There is no greater super power than mind control


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Hands down, mind control is strongest super power. Sure, you can't fly or control the weather, but you could just mind control those superhumans who can to do whatever you want. Think about, most of our problems in our lives and their solutions involve other people. Mind control would basically give you a cheat code for life:

- Unemployed and poor? Mind control someone to give you a job. Or just forget the job and mind control bank executives or rich people to give you money
- Unlucky in love? No girl or guy could resist you with mind control. A related question: would mind controlling someone to have sex with you be rape? Because technically they would consent, even if you put the idea in their head
- Doing poor in school? Turn those D-pluses into As just by looking at the instructor
- Tired of shitty games and moves? Mind control the best development houses to make exactly what you want
- etc.

You would be invincible for all intensive purposes, because anyone who wanted to arrest or kill you could be mind-controlled to love you instead. And before you mention Magneto's helmet, who says we have to play by X-men rules? Really, the only way you could stop a person like this would be with a cruise missile or nuclear bomb - basically he or she would have to be completely unaware that a threat was even present.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Brawndo said:
You would be invincible for all intensive purposes, because anyone who wanted to arrest or kill you could be mind-controlled to love you instead. And before you mention Magneto's helmet, who says we have to play by X-men rules? Really, the only way you could stop a person like this would be with a cruise missile or nuclear bomb - basically he or she would have to be completely unaware that a threat was even present.
I think you mean "intents and purposes", and no you wouldn't. You can't mind control the car you didn't see coming as you cross the street, nor can you mind control cancer or disease away.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
poiumty said:
but you could just mind control those superhumans who can to do whatever you want
Assuming there ARE superhumans for you to mind-control.

I'm pretty sure immortality would be the greatest superpower. For obvious reasons. Mind control me all you want, YOU'RE. GOING. TO DIE.
Immortality would suck. []

With mind control, you can still be killed by natural disasters, disease, accidents, or sneak attacks. And there aren't necessarily other superhumans to mind control.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Mind control/manipulation, psh, History Manipulation is way more powerful.

*Want to hide/kill someone? Write them out of history, at least until you want to bring them back.
*Did you get hurt? Just write that part out and you are okay.
*Did something not happen to your liking? Rewrite it so that things go right.
*Can't bring yourself to ask that girl/guy out on a date? Write history in a way that that person has already fallen for you.

And don't get me started on border manipulation.


New member
May 1, 2008
what the fuck is history manipulation? don't you mean time manipulation?

mind control isn't even close to being the best way of manipulating. how about being able to control atoms? quarks? potential control of tachyons, granting you the powers of fate? and you think that mind manipulation will dominate?

try harder.

EDIT: also, by the time we are able to attain immortality, we would be highly modular beings. since you are by definition immortal, you could make heavy changes to your body to create the best circumstances for living in the distant future.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Clearly the greatest superpower is the ability to control time. Just think about it for a second, say that you find out that there's some supervillain somewhere hatching some plot. You can freeze time, take as long as you need to get to him, walk straight into his lair, pick him up, put him in a truck, deposit him in prison, and unfreeze time. Bam, you're done. There's essentially no possibility of failure.

Not to mention the fact that you'd be able to sleep for as long as you wanted every day and never have to worry about being late for school/work.

Mace Tulio

New member
Feb 5, 2011
Jerious1154 said:
Clearly the greatest superpower is the ability to control time. Just think about it for a second, say that you find out that there's some supervillain somewhere hatching some plot. You can freeze time, take as long as you need to get to him, walk straight into his lair, pick him up, put him in a truck, deposit him in prison, and unfreeze time. Bam, you're done. There's essentially no possibility of failure.

Not to mention the fact that you'd be able to sleep for as long as you wanted every day and never have to worry about being late for school/work.
I agree, time control is far superior to mind control. Especially if you master selective time control, allowing you to for example freeze the aging of your body without freezing time itself. Instant infinite life!


New member
Oct 1, 2008
theklng said:
what the fuck is history manipulation? don't you mean time manipulation?

mind control isn't even close to being the best way of manipulating. how about being able to control atoms? quarks? potential control of tachyons, granting you the powers of fate? and you think that mind manipulation will dominate?

try harder.

EDIT: also, by the time we are able to attain immortality, we would be highly modular beings. since you are by definition immortal, you could make heavy changes to your body to create the best circumstances for living in the distant future.
Time manipulation seems to be more of controlling the rate at which time moves around you while your own rate of passing through time remains unchanged, manipulation of space so that you don't suffocate and actually being able to move objects is an added bonus. What I mean is if you were to say stop time, you've reduced the rate at which time moves around you to zero X units/X units or X units squared. However, you will still be able to move around at the same pace as before. Or let's go the opposite route and speed up time, everything around you is moving at a faster pace because you've increased the rate at which time flows around you while your passage through time is still the same as before.

The problem with time manipulation is that if you stop time or slow down time too often, you'll die before a lot of people you know because you couldn't change the rate at which you yourself pass through time. So while you stopped time for an hour to do something, when time starts again, you'll have aged one extra hour compared to everyone else.

History manipulation is taking what's already happened and changing it to your desire.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I'm pretty sure that Hypersonic Speed is the best super power, given that they give it to the least amount of pieces in Heroclix :D