For reference, I got my PS4 in July of 2015. The controller that came with the console worked fine, so I gave it to my brother later when he got his PS4 and I got so extra controllers. One of my standards controllers would barely hold a charge and I later traded that in for a gold colored one. It worked fine at first, but the left joystick would start acting iractically or would not work at all, and you had to turn it off or back on to work. My magma red controller from 2016 surprisingly works fine and still charges. I have a dark blue (traded in that gold controller for this color) and glacier controller too, from November in 2019. So far my newers controllers work fine, and I will keep a look out.While I do agree that the battery life sucks, I'm surprised yours have died so quickly. My two controllers, which I've had for 7 years now I think (I bought a PS4 controller before I had a PS4), still perform the same as they did when I got them.