There is no greater super power than mind control

Feste the Jester

New member
Jul 10, 2009
Nah. Telekinesis is way better. With a little creativity, it can be used to do anything, include stop attacks and allow you to fly.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I always thought that mind reading was an extremely underrated power. I justified it's usefulness using most of the same arguments that you did.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
poiumty said:
ultrachicken said:
poiumty said:
but you could just mind control those superhumans who can to do whatever you want
Assuming there ARE superhumans for you to mind-control.

I'm pretty sure immortality would be the greatest superpower. For obvious reasons. Mind control me all you want, YOU'RE. GOING. TO DIE.
Immortality would suck. []
Hey, i'll take my chances. When this planet blows up, i'll journey through the stars looking for new civilizations. And since my perception of time speeds up, it won't even feel like a long time. Win-win.
Just because your perception of time speeds up eventually doesn't mean that it wouldn't seem like a long time when you are launched into space. Assuming you even land near another civilization, by then however much time you spend there would seem like only an instant.

And you completely ignored all of the other points made in that article.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
As great as it may be if I had a choice between mind control and say teleportation I'd choose teleportation no question. Yes, it would be cool but it's also immoral and if you're controlling the way everyone around you acts then I think that would get incredibly annoying. It would be fake so I have no interest in it myself.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Ever played Second Sight?

The mind control bits were pretty good, except you were as VULNERABLE AS A BABY while doing them.

Seriously, I hated using mind control if there was more than one guard around, because you don't even have a chance to recover if someone finds you in a trance.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
No need for power t have all powers. The BEST super power would be Infallibility. If you cant be wrong you could simply say I can fly and you would be able to because you cannot be wrong. you could basically do whatever you want because you would be god. and THAT is check and mate!


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Assuming you have the mental capabilities to control A LOT of people simultaneously it possibly ranks in 3rd in terms of super powers, does this include reading their minds first otherwise all it would take is a random stabbing or ANYTHING ELSE your weren't completely expecting to kill you.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
Your along the right lines, mental aspects that would be useful, but I would like to say that I beleive Psychoportation would be much stronger than a mind control superpower


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Mind control cant save you from a gun, and remember, mind control isnt something that you just do and forget (no pun intended). It follows two rules (maybe more):
1) You have to have CONSTANT focus and control over the person's mind. Oka, maybe you can do that and keep your mind on what youre doing iwth one guy. Now lets say you're stuck in the middle of a gang, thousands of guys. You gonna mind control ALL of them, at the same time, exerting all the mental strength required, while having your mind focus on your body too? I somehow doubt it.
2) it will wear off. That means that at different times, since you didnt just mind control everyone at once. Also, you have no idea when it will wear off, since the stronger the mind, the less time they'll be under control. So lets say you fall asleep, and the control wears off. Guess who's screwed.

Also, you're talking about radius, and thats gonna exert energy. You could kill yourself just trying to control someone, especially if they can fight back (center a piece of their mind away and defend, keeping some free thought that can be later called upon).

Best superpower is time control mixed with an incredible sense of intuition (spidy sense). you know if I sniper fired a bullet at you from a mile away, can freeze time, move, go the person and kill them.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Guy32 said:
I always thought that mind reading was an extremely underrated power. I justified it's usefulness using most of the same arguments that you did.
His arguments dont work for mind reading. Sure, you can read the mind, but not control it. So... thats bascially you saying, "hey, that sniper a mile away is gonna kill me. I should stop him."

Only it would be more like " Hey, that sni- ARG!" and hten you die. assuming they're even in your radius.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Complete control over matter down to the subatomic level. I can remake your brain to listen to my every command. Or turn it into jelly. And I have every power ever.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Lunar Shadow said:
The ultimate ability is the manipulation of physics
The ability to manipulate energy would be pretty much the same thing, right?
Because that would be the best superpower. I dare you, try to find one superpower that doesn't fold under manipulating energy.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
The "best" superpower is entirely relative; namely, because someone will always find a way around it. Mind control? Meet the one person on earth who can counter-read your mind.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Except for you could have invulnerability and (depending on how far you stretch that) never die. You can't control the world but you could be very very persistent.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Brawndo said:
Hands down, mind control is strongest super power. Sure, you can't fly or control the weather, but you could just mind control those superhumans who can to do whatever you want. Think about, most of our problems in our lives and their solutions involve other people. Mind control would basically give you a cheat code for life:

- Unemployed and poor? Mind control someone to give you a job. Or just forget the job and mind control bank executives or rich people to give you money
- Unlucky in love? No girl or guy could resist you with mind control. A related question: would mind controlling someone to have sex with you be rape? Because technically they would consent, even if you put the idea in their head
- Doing poor in school? Turn those D-pluses into As just by looking at the instructor
- Tired of shitty games and moves? Mind control the best development houses to make exactly what you want
- etc.

You would be invincible for all intensive purposes, because anyone who wanted to arrest or kill you could be mind-controlled to love you instead. And before you mention Magneto's helmet, who says we have to play by X-men rules? Really, the only way you could stop a person like this would be with a cruise missile or nuclear bomb - basically he or she would have to be completely unaware that a threat was even present.
The ultimate superpower is the ability to sense and manipulate energy with your mind. If you can do that, you can literally do anything. Mind control, control the chemical energy in the brain. Telekinesis, control the kinetic energy of an object and/or warp gravitational fields. Super-strength, ignoring tactile kinesis, you can still manipulate the chemical, kinetic, and potential energy in your body to synthesize as much strength as you need. Telepathy, sense the electrical and chemical energy in a persons mind. Need someone to die, combust them, break the bonds between their atoms, increase gravity, draw and quarter them with kinetic energy, choose an energy and turn it against them.

It is the ultimate, because you can do anything with it. Even if it was limited to your sight-line, you would still basically be a god.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
I agree. It's the most practical superpower for everyday life.
Don't like waiting in lines? I command you plebeians to step aside, I have things to do!
Tired of working for a living? Just go on down to the bank and demand as much cash as you need!
In trouble with the police? Make that douche bag neighbor of yours confess to your crimes, two birds one stone!

Plus Immortality eventually becomes more of a curse than a blessing. Whoopity-doo I can't die, too bad I'm going to outlive anybody I'll ever care about. Oh great, I fell in this pit like the guy from that movie and have to cut off my arm to escape, only my wounds keep healing when I try to get free, guess I'll just live here forever now.
Also, being able to manipulate matter and physics just takes the challenge out of everything. At least with mind control if you wanted a sandwich you had to make it yourself or deal with the mental strain of forcing someone else to make you one. If you can just materialize a sandwich out of nothing it's just boring.