There are not enough face-palms in the world...


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
Vicarious Reality said:
I simple don't understand why tall people are looked so highly upon. It's no big deal,
Oh the irony, it burns

We all know what flies and what does not.
Oh I see what'cha did there... or what I did there...


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I do agree with the OP. Dark hair looks way more attractive to me. Also I don't see a direct correlation between height and attractiveness.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
superdevildude85 said:

I find the skinny, tall "Beautiful" Blonde to be rather sickening really.

I prefer my girls average height, bootylicious and pretty faced. I honestly couldn't care less about their hair colour. I like stroking it, not staring at it.
Someone got the meme.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Out of curiosity, what are the actual demographics for something like this? Nobody I know has ever bothered with pageants (participating or watching) and I suspect it's mostly either sad, old men or women obsessed with looks.

I'm beginning to believe this whole ideal of the tall, thin blonde that's also seen in fashion is some outdated, nonsensical notion of what constitutes an 'optimal' appearance and nobody under 30 really gives a shit anymore. Or, to phrase it more directly, if this is supposed to be what every man desires, how come no man (I've met, at any rate. To be fair, I travel in largely sexless circles) gives a shit about models/fashion/pageants? The people who hold and judge these things are just scummy weirdoes who presumably get off on judging women as being "not quite perfect enough".

I don't know. Maybe I just don't get it. Maybe I don't understand 'normal' men. The very existence of pageants has never made sense to me anyway.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
wasn't there this whole thing against the objectivication of women a little while ago?
like, an organisation, or an idealistic movement or something?

what were they called again?


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Ugh... tall blondes are alright to a certain extent, but i really don't want them to be anorexic (or however you're supposed to spell that <.<). What bothers me most about that sort of "ideal" image though is that the women tend to have fake tans as well and it's when that fake tan comes on that i scream "DO NOT WANT".

And it's not like this is any less true now that when it was released


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Well couple of things. First of all, your not hip or special for making this thread, lots of people have similar thoughts and have had them for well over a century to the point that this thread is pointless. Secondly, don't be an ignorant whiner. Beauty pageants all revolve around a cultural image of beauty, nobody gives a shit what your issue with that concept of beauty is stop trying to complain that your society has one, every culture has this concept. Thirdly, I'm sure somebody is protesting beauty pageants somewhere, go sign there petition and do something else with your time if they bug you. Compiling on the internet isn't helping anyone. Fourthly, Just to be a dick I'm going to take the postmodern approach to your modern approach and just say Que sera sera, there are pageants and some people like them, why should that upset me.

Anthony Wells

New member
May 28, 2011
well honestly i find muscles on girls attractive but they cant be overly muscular bodybuilders...a very defined six pack can be gross but a faint one isnt all bad it shows the woman can handle herself and wont need me to defend her constantly she can defend herself. i dont like paper thing anorexic models either. i still dont see anything wrong with a woman having a six pack if its not pronounced. But beauty models are far too skinny to find attractive and six packs on that would look awful and disgusting. however being all blondes is a biased and stupid thing.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
And now to the one point where I do give a shit: Weight and body: This... This...
I simply don't get this.
All of these girls were muscualar. I mean they had fucking six packs. Where is the attraction in that? WHERE? I'd prefer an overweight girl over that. And don't get me started on model anerexia. Seeing as how things like this represent popular attraction, I just want to know where that comes from!
Can I ask Why is this the point where you give a shit? The girls are showing the World what a true healthy form looks like, the balance of nutrition and exercise.
The attraction is there becuase we as humans generally look for healthy partners, anorexia Is not healthy however and really cant be used to describe the girls becuase to retain that physique they need to eat regular meals.

