The Worst Video Game Plots


New member
Jun 27, 2008
I'm going to say the Final Fantasy series, since they are all exactly the same, just with a differently named main character who still look exactly the same as the main character from the last game.

Metal Gear Solid. No, the plot isn't deep and amazing. It's just stupid. None of it makes any real sense. It would have probably been better if the plot was summed up as "Snake, the enemy has giant tank things that can shoot nukes at people. Blow that shit up and then we'll hit the bar. It's Miller time!"

Also, the Katamari series. That just..... it's like they gave a demented seven year old copious amounts of LSD and amphetamine's and then left him in a room with a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons. Such a weird game.


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Aug 14, 2008
mrnelsby post=9.68478.630980 said:
Metal Gear Solid series... the worst thing about it is that it THINKS it is a "good" plot, but it is so convoluted, non-sensical, and above all poorly written that it just makes my eyes roll when I play any of the modern games.
Listen to this man. But typically anything set in a Western environment with Asian values, like when they start dropping "heart" all over the fucking place or when the street thugs bows to say hello or something. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't bowing to us Westerners a sign of deference like a serf would do to a Lord or something? Do I have to tell this homeless bastard I'm his subservient ***** before striking up a conversation to get my next quest underway? Actually, I stand by this man about MGS because of all its squandered potential, but the most retarded plot ever came from the Kingdom Heart(s).

-ahem- SORA. DONALD. GOOFY. LET'S DO FINNY FUN. HEART HEART HEART HEART HEART HEART HEART. And then Mickey goes retarded and starts slitting throats. I was going 'ugh ugh ugh, why am I playing this?'


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Assassin's Creed-ok so you are the decendet of an assassin from a few centurys ago kidnaped by some major medical corperation forcing you to use some wierd mind reading machine to go back in time to kill,I belive its 12,targets to*WARRNING SPOILER I THINK*find the ark of the covenent and bring you back only to leave you on a cliff hanger ending*SPOILER ENDING*

anygame that ends like that deffinitally deserves worst plot award.


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Mar 25, 2008
hiandhappy post=9.68478.631731 said:
Assassin's Creed-ok so you are the decendet of an assassin from a few centurys ago kidnaped by some major medical corperation forcing you to use some wierd mind reading machine to go back in time to kill,I belive its 12,targets to*WARRNING SPOILER I THINK*find the ark of the covenent and bring you back only to leave you on a cliff hanger ending*SPOILER ENDING*

anygame that ends like that deffinitally deserves worst plot award.
Right, I don't want to sound rude, but eh...
First, proofread and spellcheck, please. Even if it's just a simple post.

And to be more helpful: you can use spoiler tags. [/spoiler]
(just reverse the tags)


New member
Aug 15, 2008
The worst game plot is Gooka The Mystery of Janatris. You act a judge who is trying to save his wife and son from a terminal illness. Que the worst turn based rpg known to man


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Just about every game dealing with "The War on Terror" which puts you in the place of a young, heroic and idealistic US Marine/Green Beret/whatever who must Save The World from the forces of unnamed forces of islamic/communistic badness

I want to play a Hamas fighter once. That would have been kinda cool. Or a Russian FSB agent fighting evil americans. Ooh, the plot twists. Atleast i would then have an awesome Arnold sort of voice :D


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I would say sewershark! It was a default game that came with sega CD when i bought it. Like many of tof the sega CD games the graphics were "cutting" edge because they used live video capture for the game. The game was horrible, and the plot belonged in the sewer. So i guess the name was appropriate.


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Aug 15, 2008
The Path of Neo. The 'plot' consists of a bunch of randomly placed clips from the movies in between the levels, and once you're in control it's basically 'go from point A to point B and kill everything along the way.' The game itself is decent, but you'd have to have watched the movies to have any understanding of what's going on.

Jezuz X

New member
Aug 13, 2008
mrnelsby post=9.68478.630980 said:
Metal Gear Solid series... the worst thing about it is that it THINKS it is a "good" plot, but it is so convoluted, non-sensical, and above all poorly written that it just makes my eyes roll when I play any of the modern games.
I have to agree it does have a horrible plot. maybe not the worst ever but if you add in the factor that IT thinks its great makes it deffintly the worst

Stagger P

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Home Improvement: Powertool Pursuit
Plot: Collect powertool before the show starts, also there?s dinosaurs


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Alone in the Dark and Red Faction 2

(I would like to point out that i liked the original Red Faction beyond and other game ever made, ever! I would recommend it as the best FSP ever made! But Red Faction 2 (altho the gameplay was pretty good) the story shit all over itself!!!)


