"There are spiders on a pirate ship."


New member
Jan 14, 2013
Note: Apologies for the vague title.

So. I've recently finished the original Thief for the first time. The game was atmospheric and it was awesome. However, I was scared. Not from the zombies, oh no I'd hug those. I'm talking about those spiders. Those scary eight legged arachnid bastards scare the unholy crapfest out of me. Wanting more, I went ahead and got Thief: The Metal Age. First level complete, no spiders, no zombies, no monsters. The way I love it.

Then the second level comes, Shipping and Receiving. I've just finished looting all the residents of Warehouse Building A, when I input THAT code. 6013. Mynell Stakes. I open up, and what do you know, SPIDERS. 3 of the bastards ambush me. So what do I do? I run out of the warehouse where they can't follow me, and waste 23 of my 27 broadhead arrows trying to kill all three of them because I panicked so hard. I continued in the warehouse and the ever so terrifying giant green spider is there, locked in a cage. Firing two arrows(In fear), I took care of it quickly. I went up to the second floor, opened up a freezer and sighed in relief at the dead spiders on the shelves.

Nearly 20 minutes later(I like taking my time) of ransacking building B(And freaking out at the sight of that camera thingy) and finding many secrets, I made my way to my final destination. Pirate Davidson's ship. I stepped on the boat, and I heard the dreadful hiss of spiders. I thought "Hey, those bastards are probably down there, let's just check the top of the ship. Finding 3 secrets in Davidson's cabin, I had one last thing to check, a cargo crate. I opened it, a spider flung itself at me.

Reflect on that for a second. There are spiders. ON A PIRATE SHIP. BEHIND A LOCKED CRATE.

I jumped in panic, closed the game and posted this thread. Hell, I don't know if I'm archanophobic or not, but damn it was terrifying. My veins felt like they were burning, I was sweating profusely and I was shaking.

So, what's the point of this thread? What enemy terrified the unholy hell out of you in a game? Doesn't matter what genre, what the enemy(ies) is(are) or what game it is.

Final note: Spiders suck.