A better point to give a shit is why there's a Swimsuit competition other to provide public titulation of intelligent young girls for the proletarian masses.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I actually like Pageant (as in, the single by Moi Dix Mois)

As for beauty pageants though, I just let them go on doing their own thing and really couldn't care less. When it comes to height, it's awesome for roller-coaster enthusiasts as the OP mentioned. I also love being able to reach tall shelves. As for hair color, I don't care for blonde and that's another reason why I love Tangled, the Princess in that one looked SO MUCH prettier as a brunette with a pixie-cut! As for the shoes, my biggest turn-off are women in high-fucking-heels. Well really heels in general need to go away...I much prefer the comfort and natural look of sneakers (not all mind but I would rather someone wear chucks than heels). Besides if a woman really wants to look tall there's always platform boots which can be downright sexy. As for weight, it's like my GF and I say, we'd rather be fat and happy than thin and starved. If more of those beauty contestants ate more they would probably have a better understanding of the world anyway (says the foodie who wants nothing more than another helping of octopus, eel and, seaweed)


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I can give you my personal opinion/knowledge. Yellow is a "good" colour, and has been shown to be not as "threatening" (not the right word) than black or other dark hair colours (there is a reason why most villains dress in dark clothing). Similarly with height, a taller person is subconsciously seen as stronger, more attractive or better off (again not necessarily directly, but studies have shown that taller people are usually rated more attractive and in more positions of power). As for the weight, well quite simply, because that's what's popular right now what with America's fight on obesity and what not. Go back a couple centuries in England and chubby chicks were all the rage (still are in some African tribes).


New member
Nov 19, 2009
And don't get me started on model anerexia.
When anyone says "don't get me started on X", I always think of this:
"I hate this MyPod! The screen is so small, and don't get me started on today's music! [pause] I SAID, don't get me STARTED!! [pause] Well, isn't anybody gonna get me STARTED!? [pause] Fine. Come on, Mr. Teeny. Let's go to Old Navy. Maybe somebody THERE will get me started." - Krusty the Klown


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Ladies, this is for the gentlemen. Please stop reading here.

Gentlemen, please cease and desist this agreement with the op at once. The reason is simple. If we all pay lipservice to a concept of beauty that we don't really agree with, the girls that we find beautiful become insecure. They dress their best, they settle for guys who aren't perfect (i.e. most of us spending any portion of our weekend arguing in an internet forum) and lower their standards to achievable levels, while the anorexic blonde girls wonder why no one approaches them. If we let the girls know that we find most of them sexually desirable (barring the very obese, the un-hygenic, etc). They will be harder to get. For the sake of all of us, stop speaking your mind and ogle (or at least pretend to ogle) the tall, skinny blonde girl. Then go get the one you really want.

Ladies, you may begin reading again.

Obviously, I'm not serious here. ;)

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
Okay, so my family has been sitting in our living room watching that miss america pagent...

And I have nothing to say but facepalm...

I litterally cannot comprehend popular attraction in our society anymore.
So, I'm going to nitpick at a few things in this "Pagent", and I'm going to ask you, my fellow escapist brethren, (Down with the Thalmor?) what do you think of things like this, popular attraction, and just things like this "pagent" in general.

Alright, so a few things I've noticed- a good 75% of the contestents are blonde. WTF? I have no clue why blonde haired girls are reviered more attractive than natural hair color girls. Why are blondes viewed higher than other hair color? What's the big deal with this akward shade of yellow? I can understand it from a perspective of it being a recesive gene, but when so many girls go out on a limb to change their hair color to it, it looses it's rarity, it's flare. Honestly, I don't really care about hair color, but my question is why is it that so many people do.

Next up: Height. This bafles me more than hair color. What's the purpose of being tall? I'm 6'2, and height has stopped mattering to me ever sense I became tall enough to ride ALL THE ROLLER COASTERS! And now, it acts more of a curse than a "Blessing". Everyone and their mother asks me why I don't play sports, or do this with my height, or do that. I'm a skinny, scrawny weakling, is part of it. The other is I can't find fun in competitive sports, I like to do more extravagent things with my time, like rescue hostages, commet genocide on the race of dragons that wants to enslave humanity, ect, ect. but I'm getting off topic. I simple don't understand why tall people are looked so highly upon. It's no big deal, and if you look arround, almost every girl wears high heals to feel tall. Why go through what looks to be a painful expereance just to seem taller? Why mask yourself behind anything? It doesn't make sense! Who said that being tall gave you a better chance at being attractive, because for me, I don't give a shit about height.

And now to the one point where I do give a shit: Weight and body: This... This...
I simply don't get this.
All of these girls were muscualar. I mean they had fucking six packs. Where is the attraction in that? WHERE? I'd prefer an overweight girl over that. And don't get me started on model anerexia. Seeing as how things like this represent popular attraction, I just want to know where that comes from!

