These Films Should Have Won "Best Picture," Rotten Tomatoes Says


New member
Jun 8, 2015
These Films Should Have Won "Best Picture," Rotten Tomatoes Says


And yet again, it appears that Tremors has been screwed over.

If there's one thing I've learned in my years as a highfalutin movie blogger, it's that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has *never* picked the correct winner for Best Picture in the 87-year history of the Oscars. Not. Once. I thought they got it right last year with Birdman, but according to at least a few hundred Youtube, reddit, and Facebook comments, I was wrong. Dead wrong. Who woulda guessed?

It all comes down to one simple fact, I've learned: Movies are art, and art is subjective (a guy by the name of Squidboy64 taught me that after insulting me ferociously). If only there were some quantifiable means of determining that one movie was in fact better than another -- an aggregation website, if you will, that used compiled hundreds of critical reviews and converted them into percentages that determined if a movie was either viewed, say, "favorably" or "unfavorably."

What? You say there's a website that does exactly that, and has actually been doing it for years?!! I'VE LEARNED NOTHING.

Well now that my universe has been shattered, I guess I might as well pass along some data from this Rotten Tomatoes site you speak of.

Originally compiled by James Story of [], the gallery below (presented in semi-random order, because our viewer SUCKS) looks back at every previous "Best Picture" winner in Oscar history and determines which film REALLY should have won based on its "Tomatometer" score (whatever that is).


The result? An Academy that has only chosen the correct Best Picture winner 26% of the time. You hear that? The Internet was right. The Internet...was right...

Even more startling than that figure was the revelation that I, a famed movie blogger/pornography historian/weekend exorcist, was wrong about Birdman being 2014's best picture. It was actually Selma, which is a great oversight to make public in these #BoycottTheOscars times. Way to go, James. Way to go.

Head over to Elmshow [] for more facts and raw data, then let us know how you plan to use this knowledge to obliterate your friends in your next heated movie debate.

Source: Elmshow []



Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
This is a case of the Special Olympics of movies: winning an Academy Award (where shit movies like Crash will beat out masterpieces like Good Night, and Good Luck or Munich when it never should have even been nominated) or being loved by Rotten Tomatoes (where a painfully average movie like Toy Story will get a 99%, or honestly most Pixar movies will get 80s or 90s just by virtue of being Pixar movies even though their post Wall-E movies have been more miss then they've been hit).


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Picture 5 has:

Funny Girl

And now I can't stop thinking about an android Barbra Streisand fighting Super Sayan Omar Sharif.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Honestly, Birdman was way better than Gravity. And I genuinely liked Gravity.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I figured we all knew by now that the Academy Award judges usually don't pick the film that deserves to win. I'm still bitter that Wreck-it Ralph and The Lego Movie got shafted.

Zontar said:
This is a case of the Special Olympics of movies: winning an Academy Award (where shit movies like Crash will beat out masterpieces like Good Night, and Good Luck or Munich when it never should have even been nominated) or being loved by Rotten Tomatoes (where a painfully average movie like Toy Story will get a 99%, or honestly most Pixar movies will get 80s or 90s just by virtue of being Pixar movies even though their post Wall-E movies have been more miss then they've been hit).
...Those are fighting words, good sir.


Social Justice Rogue
Feb 1, 2011

I must tell you, the majority of your article has potentially lethal levels of sarcasm buildup present. The readings on our sarcasmographs are off the scale. They have, in fact, been broken. There is simply too much sarcasm.

We are sending a cleanup team to your location for decontamination and medical treatment.

You will also be receiving a bill for breaking our equipment.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Hold on... How Green Was My Valley beat Citizen Kane? The only explanation is that the academy was on drugs. Like, all of them. That's all that can be said.

P.S. Thanks
Nov 28, 2007
Covarr said:
Hold on... How Green Was My Valley beat Citizen Kane? The only explanation is that the academy was on drugs. Like, all of them. That's all that can be said.

P.S. Thanks
Actually, Citizen Kane wasn't all that popular when it came out. It made back its budget, but little more. Why? Well, Mr. Kane was very heavily based on William Randolph Hearst, who happened to be one of the biggest media magnates at the time. When Mr. Hearst got wind of it, he ordered his say absolutely nothing about the movie.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Its rotten tomatoes though. just like the name says, that site is rotten and if you use it youll get poisoned.

Covarr said:
Hold on... How Green Was My Valley beat Citizen Kane? The only explanation is that the academy was on drugs. Like, all of them. That's all that can be said.

P.S. Thanks
I have never seen "How Green Was My Valley", but im willing to believe that. Citizen Kane on the other hand i have seen (last year). Was serverely unimpressed. Yes, at the time techniques used was revolutionary, but as a movie it is a boring dredge of a film. I wouldnt even go as far as to consider it mediocre.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
There is no way the Academy could have gotten away with awarding Gravity the Oscar over 12 Years A Slave. I've never personally seen it but it was far too politically charged for it to get away with a simple nomination.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Sorry, but many cases are wrong in Rotten Tomatoes as well: Gravity is good, but it is nowhere near 12 years a Slave good; Gladiator is better than Crouching Tiger; Jaws can't be better rated than Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Field of Dreams is seriously overrated.

Of course, it is all subjective, so my choices have a chance of being as wrong as the Oscars, but the rotten tomatoes are just as wrong...

The Real Sandman

New member
Oct 12, 2009
marioandsonic said:
Zontar said:
a painfully average movie like Toy Story
...Those are fighting words, good sir.
Yet it is completely true, especially the third one. Toy Story 3 is an enjoyable movie sure, but it is easily the weakest in the series. There were way too many characters for the film to focus on, some of the logic in the narrative was very contrived, and the plot is a near beat for beat retread of Toy Story 2 [].

