The Xbox 720

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
What a horrible idea, if they do this I might as well just start gaming on the PC fully, I can spend all that new console money on upgrading a PC to higher standards anyway. It's not like I won't be able to use the Xbox controller with the PC anyway, doing this is the first step towards making game consoles obsolete.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
The reason why developers like console is because they only have to optimize the game for 1 configuration, a modular console defeats that purpose. I hope the current gen will last another year or two, I just bought my PS3 last year. For high graphics gaming I have my PC.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Has anybody already pulled out the Sega 32x and the Megacd? Yes the megacd worked..if it worked. But with the Jaguar it failed.

A console is a base, a promise that there is a basic level of performance. Sure it sounds interresting to add more to a console take the HD-DVD player for the xbox 360. But .. you couldn't play games from them. why? And with the xbox 350 there is also a big problem, you can't promise a HDD for installations, patches, dlc etc.. nope because the base model had none.

So guess what even if you are able to extend offering more then the BASE.. usually means that software is made for just that.. the BASE.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
RaggedKarma said:
It's more likely they'll license the Xbox software for third-party manufacturers (with strictly defined build requirements similar to Windows Phone 7), and get themselves out of the hardware game that way. Xbox's true value proposition is really in the software, specifically Live.
3DO, look that one up, it didn't work in the end the consoles to make any money [since the makers wouldn't on the games] we're to darn expensive priced. And the guys behind 3DO did get both license money of the different parties making the hardware. And licenses on the game without taking the possible failure off it. I mean for them it was a Win-Win while for the hardware sellers it was LOSS..with possible win.

Guess what the 3DO failed!


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Smokescreen said:
you don't have to deal with all the other shit that PC players seem to enjoy.
I don't enjoy tinkering with my PC, that's why I try to keep it in shape instead of just letting everyone clog it with unnecessary programs, not letting drivers get outdated, etc.

The saying that PCs need some kind of intensive care and are somehow more complex than consoles. They aren't. I actually raged harder at PS3s than computers.

Look, some people enjoy the satisfaction of "building" something. It's like building a relationship.

Having a PC is like having a wife, having a console is like paying for prostitutes. (I just realised how creepy this sounds)

I know this sounds insulting, but it isn't. I have a 360 and it's more of a last resort or just to blow off steam. But since my PC doesn't have issues, I keep having a moderate care for it and I may not play console for a whole month.

Now, you know how much trouble being in a relationship is. If you have the right PC, it will go smoothly and with little input.

If you chose the wrong PC... oh boy, it ends up with a divorce.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
BiH-Kira said:
The authors opinion is obviously invalid and should be considered a joke.
He/she thinks that FPS games are better on consoles... seriously?

Console FPS games have aim assistance to help the game being playable at all.
There is no competitive gaming on consoles in FPS games.

Consoles are only good for fighting games and Zelda.
The rest is better of on the PC.

And congrats on reinventing the PC. Who knows, maybe people will notice it this time.
The last time PC's were invented, no on noticed them and the technology died.
Wow. It's like a perfectly preserved museum exhibit on the the stereotype Escapist PC fanboy elitist.

In all seriousness when games like BF3 start becoming more common then I'd be willing to get an upgrade. Graphics are already at a high enough standard that the highest end PC graphics I wouldn't be willing to shell out extra hundreds for. BF3 was physically inferior console game that didn't have functionality that PC had and, quite frankly, wasn't a very good game on 2/3rds of its release platforms because of it.

Consoles should always have that accessibility that makes PC's entry bar look like college degree in computer engineering. I buy a 360 game. I put it in my 360. I play it without issue.

If consoles start to stray away from that process, with the exception of only having clear and smaller scale diversions out from it like with Kinect or things along that line, then they'll lose the biggest thing they have going for them.

Mygaffer said:
". One can keep a PC for massively multiplayer online role playing games and real-time strategy games, i.e. the experiences that demand a keyboard and mouse setup for governing complicated control schemes, and run everything else on a console for ease and convenience."

You've left first person shooters off the first part for that list.
Because it's not one. Used to be. The difference is far too minor now to be put in the same category as RTS or MMOs. It's trivial.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
If this does happen, it won't be a good idea. The whole idea of the console is that it can play any game released on that system. If people enjoyed upgrading their systems to play games, they wouldn't have bought a console in the first place.