New member
Dec 18, 2007
Breedbate post=9.68478.630133 said:
I disagree. I think 9 is the best, by far. :D

Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X-2, every Silent Hill after the first, Resident Evil 4 (though that's very biased, since I believe that Resident Evil should, all around, take a turn towards a more pedestrian type thing, with the player playing a victim who actually must survive, hence earning their title as Survival Horror), all the Elder Scroll Series (though I mostly made up the plots myself, I think a LOT of writing needs to be put into that world to make it more in depth), Alone in the Dark, and that pretty much sums it up.
People who just breeze through the main game will never really understand how indepth the Elder Scrolls games are. There's books everywhere, pick a few up and read them. Might do you some good than just watching a cut scene.

Some of the worst plots in recent memory: Ninja Gaiden 2. I'm a big fan of the series, and I enjoy 2, but I don't play it for the dialog by any means. Red Steel is another one, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune also comes to mind.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Well, Mass Effect felt very stock to me, Alone In The Dark was also along those lines.

But I really didn't like GTA 4's story. Oh wow, your cousin is a chronic liar and then gets angry at you when his loan sharks beat him up, even though they would have done that with or without you and everything that happened to him was his own fault.
Everyone seems to get angry at Niko even though he didn't do anything.

Fucking idiots.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Stormshadow243 said:
People who just breeze through the main game will never really understand how indepth the Elder Scrolls games are. There's books everywhere, pick a few up and read them. Might do you some good than just watching a cut scene.
zzzzzzzz (just kidding)

seriously though, establishing context via in-game pamphlets is pretty weak. while playing the game i understood (due to the pamphlets) that they had fleshed out an entire backstory but i never felt as if i was actively a part of a sweeping epic tale.
Apr 16, 2008
Its an awesome game otherwise, but the plot of PainKiller isnt really that special. I think it has to do with the fact that most of the cut scene animation looks like a mix between 90's era reboot and a marylin manson video.

Plus the fact that the guy has to fight legions of demons to see his wife again, but throws it all away to head down to hell to try and rescue a shirtless woman.


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Jul 8, 2008
"every Silent Hill after the first"
What about SH 2?

I would say Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 but the guy who started this topic beat me to it, I thought TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass's story was incredibly weak compared to the other Zeldas, but the worst one was Crackdown, all you do is shoot, shoot, punch, drive like a drunken moron and then
the guy you're working for is bad
then you say "fuck you I beat the game I don't care!".


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Nov 18, 2007
anNIALLator post=9.68478.631007 said:
What even WAS the plot in rainbow six vegas 2? All i knew was that there was ambiguous terrorists in las vegas then some guy from the first game turned out to be evil
HAHA, that's more plot than any Rainbow 6 game has ever had.

It's always been there are terrorists over there, KILL THEY ASS!!! And nothing more intuitive than that.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Frybird post=9.68478.630896 said:
Also, just about every Beat em' Up...why won't they realize that no one cares about the backgrounds of the Characters?
But then, when Namco released Soul Calibur IV with an all-but-nonexistent story, everyone bitched that it wasn't enough. Can't win, really.


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Jul 1, 2008
BallPtPenTheif post=9.68478.632025 said:
Stormshadow243 said:
People who just breeze through the main game will never really understand how indepth the Elder Scrolls games are. There's books everywhere, pick a few up and read them. Might do you some good than just watching a cut scene.
zzzzzzzz (just kidding)

seriously though, establishing context via in-game pamphlets is pretty weak. while playing the game i understood (due to the pamphlets) that they had fleshed out an entire backstory but i never felt as if i was actively a part of a sweeping epic tale.
Play Morrowind. And when I say play, I mean do EVERYTHING that you possibly can. Explore everything and talk to all the NPCs you can, and it's a much, much richer experience. It's practically like experiencing a country.

Oblivion, on the other hand, is best defined as... Well, homogeneous.