So, others, what are your thoughts on stuff like this, I genuanly want to know if I'm just insaine.
I'm guess you don't know much about the artistic ideal. Put quite simply, all those traits are things that society has found to be the most attractive. It harkens back to the days when the Greek Gods still owned the block (though it certainly goes back farther), namely in regards to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Golden-haired, tall, and lithe, she was the perfect woman aesthetically because each of her features were either culturally attractive of biologically:

1)Blonde: statistically speaking, Blondes are one of the rarest hair colours in the world, most people being predominantly brown- or black-haired. Because it is rare it is exotic, and exotic is always wanted because it's offers variety which partially has to do with keeping the genetic genepool from stagnating. Even though many women dye their hair, it doesn't change the fact that if you looks into an average room, blonde hair is usually going to be a minority, so it's hot.

2)Tall and muscular: This has more to do with biology than anything else. tall women are obviously bigger, and bigger people are generally more capable of doing things as they are usually stronger, tougher, and have more reach than someone smaller. That means that they are better suited to survival in their environment, hence are preferred "mates", so we subconsciously think of them as more attractive.

Now granted, this is not set in stone. Humans by their very nature are varied in their preferences, but if you look at human history you'll see this pop up almost everywhere. We're products of our environments, as a few thousand years of culture is not enough to over-write millions of years of evolution.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
As evidenced by most of the comments here,beauty pageants are pretty much viewed nowadays by most people as an irrelevency from a bygone age.When I was a kid in the 1970s,the Miss Universe pageants were frontpage news,shown in prime time & watched by pretty much everybody. I can't recall the last time I saw one on any of the major networks here in Aus.
As for the current stand of 'ideal beauty' being tall,thin and blond,this wasn't always so.Small breasted women were considered hotter in Ancient Greece,Double chins were considered hot in the 17th century,and in the Renaissance,no eyebrows and a curvy figure were the thing.
Beauty ideals tend to come out of 2 things:how rare they are and the values of the day.For example,pale women used to be the ideal,because it showed they were higher class and didn't toil at outdoor manual labor.Suntans came in the twentieth century when going on holiday to a warm place became a status symbol.A curvy figure used to indicate wealth to eat well;now thinness in often a preserve of the rich as they have time for exercise and private chefs.Also,the body type reflects changing social attitudes:think how curviness came back in the 1950s to promote fecundity and the motherly figure.Then,in the sixties,a more androgynous look was fashionable to reflect the feminist movement.

Unfortunately,as most of us DON'T fit the current standard of beauty,this sucks.For some reason,the most revered beauty is always the one hardest to achieve at the time.Lookism has been alive in all eras-just the requirements have changed.But take comfort that if you don't fit the 'ideal' of today at some time in history your look would have labelled you as a total hottie in that era.:)

Also,IMO most fashion designers are vicious queens who hate women.When most don't make sizes bigger than an AU Size 8,you know something's VERY wrong.


New member
May 27, 2009
oh hey, what a coincidence! i was JUST talking about this with a couple buddies at dinner a few hours ago.

one guy said it was like the emmys, everyone wants to see who's the best. i said, yeah well, that's art and entertainment. this pageant is just women hanging around doing nothing. he asked me if i was gay.


as for the actual women themselves, not a fan of muscles myself, but that's just some people's thing i guess. as are blondes. it's just more people have it as their thing than anyone else's thing. it's a popularity contest and the more people's thing it is, the more appreciated it will be. blame it on the mass media i guess.

as for being tall, you can just shut up. if you are not a 5 foot 5 midget like me, you will not appreciate how disheartening it is to be short.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
The reason blondes are popular is because blonde hair is a recessive trait which makes it less common which in true make it more desired, it's silly logic but people are a silly race. Height is commonly compared to authority I'm not sure why it just is. As for muscular, wait when did this happen last time I checked models were anorexic twigs that probably couldn't do a sit up, it seems like the group ideal has taken a step in the right direction to me.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I prefer short and dark-haired girls, personally. So, needless to say, these pageants don't appeal to me.

They also glorify, more often than not, some pretty looks over actual substance, which is my bigger issue, honestly. I'd probably be more likely to be attracted to girls in a Math League competition than those that are in so-called "beauty pageants".

Or maybe I just have a math fetish.