Then again, I see entertainment value. "Hardcore" console gamers would have one less thing to argue about with "hardcore" pc gamers, who would then be even more smug.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
A console should be able to run every game released for it. Just release it with enough power to last enough years. On the other hand we already have exchangable hard drives so maybe extraa RAM would be nice but that's it.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
But we already have those, I'm typing this on one now. It's called a PC. Remember? Those things that were dying...


New member
Feb 25, 2011
For this entire console generation (and perhaps for the last one as well, though with more reservation) I've felt that the time of the game console SHOULD be at an end. We're no longer at the time when a general-purpose computer was a monstrous $5000+ proposition and thus we needed purpose-built (though, still expensive - the NES was around $300+ depending on the package, while other early consoles had similarly expensive price tags) gaming machines in order to bring games to the public on an incredibly limited amount of power to be affordable.

As an advocate of open platforms (including open source) designed for the user, I've been disappointed in watching even our flexible computing convergence devices be divided into walled gardens and basically reformed for no purpose but to wrest control into the hands of corporate entities. Be it an iOS device that can't, without hacking, load programs from elsewhere than the AppStore and refuses to allow simply copy-paste access to media and codecs, or a game console where the only option to go online is to use "Their" service, the walls are higher than ever. Rather than increased technological freedom and convergence being used to better the experience, it has been locked down - look at the difficulty of legally accessing television and movie media online - because all the content producers want total control.

Modern consoles are more like PCs than ever (especially evident in the Xbox360) but with nearly all their additional "features" meant to take everything out of user hands and ensure that their games are basically held hostage on platforms designed for limitless monetization and control. Supporters will state that having a standardized platform is the benefit of consoles; not having to worry about differing hardware configurations and to a point this is correct. However, when console titles are patched and systems updated with frequency and PC titles have system requirements (as they've always had) the lines blur considerably. If the industry really wanted to, they could come up with a simple alphanumeric scale for hardware requirements.

I'm tired of having my experience dictated entirely by an industry that feels the best way to profit is to control and strangle every cent of the the market. Ever since gaming emerged from a niche population, the developers/producers realize that they no longer need to provide a high quality product at a reasonable price; why deal with those "hard to please" geeks when there are so many more who will beg with tongues outstretched for the next $15 map pack? On the backs of those that know or wish no different, the mainstream (especially Western) gaming industry has been run into the ground; corporate backers acting with impunity knowing that no matter the depravity and lack of respect, they can pretty much say "Fuck you, buy this shit and like it" and there will be enough buyers to make it profitable.

Consoles once served a purpose, but that purpose has been perverted into a way for the industry to control your living room. Tendrils are reaching out elsewhere, on the backs of Apple and the like, to try to ensure that all content is provided via a dumb terminal that is totally controlled by the manufacturer; everything must be on their terms. Your personal system, your freedom is the enemy. Its time to demand more.

I see a future with open platforms, where hardware requirements are the only things that define where a game can be played. Want to play the next Legend of Zelda game on your home-theater PC? Does it have at least "C-rank" hardware, and WiiU Controllers? Fine. Want to buy hosting for your own Gears of War match at a colocation centre, and browse to their servers? Done. You don't need to get on XboxLive if you don't want to - you can still play online with that title anywhere you choose, if you don't like XLive's ruleset or expense. Myriad beautiful JRPGs such as Valkyria Chronicles IV , built on open libraries that make it easy to play on Linux?

I've grown weary of the way gaming and consumer technology as a whole has developed; more boxes, more limits, more restrictions, more greed. Just a little over a decade ago we thought that with technological increases would come amazing leaps forward - even in entertainment. Alas, we've been held back by greed; bickering of corporate entities for which totally incompatible widget will reign and push their stock skyward. I don't have a lot of faith for the next generation lest we can rid ourselves of these poisons and move towards something better.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
This seems to defeat the very point of console gaming, making it easy for developers to develop for the platform by not having to worry about lots of variables.

I have to say though, that the overlap of Windows 8 sounds amazing. Getting pretty much the entire XBOX library on the PC if that's somehow possible, would make my life. That means games like Tales of Vesperia, Mushihimesama, Beautiful Katamari, Deathsmiles, Cross Edge, Deathsmiles II, Tekken 6, without long load times!, DoDonPachi, Espgaluda II, Eternal Sonata, Street Fighter X Tekken, Tekken X Street Fighter, all on the PC! Without using emulators!

