"There is nothing wrong being racist"


New member
May 25, 2011
No, no, I didn't say that, but a good friend of mine did.

So, this friend watched American History X yesterday, a movie which tells about dangers of racism and what it can cause. Today he said something about the movie: "Best parts where those where niggers were killed"
I was shocked... I told him that the movie was supposed to be against racism. After that he said "Well I'm a racist and there is nothing wrong about being racist. I don't like black people"

Of course I started arguing against it, but he just got angry and said that being racist is his choise and I can't start whining about it to him.

But the thing is, he has had a black friend and he has been with one of my black friends. So I asked him "But wasn't she a nice girl?" (referring to my black friend). He responded "Yeah, but she wasn't foreigner", "So you dont like foreigner people?" "Yeah, but most of them are black", "So what about that chinese guy just 2 doors away from us?"(The friend is also my roommate), "Oh yeah, I dont like chinese people either"

I started arguing that you can't judge people just for their skin colour or where they come from, but I could see how he were getting angry so I stopped. He gets angry very easily and I don't want that to happen.

I don't know if I should punch him to the face, laugh at him or just cry because there really are people who think like that. Here you don't really meet any racist people. Yes we might say something racist but it's always said in a sarcastic way so we don't really mean it(Or atleast thats what I do). But my friend is serious...

So, do you have any racist friends and what do you think about them? Personally, I think I can't look at my friend the same way anymore...

Lazier Than Thou

New member
Jun 27, 2009
There's certainly something wrong with being a racist, but I really don't think it's the heinous thing people make it out to be. I, personally, don't judge people based upon groups as I'm a strict individualist, but I can see how people would get to their perspective.

Race isn't just skin color, it goes deeper than that. Biology influences human behavior and race certainly has a biological component. That doesn't mean one group is better or worse, just that they're different. To see this difference and to assign worth based upon it is ignorant(as you clearly pointed out), but it's neither unusual nor the most terrible thing a person can do.

I don't have any racist friends, but I also really don't have many friends so it's kind of a non starter with me.


New member
Jun 6, 2011
I think everyone who posts on the internet about race should say what race they are first, if only because it would make it absolutely bloody obvious why it is that some people don't think racism is that bad, or that it's a "thing" anymore. (Hint: if you don't notice racism or think it's that bad, you've probably not spent much time on the receiving end of it.)

I'm white, but I'm also not stupid, wilfully ignorant or blind.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
It's irrational to judge based on race, though going by your friend's statements I assume he isn't too bright. The only changes race confers upon people are in relation to coping with the local environment. I would suggest trying to explore the causes or rationalization of his racism, or perhaps his justifications for it rather than objecting to it outright, albeit going by my estimates of his intelligence I think it would be a waste of time.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Clearly we're all racist...ists.

I dunno. I think racism is pretty stupid but there really isn't anything we can do about it. Nobody is ever going to be convinced by any arguement, I think.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Your friend is a tool.

I'd tell people what he said.

get him on another rant and record it, just for proof.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I think you need a new friend.

Sorry that's all I have to contribute, but that's a sincere suggestion.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Actively partaking in racism, and even passive racism is always bad. Disliking someone's culture is not necessarily racist, but discrimination is.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
And here I had just made a topic earlier today asking the question "is racism really a problem in the US?"


As for your friends...yeah, I'd try to get a new roommate (from the sound of things I'm guessing you're living in a dorm, though, so that might be awkward no matter what). While it is true that if the Freedom of Speech protects the KKK then your jackass friend does have every right to say and believe what he does. Does that make him right? Of course not. Just like how the vast majority of America disagrees with the KKK and its views, so too would the vast majority of America disagree with your friend and his views.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
I guess technically there's nothing wrong with racism, by using the basis that we all judge people superficially anyways, why stop at skin color.

Nonetheless I still think it's stupid, you're friend is stupid[footnote]no offense to you[/footnote], and unfortunately nobody is going to be changed unless they want to change

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
ms_sunlight said:
I think everyone who posts on the internet about race should say what race they are first, if only because it would make it absolutely bloody obvious why it is that some people don't think racism is that bad, or that it's a "thing" anymore. (Hint: if you don't notice racism or think it's that bad, you've probably not spent much time on the receiving end of it.)

I'm white, but I'm also not stupid, wilfully ignorant or blind.
Bingo. Every time I see someone making excuses for racism, I want to come back with "your privilege is showing" or something along those lines.

OP, you need better friends. Take that as you will.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010

But this guy sounds like more than a "little bit" racist. My advice: never speak to him again.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Being a racist that doesn't act on it isn't as bad as people would have you believe. Sure it would be nice if everyone liked everyone and got along but we all know that ain't happening. If they don't act on it they aren't really hurting anyone but themselves anyways.

Now if he starts acting on it (even so much as calling a black person a ****** to their face) there are issues, albeit many are protected under the first amendment in the US. That is a whole different issue, however.

Reggie Rock

New member
Jan 12, 2012
I've had bad encounters with australian aboriginals and so i have an opinion on them different to that of others.
I have backup racism. I will treat every person equally and with respect on first encounter/ with no prior knowledge of them. However if they prove to be a dick, they shall incur my hatred. Racism is something i will use in altercations with these people for extra verbal ammo.

Capt. Crankypants

New member
Jan 6, 2010
Racism is weird. It's also interesting because personal opinion never hurt anyone, it's only people who act upon it that cause problems. For example, a guy who harbours unjustified ill-will towards, let's say, Chinese, just walks down the street, minding his own business, being a normal person, no-one knows, cares, everyone is still happy. It's only if those feelings cause him to start abusing people where problems occur.

You could argue as well of course that it's all a part of free speech, just as it is that I really don't like children. Is automatically hating me for disliking children okay? Is it the same as automatically hating people who dislike certain other people based on their own traits or behaviour? Interesting questions, no?

Personally, I think people, usually the more vocal, obnoxious, annoying ones are always too quick to cry 'racism'. I mean at ANYTHING. Is one colour slightly less represented in a certain film/game/whatever than another? Did they make the bad guy Black or Asian? Oh my, they must be RACISTS! -.- Those people spoil everything for everyone, and I dislike them.

By the way, don't we have enough sensationalism these days? Can we please stop with the misleading and/or controversial headlines?

VIDEOGAMES ARE GAY! - "lol, I didn't say that, but my friend did, what do you think?"
Annoys the crap out of me. Just speak your mind. 'My friend thinks videogames are gay...' is a much better thread title.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
There's something wrong with abusing others in a racist manner
But with sexism and racism and homophobia I believe everyone has the right to like and dislike whoever they like, even if it is due to something being skin deep.
I'm not really a racist sexist homophobic myself, but everyone deserves a right to hold their opinion, no matter how wrong ethically it may be, as long as they don't voice it.
Therefore I believe there is nothing wrong about being a racist.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I don't seem to have so much of racist tendencies as hating stupid people. As every race on the globe has 'em, my hatred runs everly across the board.

You're welcome.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
The Red Goblin said:
I've had bad encounters with australian aboriginals and so i have an opinion on them different to that of others.
I have backup racism. I will treat every person equally and with respect on first encounter/ with no prior knowledge of them. However if they prove to be a dick, they shall incur my hatred. Racism is something i will use in altercations with these people for extra verbal ammo.
Yeah, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. It's not that I'm racist towards anyone either, but I just don't particularly prefer some races. That's just me though. I don't hate them or anything, and I for sure don't judge them by race or skin colour. But still, I just won't put some at the top of my preferences list. It's just how I am. Take that as you will Internet.