The only saving grace of the film was that it added closure to the series, but now that closure is rendered meaningless with Toy Story 4 in production.

What I'm about to say is not directed to anyone I've quoted in this post, but merely related to the topic at hand.

Can we please stop acting like Pixar is infallible? Their films have been getting more mediocre after WALL-E, and lately it seems they've changed into a sequel and merchandise factory like Disney. For the love of everything, Inside Out was a new IP, yet they were selling butt-loads toys and promotional products of the film months before release!

At this point, many other studios, both in Hollywood and in the indie scene, have caught up with Pixar in creating eye popping animated films. How to Train Your Dragon 2(Dreamworks), Rango(Paramount), ParaNorman(Laika), and Song of the Sea(indie collaboration) are some of the lushest and most visually impressive animated films made in last several years. On top of that, they're very good films.

Besides Up, the latest crop of Pixar have been bland and forgettable in terms of narrative and visuals. While they have yet to make a terrible film, it still doesn't change the fact that Pixar is turning into the same "moichendisin' []" entity that Disney is.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Alright time to rant/say what I think:

1. Wizard of Oz over Gone With The Wind? Why do people like Wizard of Oz so much? And Gone of the Wind is just as much a charming movie.

2.Sense and Sensibility over Braveheart?

3.I'm surprised they picked The Quiz Show over Forrest Gump and not The Shawshank Redemption or Pulp Fiction, Especially the Shawshank fanbase.

4. The Hustler over West Side Story? Yeah fuck you Rotten Tomatoes The Hustler got nothing on this:

5.Nah Godfather Part 2 is superior to any of the competition in that year even Coppola's The Conversation.

6 American Graffiti? That movie is BORING. You should have added the Exorcist.

7.Jaws!!?? And not Dog Day Afternoon?!

8. I am split between Rocky and Taxi Driver because well I love Scorsese but Taxi Driver is not my absolute favorite of his work.

9. Of all the movies I expected to get replaced the most, I am surprised that STAR WARS did not replace Annie Hall? I mean you put Jaws in there but not Star Wars?!

10. Hannah and her Sisters over Platoon?! Quite possibly my absolute favorite Vietnam War movie even more so than Deer Hunter and Apocalypse Now? And I think the Annie Hall still winning is now more clear, the people are obviously Woody Allen fans :p

11.Born on the 4th of July > Driving Miss Daisy/Field of Dreams

12. American in Paris, Bridge on the River Kwai, and Ben-Hur is better than what Rotten Tomatoes voted for :p

The 2000s part, Oh boy where do I begin, but that is for the next post because this is too much for me.


New member
Aug 2, 2015

1. Juno.....JUNO!!!??? That painfully white and hipster-ish movie whose comady is so white and suburban that I just facepalm so much?

No Country For Old Men blows Juno out of the water, even than No Country For Old Men is still not as good as my favorite of the year, THERE WILL BE BLOOD!!!, That movie and Daniel Day Lewis' performance Blows the 2 other movies out of the universe.


2. The Departed is good but I would not replace it with The Queen, I prefer Letters from Iwo Jima.

3. Since they chose Lord of the Rings 2 and 3 I am surprised they did not added the first movie over A Beautiful Mind.

4. I never understood why Crash gets so much hate? I mean what is wrong with the movie that people says it was undeserved? Anyway I personally would have prefered Munich.

5. Up? I like Up but I don't see it as completely Oscar worthy, I prefer District 9.

6. Slumdog Millionaire has the most interesting premise and plot than just some typical drama movie about a Gay Rights Activist.

7. Gladiator and Croutching Tiger or evenly matched.

Now on to the 2010s.

1. I get it mainstream internet, You love Pixar. But Toy Story 3 is just average. I did not see much of 2010 movies so I don't know.

2.I thouhgt people hated the Oscars for voting Argo because it was the second movie to win Best Picture because the movie itself had story that revolved around movies and filmmaking?

3. Wolf of Wall Street>>>>>>>Gravity/12 years a Slave.

4. And here I was expecting they vote Boyhood :p

Me I think Birdman was an OK movie.


New member
Jun 1, 2012
How about we just go with the following:

"If you don't like what I like then fuck yourself". So tired of this whole 'I need to be validated in my like/dislike of "whatever the fuck"'.

Every awards show these days is just "industry name here" sucking off its own cock and I really dont give a shit. And painful to say - but the same is true with RT. RT - stop masturbating while lubing up with the idea that your opinion fucking matters. It doesn't.

I like some objectively terrible movies.
I dislike some objectivly great movies.

If you think otherwise thats fine. Really no problem.
But if you want to tell me i'm wrong and you're right because "reasons".

Nuh. Nuh-uh-uh. And btw your mothers a whore.

TL;DR Try to have a mind that makes up its own opinions and ideas rather than relying on everyone else to do your thinking for you.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
Alright time to rant/say what I think:

1. Wizard of Oz over Gone With The Wind? Why do people like Wizard of Oz so much? And Gone of the Wind is just as much a charming movie.
I agree that this is one of he cases where the Academy got it right. Gone with the Wind is more problematic than the family-friendly Wizard of Oz, but is overall a better film.

That said, 1939 was a great year for movies. Films that would have taken Best Picture in other years lost out to the magnificent Gone with the Wind include Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Ninotchka, Of Mice and Men, Stagecoach (which I admittedly haven't seen), Wuthering Heights, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and of course The Wizard of Oz.