I would just faint from the overwhelming happiness, I would. If they could somehow someday just transplant the entire XBOX library over to Windows I would finally get so many of my favourite games on the PC which I never do. Or at least nothing more than a small portion of. I don't know who I saw suggest it, but the idea of Windows 8 being compatible with all XBOX titles would be revolutionary in terms of giving the PC awesome games.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Of course, if you create modular consoles with all the trappings of PC functionality, upgrades, patches, mice and other peripherals but proprietary.......... Wait, didn't Apple already do that?

Of course, there would be a stronger case for just buying/building a PC anyway. Plus perhaps we would see less broken games due to more extensive testing, and less lazy console ports. That would be nice.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
ElPatron said:
Smokescreen said:
you don't have to deal with all the other shit that PC players seem to enjoy.
I don't enjoy tinkering with my PC, that's why I try to keep it in shape instead of just letting everyone clog it with unnecessary programs, not letting drivers get outdated, etc.
So, you have to do work to keep it up to date. Alright...

The saying that PCs need some kind of intensive care and are somehow more complex than consoles. They aren't.
Wait, what? Didn't you just say that you had to do stuff?

I actually raged harder at PS3s than computers.
Alright--but the point behind having a console is that this kind of event is the minority. Anecdotal data is meaningless and I don't mean to diminish the hassle you went through but for people who like consoles, the idea is: we don't have to put in the work that PC players have to do on their rig.

Look, some people enjoy the satisfaction of "building" something. It's like building a relationship.
Awesome. I'm going to go have sex while you get 60fps on Crysis 2. Who's better off?
/I'm razzing

Having a PC is like having a wife, having a console is like paying for prostitutes. (I just realised how creepy this sounds)
So you're comparing the kind of machine I like to the kind of women I like? That doesn't make you sound bad, and I'm sure the ladies reading this will totally understand.

I know this sounds insulting, but it isn't.
Then maybe you should've found another way to say it. There are nearly 200,000 words in the English language. Availing yourself of them, especially when communicating to strangers might help you be clearer and sound like less creepy.

I have a 360 and it's more of a last resort or just to blow off steam. But since my PC doesn't have issues, I keep having a moderate care for it and I may not play console for a whole month.
Um...good? But again, you keep having a moderate care for it whereas I don't do anything to my consoles.

Now, you know how much trouble being in a relationship is. If you have the right PC, it will go smoothly and with little input.

If you chose the wrong PC... oh boy, it ends up with a divorce.'re single and searching? Ooo, sexy.

#edited to tone it down, because I was being too confrontational. Apologies


New member
Aug 20, 2010
GonzoGamer said:
But don't people get a console so they don't have to do all that.
If you're going to go through all that may as well play the PC and get mods and everything too.
They're also going to have to start posting system requirements on console games now too.
That's exactly what I was thinking, but if they make the parts as easy to change as the hard drive is for the 360 It won't be too bad. If they make it so u have to unscrew everything and fiddle with tiny chips and wires, no-one other than people who already do that stuff with their PC's is going to go for it.

It would have to be an ejectable solid part like the 360 hard-drive that holds both the GPU and CPU together for the mainstream market to bother with it.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Smokescreen said:
ElPatron said:
Smokescreen said:
you don't have to deal with all the other shit that PC players seem to enjoy.
I don't enjoy tinkering with my PC, that's why I try to keep it in shape instead of just letting everyone clog it with unnecessary programs, not letting drivers get outdated, etc.
So, you have to do work to keep it up to date. Alright...
And I don't have to do it on consoles?

Ahahah, oh wow.

Smokescreen said:
The saying that PCs need some kind of intensive care and are somehow more complex than consoles. They aren't.
Wait, what? Didn't you just say that you had to do stuff?
So checking for a new driver every few months and backing up important data, along with scheduled anti-virus searches is "intensive"?

Smokescreen said:
I actually raged harder at PS3s than computers.
Alright--but the point behind having a console is that this kind of event is the minority. Anecdotal data is meaningless and I don't mean to diminish the hassle you went through but for people who like consoles, the idea is: we don't have to put in the work that PC players have to do on their rig.
Once I went to a friend's house to play CoD4 on his PS3, and it took him longer than it takes me to install MW2. Which is 12GB or so.

