it was on the N64, and was a menu based fighting game. A friend of mine rented it before we realized what the gameplay was like, and it took maybe thirty seconds before I decided the premise was possibly the worst idea ever. My friend, however, loved it.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
I can't think of one. Honest.

It's not that I haven't played crap games, it's just that my memory seems to blank them out as unworthy of recall. Selective amnesia FTW!

-- Steve (currently enduring a free copy of Fantastic Four that came with his Halo 3 Legendary preorder. I guess Future Shop couldn't get rid of its FF stock any other way. And I guess I'll be soon forgetting this title too...)

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Without a contest, the worst game I ever played was Bram Stoker's Dracula for the SNES. The graphics were terrible, the controls were very precise in doing exactly what you didn't want to do, the hit detection was non-existent, and it was very easy to fall into pit traps full of spikes or enemies- and the game didn't give you that typical "moment of invulnerability" after you took damage, which meant that basically you had no chance of ever getting OUT of the pit until you died. I'm glad I only rented the game, and you won't believe how fast it went back to that Blockbuster.

The Irrelevant Gamer said:
I don't even remember what the game was called, but it was on the N64, and was a menu based fighting game. A friend of mine rented it before we realized what the gameplay was like, and it took maybe thirty seconds before I decided the premise was possibly the worst idea ever. My friend, however, loved it.
You're undoubtedly talking about Hybrid Heaven, which easily makes #2 on my list. My reward for slogging through the entire game? It locked up at the ending sequence and corrupted all the data on my Controller Pak. Errrrrrgh.
Nov 15, 2007
The Rogue Wolf said:
You're undoubtedly talking about Hybrid Heaven, which easily makes #2 on my list. My reward for slogging through the entire game? It locked up at the ending sequence and corrupted all the data on my Controller Pak. Errrrrrgh.
Yes, thank you. I was hoping someone would know the name. Also, a cartridge game that locks up should get a special prize for being terrible.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
I'm with GrowlersAtSea on this one. Friday the 13th.

Simple movement is an agonizing chore. I walked into the first room of a pseudo-3D cabin and shamefully assumed that after taking one step forward, I could simply make two 90-degree turns and walk back out. Of course not. How difficult does navigating a cabin have to be? It's a box!


New member
Aug 19, 2007
Deadly Towers, for the NES.

Your enemies were either things like puddles or other bigheaded things that spawned and moved randomly. When you took damage, you involuntarily moved backwards, which means you could get damaged again, and again, and so on until you died.

No other NES game made me so frustrated. I did finally beat it, though it was more to say "HA! Take that, inanimate object!" than anything else.

Seanbaby agrees with me, so it must be true.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
The older Transformer games. They essentially consisted of drive, transform, shoot baddies, drive, rinse and repeat. Bland, flat backgrounds and a lack of features firmly cemented this already average game. Still, fun for a while.


New member
Dec 12, 2006
There was a game called Lone Soldier for the PS1 I tried to avoid, which seemed to linger in my game drawer for far too long.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
Hey, anyone played Extreme Paintbrawl?

I don't think you can get much worse without trying to (a la AVGN or SA).


New member
Sep 25, 2007
You guys have nothing on -

Space Bunnies Must Die!

Back when I started writing for the Gamers' Press, the editor offered me a chance to review the Heroes of Might and Magic collection (I-III collection, just to date myself). But - first I would have to review -

Space Bunnies Must Die!

This was a time when everyone was trying to cash in on the Laura Croft mania. This game involved a blond big breasted waitress who longed to be a country western star. When her sister is kidnapped by Giant Space Bunnies, she sets out to rescue her.

I never made it past the second level.

First, the controls. It was the number pad. That was it. No other controls allowed. Forward, left, right, back - OK, that worked. To fire, you had to use space. Jump was something like Page Up, switch weapons was Page Down, and so on. Every so often, you could activate a juke box which would make your character dance, and cause the alien rabbits to dance with you.

Only - it was terrible. Clipping issues. Sound effects that replayed over. And over. And over again, stuck on a loop that never ended as you heard your character say "Ahhh, poor bunny" after shooting them in the head - five minutes ago. AI that made the original Doom look like H.A.L. Impossible to jump with the controls the way they were unless you had three hands, and then, crashes and hangs were a near constant enemy.

Worst game ever.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Cheap answer is that Superman 64 is easily the worst game I've played. However the worst game I've actually finished was Chrono Cross, after enjoying the first one so much I was surprised I could hate the story that much.