Updates, restarts, stuff not compatible with update, restarts, more stuff I don't even remember (cod4 isn't particularly recent), more updates (they took forever), and then finally play them game.

Not to mention the HDD installs. Consoles are just like computers, Sony themselves said it.

Smokescreen said:
Look, some people enjoy the satisfaction of "building" something. It's like building a relationship.
Awesome. I'm going to go have sex while you get 60fps on Crysis 2. Who's better off?
/I'm razzing
Sorry for the hipster mode on, but Crysis 2 is an obvious let down compared to Crysis.

The CryENGINE 3 is weaker and Crysis will hog more resources.

So 60 fps in Crysis 2 is pretty lame, I can pull off 120fps with medium~high settings and physics in very high @ 1680x1050.

That being said, I don't even care much about graphics.

And I normally don't care about FPS unless I am playing War§ow or games with the Quake engine.

You know, screen refresh rates...

Smokescreen said:
Having a PC is like having a wife, having a console is like paying for prostitutes. (I just realised how creepy this sounds)
So you're comparing the kind of machine I like to the kind of women I like? That doesn't make you sound bad, and I'm sure the ladies reading this will totally understand.
No, I did not compare gaming to women, I compared it to relationships.

I don't care about what the ladies think, honestly. But I think they would prefer me to treat them more like a PC than a console.

Smokescreen said:
I know this sounds insulting, but it isn't.
Then maybe you should've found another way to say it. There are nearly 200,000 words in the English language. Availing yourself of them, especially when communicating to strangers might help you be clearer and sound like less creepy.
Well, I had to pick an activity nobody could argue against me, and said activity would need two ways of being achieved: the harder and the easier.

Guess what was the only thing I could find?

Plus, the 1,000,000th word might be "noob".

Smokescreen said:
I have a 360 and it's more of a last resort or just to blow off steam. But since my PC doesn't have issues, I keep having a moderate care for it and I may not play console for a whole month.
Um...good? But again, you keep having a moderate care for it whereas I don't do anything to my consoles.
You mean you don't update their firmware? Lies.

I have had more hassle with my PSP than my xbox and PC together this month.

And I had a HDD "hick-up" that almost made me lose saved gamed on my 360.

Smokescreen said:
Now, you know how much trouble being in a relationship is. If you have the right PC, it will go smoothly and with little input.
"it will go smoothly and with little input"
lol, pun not intended.

Smokescreen said:'re single and searching? Ooo, sexy.
Taken and not searching.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
Doesn't this kind of negate the whole point of buying a console? You buy them for the stability, convenience and the fact that the software for it WILL work, right? If MS do this and Sony follow suit I may end up finally making the jump to PC and just keeping my 360 and PS3.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
LilithSlave said:
I have to say though, that the overlap of Windows 8 sounds amazing. Getting pretty much the entire XBOX library on the PC if that's somehow possible, would make my life.
It's only theoretically possible as PCs and 360s have CPUs with completely different architectures (x86/x86-64 and PowerPC respectively) which means there needs to be an emulation interface between a PC and software compiled for the 360... and almost all methods of emulation are resource intensive. The only way it would work without massive resource requirements would be if Microsoft developed a stable and reliable dynamic recompiling layer but even then it would still require a fairly hefty rig to play those games (just nowhere near as hefty as full emulation requires).


New member
Dec 6, 2007
ElPatron said:
Taken and not searching.
I get it, you're PC and hipster. You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor and you have a point to prove. Great.

Anecdotal evidence is still not actual data. Your two stories != the way it is.

If there was one thing about the current generation of consoles that bugs me: updates to the software. Can't do anything about it, and occasionaly it bricks systems, and all of those things suck, suck, suck.

The point of a console is STILL that you have to do less work to keep it going than a PC gaming rig. As long as that is the endgame, then consoles will have greater reach than a PC, for the same reason that selling beer in a store will be more effective, in terms of reaching the masses, than brewing your own.

There's nothing wrong with loving PC gaming, or being someone who loves to build their own rig. I applaud those efforts, in the same way I appreciate the skill it takes to make anything. I have no issue with someone building their PC to do what they want. I don't want to do that, because I have other things I want to spend time on but I still love to play games.

What is your problem with me wanting to have my console?